Pebble Mine – SAVE Bristol Bay NEWS UPDATE

The world’s largest sockeye salmon fishery is home to Bristol Bay, Alaska.

Good News from EPA….but We still need your communication support.  CLICK BELOW.

  • Battle is Not Over
  • Help Us Protect the World’s Largest Sockeye Salmon Fishery
  • Contact Elected Officials With LINK BELOW

By Rachel James

During January (2018), we received some good news from the EPA about Pebble Mine, however there is still a long way to go to before Bristol Bay is protected.

The mine plan they filed with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers makes it clear that the Pebble Mine in phase one alone would dramatically impact the world’s largest sockeye salmon fishery. And to be clear: the proposal they’ve put forth now is only the beginning.

Please take a moment to tell our elected officials to hold Pebble’s permit application to the highest standards of review possible.

We’ll likely see a national public comment period on Pebble’s proposed plan in March, 2018.

Until we do, let’s keep the pressure on our elected officials.

Thank you for contacting them about the proposed Pebble Mine today.