Fang and Pit-Viper Boot Protection

  • Snakes in Florida and elsewhere are part of life, if you hike, hunt or camp in wilderness areas – go prepared.
  • You’ll need comfortable, waterproof boots to insure your safety in thick brush and swampland.
  • Medical treatment for a venomous snakebite can exceed $100,000 – the cost of protective boots is an investment in your safety and financial security. 

By Forrest Fisher

When I approached retirement age in snow country, my better half and I considered finding warmer weather during the chilly, deep snow season of Western New York. We looked west, south, and finally, deep south, finding a rental we used for a few months each year for five years. We discovered that Southwest Florida offers a continuous supply of warm days and nights from January through April every year. These are the heavy lake-effect snow months of eastern Lake Erie landscapes; our house was only a few miles from ski resort country. Moving south unlocked new adventures and challenges, more than the sunny beach life, especially since I like to fish, hunt and hike in the bush country wherever we travel.

Thick-bodied eastern diamondback rattlesnakes are fairly common in south Florida and in many areas of the southern USA. Stay aware when hiking. Marvin Grant photo.

We discovered that the southwest Florida critters of the outdoors were to be respected, and we needed to learn how to be better protected when going into the wildland areas of the area. Poisonous spiders, lengthy alligators and crocodiles, flying insects, and heavy, thick snakes are relatively common when you leave the settled civilization areas here.  If you’re careful when walking a well-traveled hiking trail, you can see many of the larger critters, but the venomous snakes are so well camouflaged that they easily disguise their location as you travel the wilds. Especially when hunting in the jungle areas for deer or turkey.

These Irish Setter Terrain snake boots pull out easily when you step into muck. I like that for walking in Forida swamp land.
Stay out of the woods in snake and bug area without one of these kits in your pocket. They are carried at Walmart, Bass Pro, and other stores.

So, our first addition to outdoor gear was footwear. After a lengthy search for snake-tested boots, we settled on the Irish Setter Terrain boots. I like them for many reasons, but the biggest is that they are pit-viper tested, and the internal protective Snakeguard liner runs from the toe to the top edge of the boot. Many venomous snakes down here are enormous in physical thickness and length. Copperheads, eastern diamondbacks, timber rattlesnakes, pygmy rattelsnakes, water moccasins, coral snakes and others are among the common venomous snakes here. Nobody needs to worry about boot puncture from venomous fangs and sharp-pointed cactus-like palmetto brush with razor edges. The old phrase “snake in the grass” is not uncommon here for actual snake sightings. We carry a Sawyer Snake Bite kit with us whever we go because it works for bug bites on the beach too.

Next, the camo patterns they offer are perfect for all-weather hunts, we like the photorealistic 3D imagery of the Mossy Oak® Obsession camo.  The pattern has the best visual concealment for whatever species you’re hunting.  The boots are waterproof with their impregnated leather and fabric panels that combine to make them something I need for a long life.  I regularly walk in streams and swamp land, and my feet must stay dry. Above that, I’m abusive with my footwear because I have really big feet, and I often purchase footwear in a smaller size that is not nearly long enough for my clodhoppers.  I need a size 14 boot wide boot. Very few companies carry this size, but Irish Setter does. The boots also needed traction because I frequently amble around in these nasty, swampy areas. What’s cool about the Terrain snake boots is that they not only are waterproof and have traction, but when you step into a muddy creek bottom of silty muck, these boots pull out easily. I’m not sure how they did that, but these boots have the easiest “pull-out” force of any of my rugged boots, where I experience loving life outdoors.

In Florida, we hunt wild boars, too. These wild pigs are tough, and they hide in the thickest areas of the Florida underbrush. So do many varieties of snakes. Locals advise everyone here to come prepared to “dig around” when boar hunting on your own.

The old phrase “snake in the grass” is not uncommon here for actual snake sightings, especially when you’re hiking and hunting.

Wild boars, like Florida whitetail deer, have a good scent detection mode. If you smell like a human, the boars will smell you coming a hundred yards away, and you’ll never see them. If you’re sitting in a ground blind, you’ll wonder if any boars exist where you are because they will go around you. These Terrain boots come with an exclusive scent control formula that is added to the boot materials, killing the bacteria that cause odors. This feature ensures that your boots remain odor-free, reducing the chances of detection by animals with a keen sense of smell. Problem solved.

Among other ‘most important’things I like about these boots are two more things. I have worn knee joints from 30 years of jogging. I never missed a day, rain or shine. Jogging allowed me to control the pressure of daily business meetings over all that time, but my knees took a toll – six miles a day wore out those ball joints. These boots are made with a cushy, high-rebound material in the heel and foot that provides relief with every step. These boots were made for comfort, I should know.  Even the internal materials seem to stretch in every direction, providing a padded-like feel to them. With these boots, you can walk for miles without feeling the strain. The day becomes a comfortable and relaxed outdoor experience.

The initial dose of antivenom for a snakebite can be $40,000 to $70,000. The cost of medical care for a venomous snakebite can vary depending on the type of snake and where you are, but it is often more than $100,000. These boots cost $239 retail, less during hunting season sales. But who cares about the cost of boots when the other option to save your life is in six figures? With these boots, you’re investing in your safety and financial security. I like that.

After three years, I have almost worn out my first pair, but they have hundreds of miles on them. These boots are the Irish Setter Terrain 2746, if you go looking.

Honey, can I have the credit card?


Dazzled by Dipsy Divers: a MEMORABLE Lake Erie walleye and steelhead fishing adventure

  • Diving Plane colors do not matter to the fish.
  • Let the fish tell you what lure and what shape they want.
  • Multiple lines and multiple depths are simple with Dipsy Divers.
A Dipsy Diver and an assortment of stickbaits and a worm harness that veteran walleye angler Rob Oram uses when fishing on Lake Erie.

By David Figura

It was an October Lake Erie fishing trip that began mid-morning in Chautauqua County, New York, out of Barcelona Harbor, on a windy but sunny fall day.

It ended a couple of hours later with an impressive catch of walleye (we boated 23 keepers between 17 and 29 inches) and two nice-sized steelhead, all from using a fishing technique that blew me away by its effectiveness.

Having fished elsewhere for walleye, I’ve caught them drifting and jigging, trolling with downriggers and just plain casting.  Our guide, Rob Oram, a veteran walleye tournament angler of more than 20 years on the lake, introduced me to a piece of fishing equipment I hadn’t tried before – Dipsy Divers.

The best time to fish for walleye on the lake’s eastern shore, Oram said, was mid-summer through early fall,” Oram said. He’s found that Dipsey Divers tended to make fishing fun and easy on the lake during that time and others.

“I just think when you’ve located fish suspended at a certain depth – say 50 feet or more – that Dipsies are the most effective way to get your lure down there to the fish,” he said.

Judging by the morning’s catch, he wouldn’t get any argument from me.

A smiling Jim Proffitt, an outdoors writer from Ohio, holds up a nice-sized walleye he reeled in, caught on a stickbait using a Dipsy Diver.

I’m an outdoor writer from Central New York (Skaneateles). I was on Lake Erie in early October as part of the 2024 Chautauqua Outdoor Media Camp, sponsored by Chautauqua County’s tourism folks. That particular day, I was joined by Jim Proffitt and Jeff Frischkorn, two outdoor writers from Ohio, as we took off at around 9:30 a.m. aboard Oram’s 22-foot Olsen Brothers Marine boat, a Skeeter WX 2000.

A relative newcomer to the Lake Erie walleye fishing scene, I had popped a Dramamine shortly before going out as a precaution due to my long-standing inclination to get motion sickness on big waterways. However, once we got several miles out, the wind died, and the wave size decreased. And the fun began.

So, what is a Dipsy Diver?

It is a light, round disk-shaped device (slightly bigger than the palm on your hand) that attaches to one’s line. While trolling, it enables an angler to easily get a line and lure down anywhere from roughly 40 to 80 feet, which is ideal for targeting suspended fish.

It’s a cheap alternative to using a downrigger setup, which can cost hundreds of dollars. Dipsies range in price anywhere from $15 to $20, Oram said.

Another advantage to using Dipsies is that they allow an angler to get more lines in the water, experiment, and learn quicker at what depth and what lures/baits the walleye want to bite.

Outdoor Writer David Figura from Central New York, said this walleye, pushing an estimated 27-28 inches, was his personal best.

“Personally, I don’t think the downriggers catch enough fish,” Oram said.

Oram said that when fishing with Dipsies, there’s a dial on them with three settings. By using the different settings, an angler can have three lines out on one side, with Dipsies taking one’s lines straight back or off to the left or right without getting line tangles.

Thus, Oram added, he can have six lines out at once by fishing both sides. By having them all at slightly different depths, you can find out relatively fast what depth or lure works best.

“And once you start catching fish on one line (or one lure), you can quickly make adjustments,” he said.

When using Dipsies, Oram uses 8-foot rods and bait casting reels with line counters (which tell you how much line has been let out), a 20- to 30-pound braid line and about an 8-foot fluorocarbon leader on each. With a Dipsy attached to the line, one controls the depth of the lure by the amount of line let out. Oram says he has a chart aboard his boat that he refers to help with this.

Options for lures when using Dipsies, he said, include stickbaits, worm harnesses, spoons or worm burners (spoons that allow one to attach a worm to it).

Oram said his years of fishing with Dipsies have reinforced the fact that the color of the Dipsy has little effect on the bite. The color of the stickbait, spoon or worm harness — is more of a factor. Also, at times, adding a live night crawler to the lure can help.

Rob Oram, a veteran tournament walleye tournament angler, holds up a steelhead and a walleye, both caught using Dipsy Divers and stickbaits.

“I like to start with a variety of colors and let the fish tell me what colors they prefer that day,” he said. “Walleye are finicky. Some days, they want just a certain color, at a certain speed, at a certain depth.

“And when the school of fish is big, and the bite is on, the colors don’t really matter at times.”

The day we went out, Oram had us using stickbaits at around 65 feet down. We were over anywhere from 150 to 135 of water.

Oram said his biggest Lake Erie walleye to date weighed 12 pounds and measured around 31 inches. “I’ve caught lots weighing 10 pounds. They were in length anywhere from 29 to 32 inches.”

He said his past year was the warmest the lake has ever been and warmed the earliest on record. He said the fish travel where the bait (most often shad and smelt) are. “Where the bait sets up is often determined by water temperature and currents in the lake,” he said.

That can change each year. Where he caught lots of fish one year can be unproductive the next. Oram said the key is getting out fishing as often as possible to determine where the schools of bait are and what areas of the lake and depth the walleye that follow are located.

As for fishing with Dispy Divers for other species of fish, Oram notes that “you can run them for salmon and steelhead as well.”

“In the middle of the summer, I take my walleye gear on Lake Ontario, and the guys all laugh at me. I just run my walleye spread, and there are days I catch as many as the best charter boat captains there,” he said.

David Figura is the retired outdoors writer for The Post-Stand newspaper and the and websites. He’s also the author of “So What Are the Guys Doing?” – a book about how men are handling the mid-life years.

Outdoor writers, L-R, Jim Proffitt, David Figura and Jeff Frischkorn, pose with the morning’s catch of walleye and two nice steelhead — all caught on rigs using Dipsy Divers. Frischkorn reeled in both steelies.



Turkey Hunters, Deer Ticks, Lyme Disease – What to do?

Pic 1 of 1: Comparison of Deer Tick life stages over a dime: (L to R) larvae, nymph, adult male, adult female. Photo courtesy of Chautauqua County Health Department

  • Deer tick bites are painless. You must look to see if you have a tick embedded in you.
  • Deer ticks carry Lyme Disease. Lyme can mimic more than 300 other diseases, frequently causing misdiagnosis.
  • Use Permethrin on your clothes and Picaridin on your exposed skin for protection. 
Comparison of Deer Tick life stages over a dime: (L to R) larvae, nymph, adult male, adult female. Photo courtesy of Chautauqua County Health Department


By Forrest Fisher

Lyme disease has more than doubled in several parts of the country since 2014. Three of my seven grandkids became unfocused a few years ago, fatigued, and complained about aches, pains, and headaches. They were 7, 14 and 16 years old. Too young for the usual rites of arthritis passage and similar ailments.

In short, we eventually discovered that all three had Lyme disease. Identifying and finding a remedial cure took three years and $2,000 per month. The mysterious cause of the sickness was Lyme disease. Lyme can mimic more than 300 diseases, allowing patients and untrained medical staff to misdiagnose this killer disease before it is diagnosed correctly.

The disease is caused by a bacterium (Borrelia burgdorferi) and can be spread to humans when an infected black-legged tick (also known as a “deer tick”) attaches to a human. Deer ticks are so tiny through all four stages of their 2-year life cycle that people may never see them or recognize them as a threat to their health. But these little critters are seriously dangerous.

Deer ticks typically live in shady, moist areas at ground level. They cling to tall grass, bushes and shrubs, usually no more than two feet off the ground. They also live in lawns and gardens, especially at the edges of forested areas and around old stone walls. Ticks cannot jump or fly onto a person. They usually wait in vegetation and cling to animals or humans that pass by.

Deer ticks can also be found on your moored boat at the marina! I have seen this occurrence twice now. They cling to seagulls and birds, then drop off when the birds stop to rest on the gunnel of a moored boat at the marina. Stay aware.

Once a tiny tick gets on the skin, it climbs upward until it reaches a warm, protected body area. Under arm areas, the groin, behind the ear or on the nape of your neck, then burrows in. Their bite is painless. You have to look to see that a deer tick has made entry. Look for a little bump in your skin that wasn’t there yesterday. If you go outside, check yourself every day. Moms and dads, a word to the wise to check your kids. Shower off after coming inside.

Warmer weather is upon us, and it is an excellent time of year to get outside and explore the natural beauty of your community. Be prepared if you are a fresh mushroom picker, wild onion seeker, woods hiker, camper, turkey hunter, or gardening enthusiast.

Permethrin is a synthetic molecule similar to those found in natural pyrethrum, which is taken from the chrysanthemum flower. It is available at Cabelas.
Picaridin delivers a similar effect as DEET, repelling troublesome insects for up to 8 hours. Reapply then. It is available at Cabelas.

My family and I have learned to depend on Permethrin spray to coat our exterior clothing and boots. One application of permethrin on clothes lasts six weeks, even through the wash. Not only does it repel insects from clothing and other fabric products, but it will actually kill ticks, mosquitoes, chiggers, mites and more than 55 other kinds of insects. Permethrin is a contact insecticide that is non-toxic to humans.

We also use Picaridin on our exposed skin areas, which is applied each outing. Picaridin needs to be reapplied every eight to 10 hours. Picaridin effectively repels mosquitoes, ticks, biting flies, stable flies, black flies, gnats, chiggers, and sand flies.

Bass Pro, Cabelas, Walmart and drug stores everywhere carry these inexpensive Permethrin and Picaridin products made by Sawyer Labs.

For non-chemical protection, purchase and wear a Rynoskin suit ( The whole suit weighs about two ounces. It is thin, light, and breathable, but deer ticks and similar 8-legged arachnid critters cannot get through. A suit consists of socks, lowers, uppers, gloves, and a head cover. The suit eliminates worrying about spending too much time outside, especially for turkey hunters. Rynoskin protects against mosquitoes, ticks, chiggers, no-see-ums, black flies, sand fleas, gnats and many other biting insects. Rynoskin is safe and chemical-free; It is designed to be worn underneath clothing, providing comfort and stealthy movement. It is machine washable and dryable

May is Lyme Disease Awareness Month. To prevent disease, promote wellness, and protect the health and safety of the community, health departments across the country recommend checking for and properly removing ticks, understanding Lyme disease symptoms and knowing when to call your doctor. If you spend time outdoors, here is one website video to learn more about being outside at this time of the year:

Wild Turkey Pastrami

  • Have you tried making your own wild turkey pastrami?
  • It’s easy and delicious.
  • You just need a smoker or pellet grill and the simple Hi Mountain Seasonings noted below.

By Karen Lutto



  1. Mix one pouch of Hi Mountain Seasonings Game Bird & Poultry Brine Mix with 3 1/2 quarts of water. Add the wild turkey to the brine and refrigerate for 7 days.
  2. After refrigerating for 7 days, remove the wild turkey from the brine and rinse thoroughly. Soak the wild turkey in a water bath for two hours, changing the water once during this process. Remove the wild turkey from the water bath and dry it with a paper towel.
  3. Place the wild turkey on a rack to air dry for one hour.
  4. In a small bowl, mix the Hi Mountain Seasonings Garlic Rub and coriander. Liberally coat all sides of the wild turkey with this mixture.
  5. Set the smoker or pellet grill to 200 degrees F and place the wild turkey in it. Once the turkey’s internal temperature reaches 165 degrees F, remove it from the smoker.
  6. Place the wild turkey on a large piece of tin foil. Pour the beef stock on top of the wild turkey and seal the foil tightly around the wild turkey.
  7. Place the wild turkey back into the smoker and steam for another 30 minutes.
  8. Remove foil-wrapped wild turkey from the smoker and carefully take the roast out of the foil.
  9. Let the wild turkey pastrami rest for 20 minutes before slicing and serving.

Note: Use a meat thermometer to make sure the internal cooking temperature has reached 165 degrees F.


Long-Life M.T.O. Plastic Baits are NEW for Saltwater Fishing  

  • Here is a long-lasting, cost-effective, highly robust soft plastic bait to endure the razor-sharp teeth of saltwater fish.
  • Save money, increase effective fishing time, and enjoy more moments reeling in fish.
  • Imagine catching 54 toothy saltwater fish on ONE plastic tail bait! I did this myself. It’s true.
M.T.O. lure inventor Bill Alexander with a new plastic tail bait that is more durable than anyone could have imagined.  Alexander developed the robust new product in conjunction with partner Paul Williams.  

By Forrest Fisher

Saltwater fish are fun to catch but are brutal on fishing lines, reels, fishermen, and fishing lures. Sharp fins, sharp teeth, big fish, sharks – you name it. There are many opportunities for broken lines, fractured leaders, seized reel drags, and the endless need to replace fishing lures.

This is especially true for soft plastic baits fished on the inland fisheries across the southeast. Florida is a favorite wintertime stopping area for tourists, where thousands of miles of inland fishery habitat are dominated by multiple species of saltwater fish. They eat often, adding value to anglers’ interest in fishing here.

Speckled trout, pompano, flounder, Spanish mackerel, Snook, redfish, tarpon, and many other species are common. The one thing that many of these fish have in common is razor-sharp teeth, which are found inside the jagged jaw edges of these fish. These teeth will cut up braided lines and soft plastic jig tails in a microsecond.

My fishing partner and I have often run through a dozen plastic tail jig baits in 30 minutes or less when fish are on the feed. Soft plastic baits are highly effective in the inland fishery, and sales skyrocket at local fishing bait stores, especially during the post-winter (snowbird) season. The problem for many of us is that we need to have $50 or more to buy soft plastics with little durability that can get torn up in one cast by a single fish, often making these baits a single-use item.

As manufactured, the baits are supplied in 4-pack units that need to be trimmed and fit onto a jig head. We used NED-style jig heads.

After five years of fishing in Charlotte Harbor, Florida, with plastic tails or live bait (shrimp), I switched to hard baits. They last longer, and they work, too, but I caught fewer fish, and their per-piece cost ($10-$15) was much higher than a bag of 10 plastic tails ($7-$8). A bit frustrated, I called a friend – Bill Alexander, who manufactures plastic tail baits at his MTO Fishing Lure Company in Sylvan Beach, NY (MTO stands for Made-To-Order). I asked if they could produce a small but very durable shrimp-sized plastic bait that could be used with a NED-rig style jig head. The standard MTO baits are known to be super durable, and using just one of their plastic worms last year, I caught 11 black bass at a Florida lake to verify their durability. But these were freshwater bass with no razor-sharp teeth like saltwater fish have. So, I explained the big bad tooth fairy detail to Alexander, who is an ex-pro bass tournament trail angler. He said, “Let me see what we can do. Three weeks later, I met with Alexander – he came to Florida and handed me a package of specially made NED-rig-style plastic baits. He made them only about 3 inches long in off-white and solid pink colors. They looked real good.

The lures were made of specially formulated rubber-like plastic with impregnated mesh. The baits are semi-soft and medium-pliable, with a double layer of the patent-pending MTO mesh product process buried inside their shape.

They resemble shrimp-sized lengths and appeared to be a reasonable lure that could work, especially in the off-white color.

Bob Hookham’s fishing boat is safely stored at Burnt Store Marina in Charlotte Harbor, Florida, near Pine Island.

Bob Hookham (pronounced Hook-Em), invited Bill Alexander to join us on a fishing trip aboard his 24-foot sea-worthy fishing boat. It’s a deep “V” hull but allowed us to float over 2-foot-deep sand bars. A “flats boat” is not necessary to fish the open waters of Turtle Bay. Bob’s boat is spacious and comfortable, with an open bow and live well, offering adequate storage and built-in cooler-like spaces for our gear.

We motored West from Burnt Store Marina to a small embayment called Turtle Bay, near the Cape Haze Aquatic Preserve and Island Bay Wildlife Refuge. This unspoiled bay is surrounded by mangroves, and there are no houses on the protected shoreline.

The boat trip to Turtle Bay, a small embayment off Charlotte Harbor near Boca Grande and the Gulf of Mexico, was smooth. Charlotte Harbor offers more than 200 square miles of waterway for fishing.

The water level and current flow in Turtle Bay are subject to tidal changes and can rise or fall about two feet in 24 hours, depending on wind direction changes, moon-sun phase relationships and time of year. Today, the tide was low, with a slow rise of about 6 inches over our fishing period. The winds were from the East, which meant the water levels were even lower than usual as the water in the Gulf of Mexico was pushed toward Texas a bit by the wind. That meant we would be fishing the sand flats and not the mangroves. The boat draft was too deep to head into the shallow water mangroves. Fishing the flats meant we could concentrate on trout but would likely not find any redfish or Snook. We would save fishing for those species for another day.

Bill Alexander (L) and Bob Hookham (R) prepare their rigs for casting from a slow-wind drift over the sand flats in Turtle Bay. Many fish species in the bay seek feeding areas near the sea grass and oyster beds found here.
We caught all sizes of Speckled Sea Trout from 12 to 20 inches.

The new and untested lures came right off the MTO prototype manufacturing line, and we were all excited to test them out. Using a 1/8-ounce NED-rig style jig head with an oversized 1/0 hook shank, I carefully threaded on the new plastic bait. I chose the off-white color to start, while Bob and Bill chose pink. Little did I realize how effective this bait was, not to mention how tough and robust these new baits would prove themselves to be.

Fishing from 10:30 AM through 1:30 PM that day in March, we each caught limits of speckled sea trout. I was in the front of the boat in the foredeck area, so I often had the advantage of first cast to new water. There was no electric bow motor, so we used the wind to drift over the sandy flats and sand bars typical of Turtle Bay. When we would find a likable edge area of seagrass and sand or an isolated oyster bar, I would drop the anchor, and we would all enjoy a few casts before moving on with the wind-driven drift.

Over the fishing time noted earlier, I caught an unbelievable 54 speckled trout using just one MTO NED-rig style plastic tail. Bob suggested to Bill in jest that he might name this lure the MTO-NED-SW54X (SW for saltwater and X for who knows how many you might catch on this lure?). It caught 54 fish before we decided to head back! Bill was getting tired of reeling in fish. The more surprising conclusion is that I could probably catch another 20 fish on that same bait before replacing it. We decided to keep one daily bag limit of these tasty trout for the dinner table, but we carefully released every other fish brought to the boat. We caught several different species of fish, as well.

This is my NED-rigged plastic tail bait, which had brought 54 fish to the boat at this point. The tail offers incredible durability. The NED[style jig head with it’s built-in bait-keeper is helpful to keeping the tail in place on the hook. 
The fish would inhale the bait, which had a slow finesse action imparted by the combination of the jig head and prototype tail in the moving tide.

Next to the flawless durability, We all liked the simple retrieve and action required to hook a fish. I have previously done very well fishing with spoons and hard baits in Turtle Bay, but these lures require frequent casting and rip-rip style of a retrieve. I’m getting a bit older these days, and that style of fishing is an excellent workout for many of us. With the MTO-NED-SW54X, you embrace the finesse of fishing with patience after the cast. Using a 10-pound Yozuri braided main line with a 30-inch, 20-pound fluorocarbon leader tied to a 1/8 ounce NED-rig style jig head, I was casting with a St. Croix Avid class 7-foot saltwater rod (VIS70MXF; medium power-extra fast tip). We let the lure rest at the bottom after the cast. Sitting motionless, it imparts a gentle rocking action from the rounded style head that can entice the most hesitant fish to hammer the bait. If no hit or no pick-up after 5-6 seconds, we lifted the jig straight up with a quick snap of the rod tip, reeled in two cranks with our 30-series open-face spinning reels, and let the jig and tail settle again. Wham! It was a fantastic day of fishing to prove the toughness of this unique prototype lure.

Alexander says, “We can make these up in several colors to match what folks in any part of the saltwater world might ask for.” With a grin, I shared with Bill that I like simple off-color white! The proof is in the unending rod bend, Bill! My rod (and I) needed a rest, too! Bob and I agreed that this bait-jig head combination was robust and effective, and we ordered additional numbers and colors of these incredibly durable baits.

These tough lures will be very effective for kids fishing with mentors—you never need to change the bait. They are suitable for the entire trip. I can’t wait until the tide is higher to test these on Snook and redfish in the mangroves. This was a memorable and exciting fishing day.

Alexander said anyone who would like to try these baits can contact him at MTO Lures, PO Box 286, Sylvan Beach, NY, 13157, call him directly at 315-520-9820, or email him at  Alexander said the price for a pack of eight would be fair. Call for multiple-pack deals.

Tight lines, everyone!

Silent, Wind-Proof Pants to Warm your Bottom!

  • Prepare early for the next chilly season.
  • Hard to find comfy-warm pants that are silent too and provide safe storage zipper pockets in 8 places.
  • These pants have a waistband that keeps them there.

By Forrest Fisher

When you’re hunting or fishing where frigid air temps can be expected, you need your gear ready at a moment’s notice. Savvy outdoors people know that comfy-warm pants that can carry gear are hard to find. These new SKRE Kodiak Pants have 8 zippered pockets. They allow for the ultimate organization of small gear items with 100 percent containment.

The interior grip waistband on the Kodiak keeps the pants in place, even when climbing up a hillside or treestand. When temperatures rise, dual hip vents open for maximum airflow. The Kodiak pant features 4-zippered cargo pockets, 2-zippered rear pockets, 2-zippered hand pockets, and the wind-resistant technology of MTN-X2 soft-shell (silent) face fabric is bonded with microfleece on the interior skin-contact surface. Add YKK Zippers – the kind you find on boat covers, zippered side vents, and a durable, water-resistant outer shield layer.

These pants are durable but light in weight (1 lb., 11 oz.) and are available in men’s standard sizes online at

Additionally, the SKRE products are backed by the company’s True Lifetime Warranty – an industry-best unconditional warranty for quality and workmanship. If, for any reason, you are unhappy with any SKRE gear, return it for a full refund or exchange. SKRE Gear also makes hardscrabble jackets and pants and their complete line of innovative outerwear, base layers, and accessories for all seasons.

About SKRE Gear: SKRE Gear, founded in 2016, was forged in mountain country with the quest to craft the best extreme hunting gear utilizing the finest technical fabrics with zero compromise in craftsmanship and materials. Visit

Float Suit Saves Ice Fishing Fatality in NY

  • The ice looked solid, but there was no one out there ice fishing.
  • It was my birthday, and this has been a tradition.
  • So glad that I had that Frabill Float Suit on.
When fishing over chilly cold water for musky in the fall and early winter, Carl Schenk includes that wearing his “Float Suit” provides an extra measure of protection. John Pensyl photo

By Forrest Fisher

Ardent musky angler Carl Schenk was fishing on his birthday Wednesday with his buddy Tom Reinhardt at the Buffalo Small Boat Harbor. When Schenk arrived at the harbor, he noted there was no one out there, but there was ice, and it looked solid enough for two hard-water fishermen not afraid of a little chill in the air. Testing the ice with a spud bar, the duo accessed the water at the old boat ramp near the restaurant. Not too far out, they auger-tested the white ice to find 4 inches of seemingly solid, safe ice. Then the air warmed up, and it had rained shortly before. It was Carl’s birthday, and Tom tagged along for the safety of the celebration moment when Carl would catch his first fish and call the day a success. It was Carl’s annual birthday custom, and he turned 69 years young this year.

It didn’t take long. Using a 3-pound test and a lightweight fishing stick, Schenk counted the first fish. As he sat there, he noticed the ice began to sink in a large, wide circle around him. He hollered over to Tom that he thought they should head back. “It might be getting mushy,” Carl hollered. Tom said he was fine. “I’m heading in,” Carl said.

Lucky angler, Carl Schenk, credited his “Float Suit” with saving his life on Wednesday when he crashed through the ice at the Buffalo Small Boat Harbor. Tom Reinhardt photo.

“I broke through the ice in 9-feet of water. I was wearing my Frabill float suit and spudding my way along the route we came in on. The spud bar went through, and I was going in before I could back up. Luckily, I threw my body forward, rolled a couple of feet, got onto my hands and knees, and scampered to better ice. I was soaked to the waist with my boots full of water, but it sure could have been worse. I was damned happy to reach the shore.” Tom came in, avoiding my body hole in the ice, and was OK.

Schenk added, “I went home to dry out and sat on the couch with a cup of coffee, waiting for the adrenaline rush to leave. It was a memorable experience that, hopefully, I will not ever repeat. That water was cold!”

For complete safety, float suits are essential gear when it comes to all-season ice fishing. Schenk explained, “The Frabill Float Suit is the only one rated as a Type 3 USCG Approved personal flotation device (PFD). Yes, it’s pricey at about $500, but on that day, it was worth every penny. In addition, it’s so warm and comfortable – and now I can attest to its buoyancy rating, too, that I wear it when fishing for muskies from my boat in the fall and early winter. You never know!”

In the end, it was one birthday celebration that Carl Schenk and Tom Reinhardt will never forget.

New Edge for Fishing – in so many ways!


  • Catching fish is a lot about knowing how….there’s one source to check in the future if you are heading to Florida: Darcizzle Offshore TV.
  • Keeping and eating your catch requires training and a sharp knife: Check out the Darcizzle fillet knife from Smith Products in Arkansas.
  • Keeping the blade sharp is no easy task, until now. See about the “2-Step Tool” in the story. 

By Forrest Fisher

When Florida cold fronts approach, thick-scale saltwater Sheepshead go on the hot bite. Catch ’em and discover that they are tough to fillet with an ordinary knife blade. The Smith Darcizzle fillet knife simplifies the deal.

Fish on! The Pompano are running! The Sheepshead are biting! Anglers everywhere share a common goal to catch fish when the fishing is hot. Putting fish on the line is pure passion for so many, me too. Except I did not know a thing about catching Pompano or Sheepshead. I’m new to Florida. When you need to learn, I do what everyone does today, I check YouTube.

Scanning the YouTube channel for “How-To-Catch,” you can type in pompano or sheepshead, or anything else. I hit the brakes when I watched a bright-eyed young lady in a bikini screaming “Fish On!” As she reeled in the surf of the Atlantic Ocean near Miami, another rod went off that was set in a beach rod holder. Excitement! 2-hook line sets, snag-wire weights, dropper loop knots, Fish-Bite baits, all were there. Great show. Her TV show is called Darcizzle Offshore and features Darcie Arahill and her boyfriend mentor, Brian, nicknamed Puddin’. They visit a variety of waterways using a multitude of tactics that always end up in their kitchen. Watching the videos allows the viewer to learn from top to bottom, start to finish. Of course, before the kitchen, there is a clean-the-fish job that needs to be completed.  The next show featured sheepshead. Learning in the modern world can be simple.

With each show, Darcie demonstrates how to clean the catch. The eye-stopper for me on this recent show was the EASE with which she cleaned their recently caught sheepshead. The tasty sheepshead is no easy task to fillet. They offer tough, heavy scales and a structural, thick-boned rib cage. Darcie provides easy-to-watch videos that simplify the process.  While she did not mention the name of the fillet knives she was using, it aired at the end of the show. I watched for it. Identified as the Darcizzle 6-inch and 8-inch curved-flex fillet knife, the knives come from Smith Consumer Products in Arkansas, USA. After Darcie quickly transformed the half-dozen tough-skinned sheepshead into delectable fillets, they moved to the kitchen at their house where Puddin’ shared how-to cooking secrets for the meal that followed.

Never thought I would purchase yet one more knife for my cleaning drawer, but this one made a difference. Even my wife likes it for everyday kitchen work.

There is nothing like a great knife that holds its edge. Every fisherman I know is always looking for another “best knife.” So, I had to do it. Did I need another knife? NO. But…yes, I got online and found the Darcizzle knife products at  In a moment, an invisible force pushed my mouse pointer to “BUY.”

2-Step knife sharpening tool with 3 adjustable blade angles all on the same tool. Gotta love innovative products!

The 2-Step Tool: A few pages later, I also found the 2-Step Diamond Adjustable Knife Sharpener that features two diamond rods and two ceramic rods with 3-preset sharpening angles of 15, 20, and 25 degrees. The first time I have ever seen this idea. This is an uncommon kitchen gadget innovation in my eyes, and it fits in a pants pocket. Just switch the tab to match the factory angle on your knife blade, and achieve a razor-sharp edge in no time. Three or four strokes through the carbide sharpening slots will restore the edge on a very dull knife in seconds. Follow that with two or three strokes on the other side of the stone, where the matched angle ceramic rods provide a quick-touchup finish of the knife edge.

After having used the Smith Product Darcizzle knives for about 5 weeks now, the edge retention is great, they are corrosion resistant in saltwater use (3Cr13 Stainless!), the non-slip ergo-friendly handles keep you safe, and the slip-on sheath that has a locking sheath (it never falls off until you take it off) that allows this sharp tool to stay within easy reach when kept in your kitchen drawer.

Once or twice a day, my wife says, “Where’s my Darcizzle knife!?” OK, so I borrow it every now and then. The point is when my better half for the last 53 years likes a new knife that much, there is something special about it.

I learned more about catching Pompano and Sheepshead, cleaning each of these species, a surprising new knife product and how to keep it sharp – all in an hour or two of flipping through the Darcizzle Offshore Fishing channel on YouTube…and my wife loves me more.

Hard to lose with all that going on. Just saying…you might wanna try one of these new blades.

Anglers’ Best Tool Kit, and Where to Keep It – 3 Essential Tools No Angler Should Be Without

Can't find your Clippers? Not anymore.

  • 3-Tool Package: Scissors, Needle-nose Pliers/Crimpers, Hook Remover 
  • Cut wire, mono, braid easily…and will cut off hook shanks when required
  • High-Quality – priced under $45
Today’s fishermen are gearheads, no doubt about it. There are a myriad of specific rods, reels, lures, terminal tackle, and accessories to help them be successful in freshwater and saltwater, no matter the targeted species. Regardless, there are three tools all anglers should always have – pliers, scissors, and a hook remover. The Anglers’ Best Tool Kit conveniently combines all three, each of the highest quality designed to last a lifetime. All for under $45.
The scissors are razor sharp, with a non-slip handle and are perfect for trimming everything from line tag ends to jig skirts and more. The needle nose pliers are designed as a multi-purpose tool, ideal for everything from crimping to removing lure hooks of all sizes. To accommodate the different types of lines, the pliers are crafted with a special place to cut braided line. A non-slip handle provides a perfect grip at all times. The hook remover in this kit is an oft-overlooked tool that not only makes hook removal quick, safe, and simple, it also helps you remove the hook from fish without hurting the fish itself. It creates less wound and increases the chance of the fish survival rate in water almost significantly. Thus, a fishing hook removal tool helps you to save fish and enjoy the fun of angling at the same time. The Anglers’ Best Tool Kit is sold individually, suggested retail price – $44.99.
Best of all, every tool in the Anglers Best Tool Kit is designed to fit in the Lazy Joe, Anglers’ Best’s patented-designed tackle box and accessory holder that fits around your boat seat pedestal. It keeps your baits and accessories within reach without having to leave your seat or trolling motor. It saves valuable deck space and rotates around the pedestal for easy access to all your tools and accessories.
Tool storage is easy. The Lazy Joe pedestal tool and accessory holder comes standard with three Bait Boxes. Suggested retail price is $149.99.  The weather resistant, angled body keeps the Lazy Joe out of your way while keeping your tools and accessories within reach.

For more information, visit Anglers’ Best: Headquartered in Danville, Ala., Anglers’ Best is a designer and manufacturer of state-of-the-art fishing accessories. For additional information on Anglers’ Best write to: Anglers’ Best, 8237 Danville Road, Danville, AL 35619; Call: (833) BAS-SNET or visit

The “SpoonCrank” Tackle Box provides Tangle-free Lure Access

  • Lure organization for crankbaits and spoons – tangle free lure access means less wasted fishing time
  • Wet protection, rubber seal barrier in the cover
  • Transportation vibration isolation, keeps shiny lures shining
  • Partition by color, size, lure type – store up to 90 spoons or 50 crankbaits, or any combination
This durable box will organize all your lures with room for 50 crankbaits or 90 spoons, or any combination of these two quantities – or more if you double up on some spaces.

By Forrest Fisher

Ever ask yourself, what’s essential in a tackle box? Most fishermen don’t think about it. Most go to the store, search available inventory, then pick out what might work to carry their selection of lures. Anglers usually do not look for separation and organization, and easy access. Now they can get all that in one tackle box. Imagine a tackle box with lure separation, easy one-look fast access, and keeps lures dry even when it’s raining, or the waves are crashing over the sidewall? Not many boxes can do all that. When visiting the Niagara Falls Outdoor Show last year, I found a new tackle box aptly named “The SpoonCrank Box.” This durable box will organize all your lures with room for 50 crankbaits or 90 spoons, or any combination of these two quantities – or more if you double up on some spaces.

The box consolidates the usual wasted tackle box air space of many other tackle boxes with divider separation and wet-protection capability. Nobody needs rusty hooks. Water cannot get into this box with the rubber seal around the inner top cover. Walleye anglers use assorted stickbaits with lots of treble hooks. Bass anglers, too, use lots of crankbaits with multiple treble hooks. They’re all sticky sharp and can catch fingers or other lures easily. The separation dividers provide isolation from travel vibrations that can wear out a shiny lure finish. Spoons big and small, a favorite lure selection for salmon and trout trollers, are aptly and safely stored for easy access in this same box.  

Done fishing? Close the cover; the lures are safe and ready for next time – tangle-free. That’s not all. The box’s top lid provides a hidden compartment for pliers, snippers, clippers, fluorocarbon leader reels, snap clamps, and various personal preference gear. In using the box for a while now, I also discovered one other option.

The “hidden compartment” sits above the lures under the handle.

If I remove some of the vertical separation panels, there is enough space to add two or three small compartment boxes (jig heads, split shot, hooks, etc., and a fishing reel or two. Yep, still all in one package. Of course, I’ve got way too many lures to do that. The box was designed to safely provide lure transportation, protection and access for the focused angler. There is no other box that can safely carry and protect 90 lures in an

organized, easy-to-find and easy-to-remove fashion. The box is high quality, durable, handsome in outdoor marine green color, fully functional, and affordable. The SpoonCrank Box helped to make me, a sometimes messy angler, appear quite organized and systematic.

While I am not usually that way, I have been trying to that my whole life! Worried about security? The box is lockable. You could chain it to your trunk or the boat deck if that was needed. The box is available in two sizes. Visit to review size options or to order one.

The bottom line is that you can be a more effective and successful angler when you can find the lure and color pattern you are looking for when you need it. No wasted time.

Get out fishing with a new organized focus! I like this box.  


Browning Maxus II – Autoloading Rifled Deer Shotgun

This new Browning shotgun has a number of features that elevate it above run-of-the-mill deer hunting shotguns. For 2021, the evolutionary new Maxus II sets its sights on whitetails with a Rifled Deer model.

The Maxus II is a fast-handling autoloading shotgun designed for hunting deer with a fully rifled barrel for accurate use with slugs.

A 22″ long, thick-walled rifled barrel includes an attached, cantilever Weaver-style sight rail that makes attaching optics and cleaning the shotgun without affecting zero a snap. Always important to accurate shooting, the Maxus II Rifled Deer features the precision Lightning Trigger that offers a lighter, crisper pull with less overtravel than other designs. Hard-hitting 12-gauge, 3″ slug ammunition is ably cycled by the proven reliable Power Drive Gas System.

The Maxus II Rifled Deer also includes a new stock design with a straight heel buttstock that allows for customizing the length of pull by either adding spacers or trimming the stock down. The 1 ½” thick Inflex recoil pad features directional deflection and is coupled with the new SoftFlex™ cheekpad, both of which are designed to soften recoil against your shoulder and face. Rubber over-molded panels on the pistol grip and forearm improve grip and feel. Enhanced operational features include an enlarged trigger guard that is ramped for fast loading, oversized bolt handle and release that are easier to use and a traditional threaded magazine cap. The raised rib sight picture and flat point of impact puts shooters on target faster and more consistently. To learn more about the features and specs and to access downloadable hi res images please visit:

Maxus II Shotguns

Maxus II Rifled Deer


  • Mossy Oak® New-Break-Up Country® camo finish
  • 22″, thick wall, fully rifled barrel for use with slugs
  • Cantilever, Weaver®-style scope mount for easy optics attachment
  • New SoftFlex™ cheekpad increases shooting comfort
  • New oversized bolt release and bolt handle
  • New composite stock can be trimmed and is shim adjustable for cast, drop and length of pull
  • New rubber overmolding on stock and forearm add grip in all conditions
  • New trigger guard is ramped for easier loading
  • Nickel Teflon™ coating on the bolt, bolt slide, shell carrier and bolt release
  • ABS hard case included

For more information on Browning products, please visit

Winchester SX4 Hybrid Hunter Woodland Shotgun

Gotta love the new durable camo coverage and protected metal-part finish on the new Winchester firearms in this modern world.

The Winchester® Super X4 Hybrid Hunter Woodland features a classic Woodland camouflage paired with a Cerakote Flat Dark Earth finish on the receiver and barrel. The is combination is an functional eye-catching performer. Rain or shine, fast cycling is never an issue with the proven Active Valve Gas System. Adding an extra level of durability is the chrome-plated chamber and bore.

This model includes 3 Invector-Plus choke tubes – including a choke wrench, TRUGLO® fiber-optic sight, reversible safety button, larger opening in trigger guard, and larger bolt handle and bolt release with a Nickel Teflon coating on carrier and bolt release button, .

To learn more about the features and specs, as well as access downloadable hi-res images, please visit:

Super X4 Hybrid Hunter Woodland

Super X4 Shotguns


  • RECEIVER –  Aluminum alloy; Flat Dark Earth (FDE) Cerakote finish
  • BARREL –  Chrome-plated chamber and bore; FDE Cerakote finish; Ventilated rib
  • ACTION –  12 gauge – 3 1/2″ and 3″ chamber; 20 gauge – 3″ chamber; Gas operated with Active Valve system;
  • STOCK –  Composite; Woodland camouflage finish with an Inflex® recoil pad
  • FEATURES –  Three Invector-Plus™ choke tubes (F,M,IC); TRUGLO® fiber-optic sight; New Inflex® Technology recoil pad; Length of pull spacers; New larger bolt handle, bolt release and reversible safety button; New larger opening in trigger guard; Sling swivel studs

MSRP is $1079.99. For more information on Winchester Firearms, please visit

American Baitworks catches Doug Minor!

Doug Minor has a passion for fishing and sharing his expertise in building award-winning, fish-catching lure teams. 

By David Gray

Doug Minor just embarked on his latest fishing adventure.  Although this is a business adventure, it is very much about fishing.  It took some talking to get Doug, who led Strike King lures through 37 years of innovation and growth, to consider coming out of retirement just weeks after retiring. But American Baitworks, a new and innovative tackle and lure-manufacturing business, was doing the talking. After every call with American Baitworks, Doug said he came away with a smile on his face.

Doug was honored for the opportunity to join the team. Their commitment to providing the angler with excellent products of superior quality at a fair price is exactly what Doug Minor believes in.  As an angler, Doug knows that understanding lure performance provides an advantage in helping to create new fish-catching lures.  As a business manager, Doug knows that combining manufacturing quality control with fish-catching passion is a philosophy that creates satisfied customers.

An angler from a very young age, and after many years in the outdoor industries, Doug says, “The most important thing about every product is that it delivers consistent performance.” As anglers, we have all experienced that on occasion, when one crankbait out of 5 or 6 of the same lures will catch more fish, they all should be the same. Doug and American Baitworks aim for the manufacturing of their lure products to consistent standards.

For Doug, fishing and hunting are everything. He was blessed to have a father that introduced him to those outdoor sports at an early age. Doug remembers being taught how to skull a small Alumacraft boat from the front seat.

Paddle in one hand, never disturbing the water and rod in the other.  Dad also instilled in Doug a love of waterfowling at an early age. So early that Doug sat in the waterfowl blind in diapers!   Doug said his Dad’s philosophy was “no baby sitter no problem,” a change of diapers and Doug went to the blind with Dad.

A passion for fishing and hunting served Doug well when it came to his work in guiding lure makers.

It is essential to design and develop new lures that work.  Many companies put more physical movement into a lure that includes life-like images with more color, but fail to spend the time to thoroughly field test the product before releasing the product for sales. According to Doug, the action is the most critical part of a lure.  And that does not mean just more movement that the angler sees.  Bass are ambush predators and the action that the bass responds to is what is essential.

An angler only sees the action from above; a fish sees the action differently. Lots of field testing is needed to make a quality product with the type of action that interests the fish.

Take one of the American Baitworks lures the NetBaits – Paca Craw. Doug knew, like so many bass anglers, that the Paca Craw is an excellent weighted hook and jig trailer that outperforms many similar types of baits. The first time Doug looked at the Paca Craw in the technical test tank, not just an angler view from the surface, he was amazed at the action and knew why it was so effective.

The deadly action of the Net Bait Papa Craw is unique, effective, deadly. 

Another passion for Doug is serving the angler well. Doug got his first tackle job in a small hardware store in Dixon, TN.  His knowledge of fishing and hunting prompted the store owner to task Doug with setting up a fishing tackle department and then expanding to hunting and firearms.  They were the only store in the area that took guns on trade, so Doug learned a lot from trading and how to treat all customers fairly. After his 37 years at Strike King, we asked Doug what his fondest memory was.  Doug said, “The team spirit. No one was the star, and there were no heroes. We were a group, a team working all together to create great products and great service collectively.”

We asked Doug, “What got him to come out of retirement and join American Baitworks?” Doug said, “The consistent striving for excellence in product performance and quality by the American Baitworks team, and selling it at a fair price.  All on the team are committed to superior lure performance with consistent quality lure to lure.” Most anglers have had the experience of a soft plastic that comes out of the bag with a bend or twist that is not part of the lure.  Doug says, “The customer paid for a bag of lures, and every lure should be consistent and perform the same.  The customer deserves that.” Doug added, “The commitment to quality is so great at American Baitworks that if one toe on a soft plastic lure is not working right, we will not sell it until we fix it. Then we know it will catch fish.”

We asked, “Why did American Baitworks acquire ScumFrog and SnagProof who have the oldest of surface frog lures on the market?” Doug answered, “There are many frog bait lures available, but none have exceeded the fishing-catching performance of these original designs.

The new painted trophy series of ScumFrog patterns are attractive, affordable and fish-catchy!

These frog baits caught so many fish when they first came out, and they still do. They represent pure perfection in frog lure-making, they have great action. The action is the most important factor to a fish and these frogs deliver that. We manufacture each of these great baits in a new Trophy Series now, to a consistent performance quality that delivers performance and value for the angler.”

Anglers can expect new lures from American Baitworks soon; they are in development.  As soon as they are thoroughly field-tested, and we know they deliver fishing catching performance, we will be offering them to anglers at a fair price. What’s next? The Freedom Tackle Mischief Minnow will be available soon. Michael Tamburro designed it, the Einstein of evolutionary and competent lure designers, urging perfection with every wiggle, waggle, sound, movement, and fish-attracting feature.

New ideas from master design experts are among notable trademarks for Doug Minor.

Each of the American Baitworks brands is managed with quality by skilled people that share a passion for fishing.

Doug said, “The new NetBaits Flex Worm is a finesse bait made with injection molding that is second to none. It has tantalizing action, and the quality of manufacture, bait-to-bait, is perfect. That’s one of our goals.”

Doug shares, “It took me a while to get used to the weekly American Baitworks staff meetings. Instead of jumping right into business, each person starts talking about the fishing trip last weekend. Things like they caught a 4-pound smallmouth and were so excited.  After that, I realized it is the embedded fishing passion that drives this company to make fish-catching products at the highest measurable quality levels and sell them for a fair price. Maybe good for an angler to know the best part.  We offer great lures with great action that catch fish, and they are made in the USA whenever possible.”

That says it all.

Best Binoculor NAMED for Spotting Birds…German Precision Optics (GPO-USA)

  • Waterproof and fog-proof, tough aluminum eyecup tubes
  • Lightweight and compact, custom-molded hard case
  • Lifetime Warranty from German Precision Optics (GPO)

GPO USA PASSION™ 8×42 ED Binocular Wins Best Birding Binocular Award – Best Binoculars Reviews (BBR) has awarded the GPO PASSION 8×42 ED binocular with its 2020 Best Birding Binocular. Now in its tenth year, BBR awards the very best binoculars they have fully tested and reviewed in the past 12 months in a range of categories.

BBR website publisher commented about the quality of the GPO 8×42 binocular: “For just about all uses, but especially important for birding, an image that is of excellent quality and true to life is a critical feature. This is because it not only ensures you can fully appreciate the beauty of the birds in all their glory but sometimes, tiny differences in plumage colorations can make the difference when trying to positively identify one sub-species from another.

“As most birders will know, having a wide field of view is another extremely important feature as it enables you to more easily find and then follow your subjects, this is especially true of the small faster-moving ones at closer ranges! At 426ft wide at 1,000 yards, these GPO binoculars have an extremely wide view that ranks up there with the very widest 8×42 binoculars currently on the market and which is why I would certainly describe them as being a wide angle binocular.

“As with the predecessor, another reason I chose these over the other contenders is down to them having an excellent build quality level and with it a performance that was well above what I would expect to find in just about every area.

“Indeed I would go as far as to say that these GPO binoculars have no major weaknesses, which makes them a very versatile instrument that will not only stand out in most types of birding but also many other areas and thus I feel they rank up there with the best binoculars for 2020 overall.”

To be eligible for a BBR Award and be considered one of the best binoculars for 2020, it has to have been fully reviewed and tested by BBR. According to the website, BBR reviews are written after thoroughly researched, used and then tested and compared to other binoculars in its class.

To read the extensive review on the GPO PASSION 8×42 ED binocular, visit

About GPO USA: German Precision Optics was founded on the premise that design, engineering and quality management is 100 percent controlled in Germany to its strictest standards, yet products can be produced at some of the largest production facilities worldwide. This unique corporate structure allows GPO to offer the highest quality products with better features at a significantly better price. The company is 100-percent confident that all its products will not only function perfectly but also exceed all expectations. Therefore, GPO USA has created an industry-leading Spectacular Lifetime Warranty™. With outstanding professional service, GPO USA will take care of its products before, during and after the purchase at no charge— EVER. Founded in 2016, GPO has its U.S. headquarters in Richmond, Va. For more information on GPO USA, visit or call 844-MY-BINOS (844-692-4667).

Bow Spider: The Ultimate Solution for Packing Compound Bows Afield

The product is proudly made in the USA and gives one percent of all sales to conservation. The company also offers veterans a 15 percent discount on all products.

  • You see the Buck, the Elk, the Moose…but your bow is somehow unreachable. Now, a proven solution.
  • Reduce FROM a the game of CHANCE…TO a game of CHOICE. 
  • Mount on your hip, on your treestand, on your backpack while hiking in. The Intuitive design makes bow retrieval fast and easy in any situation.

One of the big hassles of hunting with a compound bow is figuring out how to securely and safely pack and carry it afield, yet keep it handy enough that you can immediately spring into action should an unforeseen opportunity arise. The solution is simple: Bow Spider — the quickest and easiest bow retrieval system on the market. Whether you are a backpack hunter, spend your time up a tree, or need both hands free when crossing a field while carrying decoys, blinds, and other accessories, Bow Spider is the answer you’ve been looking for.

The concept is simple and revolves around a lightweight, roundish bow holder that comes with a sturdy belt and long bolts, allowing for multiple ways to secure your bow. Use the belt to attach your bow to your pack, hip, truck headrest, blind, or tree. Bow Spider can also be easily attached to a binocular harness or backpack. In fact, it can be mounted to any sturdy flat surface for secure and easy storage – even a wall.

Here’s how it works. An aluminum arm attaches to the bow’s riser, and slides into a slot on the lightweight, injection-molded receiver, which can be worn on the included belt or attached via long bolts to other objects. The bow is held securely in place via a gravity-locking system, yet slides out with minimal effort. You have to either pull it out or turn it upside down to get the bow out. With Bow Spider, you can:

  • Mount on Your Hip: Use the straps provided to mount the Bow Spider to your side using a belt or on your pack frame belt. Or you can attach it to your pack frame waist band. Both of these options provide for easy access while hiking or exploring for game as well as during professional archery shooting competitions.
  • Mount in Your Tree Stand: Use the Bow Spider to secure your bow when hunting from a tree stand for quick, quiet access. Carry it up securely on your back and cinch to the tree! This eliminates the need for a pull rope to pull your bow up after you are already in the tree stand. Once in the tree stand utilize the provided strap to attach the Bow Spider to the tree for quick access.
  • Use on Your Pack: You can choose either to temporarily or permanently mount Bow Spider to your pack. By using the provided straps it can be mounted temporarily. For a permanent or semi-permanent mount you can use the provided bolts. This is a true game changer for those long backcountry hikes.
  • Safe Storage for Home or Travel: Use the provided strap to affix the Bow Spider to your seat while driving. You can also screw the Bow Spider to the wall for long term storage in your home.

The Bow Spider is available in green, tan, or black, and has a MSRP of $84.95. To see how it works, check out this short YouTube video quick access: Click Here

When every second counts, quickly swing your bow into action thanks to the amazing new Bow Spider. For more information, and to order visit

About Recreational Archery Development LLC (RAD, LLC): Founded in 2019 and headquartered in Kinnear, WY – RAD, LLC is a leading designer and manufacturer of innovative products for the outdoor industry, including the Bow Spider brand of products. Bow Spider’s intuitive design makes bow retrieval fast and easy in any situation. The product is proudly made in the USA and gives one percent of all sales to conservation. The company also offers veterans a 15 percent discount on all products. (To take advantage of this offer, orders need to be called in directly to the company at (307) 438-9290.) For additional information on RAD, LLC and the Bow Spider brand of products write to: RAD, LLC, PO Box 171, Kinnear, WY 82516; call (307) 438-9290; email; visit

Mother’s Day Gifts for the Outdoors Woman

  • Significant Gifts for that one Significant Other, Outdoors Mom’s are special
  • Colorful 3-season and 4-season quilts, comfy outdoor footwear, bacteria-safe cutting board, a unique Wok w/ burner system

By Jason Houser

Mother’s Day is fast approaching, and significant others and children are not always the best at picking out gifts. Flowers die and chocolate is gone way too soon. This year get her something she can use and will last for years to come.

Cutting Boards and More

Mothers are great cooks (most mothers). Instead of letting her use the same old cutting board that is an eyesore, get her a cutting board that will last a lifetime and looks good in the kitchen. John Boos & Co. located in Effingham, Illinois, has been manufacturing cutting boards since the late 1800s. These boards can be found in kitchens across the country and on the sets of your favorite cooking show.

Cutting boards should last and that is exactly what a properly cared for cutting board from John Boos will do. It is not just cutting boards though. John Boos offers a wide selection of butcher blocks, countertops, worktables, and stainless-steel products.

If you can think of a need for it when it comes to this type of product, John Boos has probably already thought of it. Whether it is a block designed for cutting fresh herbs, holding your I-pad or your fresh loaf of homemade bread and everything in between, you will find it at John Boos.

If a durable and attractive board isn’t enough for you, then consider this. A scientific study conducted by Dr. Dean Cliver, Ph.D. has proved that maple cutting boards inhibit bacteria growth, while plastic boards have been scientifically proven to harbor bacteria inside the cut grooves. Also, wood cutting boards are known to be easier on your expensive knife blades.

Durable WOK with BIG KAHUNA Burner

Who doesn’t like cooking with woks? Eastman Outdoors is home to the best wok and outdoor burner on the market. Ideal for stir-frying, deep-frying, boiling, steaming, braising and simmering, this deep wok + powerful burner combination delivers versatile cooking, to decks, patios, backyards and campsites alike.

This outdoor wok kit is complete with accessories for styles of cooking. The 22-inch stainless-steel wok is 50% deeper than most traditional woks, allowing your favorite cook room to make your plenty of your favorite foods.

The propane burner has adjustable legs (18″ to 26″) making it perfect for not only the Wok, but the top surface flips to accept skillets and small pots but also tall pots.

Included in the kit are a stainless-steel wok spoon, spatula, 12-inch AccuZone (TM) thermometer, and an instructional DVD with recipes.


Every lady needs a good pair of boots. I bought my wife a pair of Vaprtrek from Irish Setter Boots.  We recently returned from a turkey hunt in southern Illinois.  To say that good footwear was important in the uneven terrain is an understatement.

I can only guess how many miles we walked on the days it took for us to scout and to fill our turkey tags. And, it was no walk in the park either. On this hunt, we both chose to wear the Irish Setter Vaprtrek. Walking over uneven terrain, crossing small streams, and experiencing mild temperatures, these boots were perfect.

Normally, we like to break our boots in before trekking through the wood’s miles from another pair of boots.  Not doing so is only asking for sore feet and blisters.  After trying these boots on for the first time, my wife felt comfortable enough to wear them hunting the very next day.  These waterproof boots proved their weight in gold as we were on our feet all day long, day after day.

So, how does Irish Setter explain the Vaprtrek? VaprTrek™ boots were designed with the athletic hunter in mind.

Whether your deer hunting, scouting, searching for sheds or chasing that spring gobbler, you’ll appreciate how light yet rugged these technically advanced, high-performance boots are. Their innovative RPM™ sole, ScentBan™ scent control, and sleek profile combine to meet the demands of the most active hunters.


These are not your grandma’s quilts. Quilts by Zenbivy are manufactured with the outdoorsman and woman in mind.

If you’re better half enjoys camping, she will enjoy one of these quilts. Unlike a sleeping bag that has a zipper to deal with when laid flat, these quilts do not have the extra weight to contend with. And, many people would rather not sleep in a sleeping bag that constricts their movement. It is much easier to cover up with a comfortable quilt for a good night’s rest.

Available in a variety of colors, it will not be a problem to find one just right for her.  With three temperature ratings to choose from, there is one for every season. The 40º version is just as soft, just as light and just as packable as their 25º down quilt, but is built for warmer nights and tighter budgets. Built for 3-Season use, the 25 Degree down Light Quilt is one of the softest, most durable, lightweight quilts you can find. The buttery-soft 20º fabrication sets the 10º down Light Quilt apart from its more “purist” 10º competitors. Built for the widest range of temperatures, it’s a true 4-season ultra-light quilt.

The quilt is great, but be sure to check out the pillow, mattress and dry sack from Zenbivy to complete your sleeping comfort.  These might not be the traditional Mother’s Day gifts many think of, but I am sure she would enjoy them for years to come.

Target Plinking: Mutual Disrespect for .22 Caliber Ammo


  • The Good, the Bad, the Ugly…Identify the “right” (best) ammo brand for your firearm before hunting
  • Federal Champion .22LR 40-Grain Ammo
  • CCI Hollow-Point .22LR 40-Grain Ammo
  • Winchester .22LR 40-Grain Ammo
Sandbags helped me eliminate holding variation when target-testing different ammo brands. Dieter Voss Photo

By Collin Voss

I am not wise in this field, but I experienced this first hand and have enough facts that can end an ongoing debate in the firearm world. Does .22 Caliber LR rimfire ammunition matter?

My immediate answer would be yes, but that would not settle this case. I recently became a full-time adult member (I turned 18) at West Falls Conservation Society in West Falls, New York. My whole life I had been a junior member – it is where I grew up and a big reason why I have a welded relationship with the great outdoors.

One of the benefits of being a member of this organization is the private rifle range. Last July, the summer of 2019, I had used my privilege to open that big red gate with my key to the range! With me, was my guest and very good friend Alex. Alex had his Savage MKII .22 caliber bolt-action rifle with iron sights and I had mine, a .22 caliber Rossi single-shot, break-action, youth rifle with a 3-9x32mm Bushnell Sportsman riflescope.

I had sighted my rifle in once a few years ago, except I received a bit of help from my Grandfather. Knowing the rifle had not been shot in so long, I purchased Federal Champion .22LR 40-Grain ammunition. Packaged in 50 count boxes, I bought four.

Federal Champion .22LR 40-Grain Ammo

We set up our targets 50 yards out. Mine was on the left and Alex was on the right. Before shooting we both went over the range rules posted on the back wall and our own firearm safety precautions. Which were basic and included keeping the barrel pointed downrange, always have the safety switch on (if there is one) and the action open when handing the rifle to one another, both of us would go to check targets with the rifle in hand, and most importantly ALWAYS treat the rifle as if it were loaded and live.

It’s Time to Shoot

Alex begins shooting and I begin the sighting process. I grab three sandbags from the range cabinet and stack them in a pyramid-like shape, the bottom two are parallel with one another and the third sandbag lays across the bottom two in a perpendicular manner. I used this setup as a rifle rest to eliminate any human movement and achieve the greatest accuracy possible. The most proper way to sight in a rifle is to use a gun vise, which I do not have available to use, so the sandbags were my next best thing.

Officially, to start the sight-in process, I rest my rifle on the sandbags, put the crosshairs directly over the center of the target, slowly let out my breath, and gently squeeze the trigger. To my amazement, I hit the target, but not where I was aiming. To tell whether it was my scope or my excitement of taking the shot, the bullet hole was two inches to the right and 3 inches low. Hmmm, I thought. To see if it was me or the ammo or something else, I decided to take 5 more shots identical to the first. Immediately there was a grouping of 6 holes on the light cream-colored target, all within an inch of each other – perfect.

This let me know that my rifle was shooting straight and I needed to adjust my scope. I unscrewed the elevation and windage adjustment caps. I gave 10 clicks counterclockwise on the elevation adjustment (up) and 7 clicks clockwise on the windage adjustment (left). I took my next three shots at the target and to my surprise, they had all hit the bullseye.

To clarify my observations of the target sighting and gun and ammo, I took 10 more shots. – all in the bullseye. I was thrilled! First time ever sighting in a rifle on my own and I did it perfectly? I couldn’t believe my own eyes. From there it was a great day of target practice.

CCI Hollow-Point, 22LR 40-Grain Ammo

It was now March of 2020, I had no more Federal Champion .22LR 40-grain ammunition. Instead of taking the long drive to Cabelas, on the way to West Falls, I stopped in at The Valley Gun Shop in West Falls, NY.  I had never been here, but I thought it was time to say hello, introduce myself, and to check it out. The gentlemen who owns the shop only carried CCI hollow-point 40-grain ammunition for .22 caliber rifles. I decided to purchase those and see how they shot. I figured they would probably not shoot the same as the Federal ammunition, but wanted to try them and compare anyway.

As I took my first 3 shots on the target. They all shot to the left 2-inches and 1- inch high, creating a nice small group. I concluded to compensate for the change rather than adjust my scope due to how nicely it was sighted in with the federal ammunition. 100 rounds and 2 trips to the range later, I was out of ammunition once again. I acquired some Winchester .22 LR 40-grain ammo, four boxes.

Winchester 22LR 40-Grain Ammo

The Winchester .22LR 40-Grain ammo was simply not consistent for the first 100 rounds fired. I then cleaned my rifle hoping that removing the usual spent powder and metal fragments the other two ammo types would provide a better bore for the bullet to travel through. Again my first 15 shots were inconsistent, as much as 3-inches high, low, left, or right. All over the place.

Now, on the 16th shot after the barrel had been cleaned, to my disbelief, I see nothing more than a hole in the dead center of the target. I thought my luck had changed with this ammunition, but that was not the case. I would have to say every 2 to 3 shots, I would have one round that would shoot straight at 50 yards. What surprised me was that at 100 yards these bullets were landing exactly where I wanted them to with very little pattern change. The only difference I had to adjust for was aiming about 3 inches above the target to hit the bullseye. Hard to analyze.

Best Ammo (for my Rossi)

Testing the ammo types was educational and fun. While these ammo brands might perform differently in other rifle brands, I would have to conclude from live-fire testing that for my break-action, single-shot Rossi, the best (most accurate and repeatable) ammo out of these three brands was the Federal .22LR 40-Grain. Not only does the gun powder smell fresh (hard to describe), the crisp sound of the shot was consistent and the ammo performed consistently. Above that, I never had a misfire in those 200 Federal rounds fired.

Lessons Learned

Before going hunting with any brand of ammo, make sure you test it and know what it does in your firearm.

Hindsight and Future Thoughts

It was especially enjoyable to use the range as a regular member and share it with a friend. In summary, think I’m ready for squirrel season!

Over-Under Turkey Gun, Close or Far: CZ Reaper Magnum

  • This 12-gauge camo shotgun ships with 6 interchangeable choke tubes, including an extra-full version.
  • Picatinny rail mount option for optic addition is included.
  • QD swivels are attached at front and back

Whether the shot is longer-range or considerably closer, the CZ Reaper Magnum over-and-under offers choke tube options to fill your turkey tag. Outfit one barrel of this 12-gauge turkey gun with a tight choke, the other with a more open variation, then you’re good for that big tom at nearly any distance by merely flipping the barrel selector switch on the Reaper Magnum.

You can even match your shells to the chokes you have selected. For example, fit one barrel with an extra full choke and load it with a magnum turkey load for that 45-yard shot, and a less powerful shell with a more open choke in the other barrel when a bird suddenly pops up at 18 feet. Try that with a semi-automatic or pump shotgun!

The 3.5-inch chambers of the Reaper Magnum allow the use of nearly any 12-gauge turkey shells, while the automatic ejectors vigorously pop out the empties. The shotgun’s 26-inch barrels makes this O/U very maneuverable in the field, whether hunting from a blind or sitting with your back against a tree trunk. Prefer an optic for your turkey hunting? A Picatinny rail mount is included just above the chamber on the rear of the barrels, making any optic an easy addition.

The CZ Reaper Magnum’s sturdy polymer stock can take all that Mother Nature has to offer, and the Realtree Xtra® Green Camo finish will hide this shotgun from those sharp-eyed turkeys. QD swivels are attached at the front and back, and the shotgun ships with six (6) extended, interchangeable choke tubes, including an extra-full version.

Retail cost: $993.

For more information, please visit WWW.CZ-USA.COM.

CZ Reaper Magnum Specs:

  • SKU: 06588
  • Chambering.: 12 Gauge
  • Operation: Over and Under
  • Max Shell Length: 3 ½ in.
  • Barrel Length: 26 in.
  • Rib: 8mm Flat Vent
  • Chokes: 6 Extended Black tubes, including C, IC, LM, M, IM, EXTRA FULL
  • Stock: Polymer, Realtree Xtra® Green Camo
  • Overall Length: 44 ¼ in.
  • Weight: 7 lbs.
  • Length of Pull: 14 ½ in.

Patience is Often Key to Early-Season Turkey-Hunting Success…What to do, When to call, What to use

  • Avoid mistakes by watching, listening and adapting.
  • Calls, gentle yelps, clucks, but don’t over-call if the birds are quiet.
  • Read on to learn WHEN TO USE a decoy. The birds will always show you what they want.

By Josh Lantz

Most turkey hunters believe the opening days of the spring turkey-hunting season offer the best chances at taking a bird. It’s probably true. Gobblers that haven’t been hunted in months can up the odds for success, but an abundance of weather-related variables can easily turn what should be prime turkey-killing days into disappointing outings that often leave less-experienced hunters scratching their heads. As with most confusing situations in life, observation, listening and patience can be the keys to success.

If the opening day arrives on the heels of typical spring weather, hunters can usually expect toms to be fired up for breeding but frustrated by hens that aren’t quite ready. These are ideal conditions for the turkey hunter, as toms will be close to the hens and establishing dominance. These are birds that can be expected to respond favorably to effective calling – especially the less-dominant toms. More on that later.

A portable ground blind can be very helpful during the early season for a variety of reasons and a lightweight model is worth carrying. There’s a lot less vegetation at the start of the season, and turkeys are often less vocal, too. Silent birds can be on top of you before you know it. A blind can conceal your movement when repositioning your gun towards that old tom that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. Of course, a ground blind also provides welcomed comfort and protection from spring’s unpredictable weather.

If the early season is particularly cold, don’t be surprised when the birds don’t crank up the way you want them to. Adapt by heading straight to spots you’ve observed with the greatest signs of turkey activity. Use a couple of decoys and try a little calling, but don’t be surprised or too concerned if they don’t gobble. Have patience. Pack a lunch and hunt all day if your state allows it.

Deciding how much or how little to call can only be learned through experience and is a critical consideration during the early season. Toms are sorting out their pecking order during the pre-breeding period, so aggressive calling can work well, but don’t overdo it. Many hunters have a tendency to keep hammering away, especially when turkeys aren’t gobbling, but stop and realize that isn’t always what turkeys want to hear. There’s a reason the birds aren’t making a racket, so why are you?

Start with three or four soft yelps and build up gradually. Wait a minute, then apply a little more pressure. Repeat the process a couple more times, getting louder and extending the sequence each time. Finally, scream ten to 12 notes at them while throwing in some feeding calls and cuts. Hopefully, you’ll get a response, but don’t be surprised if you don’t. You’ve played your cards, so sit tight, be quiet and listen carefully for at least 20 minutes to give any silent but otherwise interested toms time to enter your window. If a gobbler answers, return call by softly yelping or purring just enough to let him know where you’re at. Alternatively, try rustling some leaves with your hand to simulate scratching and feeding but do it in a careful way that minimizes motion. If you are in an area with a lot of turkey sign, be patient and stay put, especially if there’s some other hunting pressure in the area. Have confidence in your setup and focus on managing your own little corner of the turkey woods. If there’s little to no pressure, consider making a small move, but take time to think about where you’re headed and how you’ll get there before getting up.

A lot of turkey hunters employ the proven jake/hen combo decoy setup during the early season. Emphasis on proven. But don’t overlook the power of a single strutter decoy under the proper conditions. As previously mentioned, we’re often hunting a lot of subordinate, “satellite” toms early in the season. If your scouting reveals groups of two or three Toms traveling and feeding together, that’s the time to hunt with a single strutter decoy, preferably one with a real tail fan that moves in the breeze. It’s a small detail that helps put birds at ease and can make a big difference in closing the deal. Don’t second-guess your decoy decision until you have a reason to. You’ll know if your decision to use a strutter was a good one as soon as it attracts a tom’s attention and you have the opportunity to view his reaction. It’s simple: kill him if he runs in, go back to your jake and hen decoy if he walks away.

What you wear in the spring turkey woods makes a difference, too, and most turkey hunters don’t give enough consideration to scent control. I know, it’s their eyes we’re worried about, not their noses, right? True, but working a gobbler in on a string only to have the perfect setup foiled by a whitetail doe staring, snorting and stomping at you will quickly change your perspective. It happens to everyone sooner or later, so recognize the reality of the situation and adapt.

A great variety of effective scent-control clothing options are available today. Two to consider are ScentLok’s Savanna Aero line and Blocker Outdoors’ Shield Series Angatec line. Both feature multiple pieces and come in a variety of popular and effective camo patterns. And don’t forget the facemask and headcover; a large percentage of your metabolic odor comes from your hair, mouth and face, so failing to cover these areas defeats the purpose of having a scent-control regimen. For added comfort and more scent control, consider a base layer like the Shield Series Koretec Base from Blocker Outdoors or BaseSlayers AMP garments from ScentLok. Regardless of whether or not you use scent-control apparel, you can further reduce your odor signature in the field by keeping your turkey-hunting clothes deodorized between hunts with an ozone storage bag like the OZ Chamber 8K Combo.

The most successful turkey hunters avoid mistakes by watching, listening and adapting their strategies accordingly – throughout the course of a single hunt and over the changing conditions and circumstances of an entire season. Still, everyone makes mistakes. The key is racking up enough experience to realize errors right away and make immediate adjustments.

Have faith and confidence in your observations and adjustments; the birds will always show you what they want.



New Blades…A Compact Fixed Blade Pair of Knives — The JaegerPair™ from Outdoor Edge®

  • Big critter on the ground, 4-miles from the road, you know what that means: skin, section, quarter, debone…you need the right tools BEFORE DARK.
  • At Hunt Camp back home, help all your buddies, field dress their big game prize QUICKLY, sharp cutting tools do the trick and make it easy
  • These Outdoor Edge tools are light, sharp, protected in their sheath, smart design, simple to use. 
Drop Point Knife Blade, Gutting Blade, 8.5 oz, Blade Steel made from 420J2 stainless – long sharp lasting, Rubberized TPR Handle, Nylon Sheath. 

Preparing for a hunt means making certain you have all the right equipment. Outdoor Edge makes that easy with its new lightweight and compact JaegerPair™ fixed blade combination set. Weighing in at only 8.5 oz. this big-game field dressing combo with a fixed blade drop-point and a gutting knife is an absolute necessity for every hunting pack.

The 3.9-inch drop-point skinning knife in the JaegerPair is the true workhorse for skinning and de-boning. The unique design of this blade allows you to sweep through the skinning job and get through the thick layers with ease while the downward angle-point assists in preventing any accidental slices through the hide. The 3.7-inch blunt-tipped gutting knife in the JaegerPair cuts underneath the skin to provide a seamless, effortless cut without piercing vital organs. The two-knife combination makes big-game field-dressing a breeze.

Both knives feature precisely heat-treated 420J2 stainless steel blades that are resistant to rust and are hand-finished shaving sharp and ensure excellent edge retention. The full tang on both knives adds to the cutting strength and reliability and allows for increased force leverage with the handle if needed. Perfectly balanced, the knives feature blaze-orange handles with an antlered texture molded into the rubberized TPR handle for a comfortable fit in your hand and a secure, non-slip grip even if you find yourself field dressing an animal in inclement weather.

The JaegerPair comes complete with a black nylon belt sheath to keep this quality knife pair within reach at all times. It will be available this Spring at retailers nationwide and conveniently online at for a suggested retail of $33.95.

About Outdoor Edge: Founded in 1988 and headquartered in Denver, Outdoor Edge is a leading designer and manufacturer of knives and tools. Today, Outdoor Edge continues to innovate and develop state-of-the-art products for outdoor enthusiasts, game processors, survivalists, handymen and others who require the very best knives and tools available for leisure, work, and everyday-carry needs. The company prides itself in offering a variety of products that undergo extensive field-testing in harsh, rugged environments resulting in durable, long-lasting products that come with a lifetime guarantee. For additional information on Outdoor Edge and its full line of products write to Outdoor Edge, 5000 Osage Street, Suite 800, Denver, CO 80221; call toll-free 800-477-3343; email; or visit

Build your own custom fishing rod: 6 SIMPLE STEPS

  • Choose rod type, length, action
  • See a custom rod-building catalog, simplify choices
  • Order, sort the parts, prepare the parts, follow the instructions, get it done, and SEE BELOW
Tom Marks is a custom rod-builder and expert charter-captain with impeccable fishing skills, he simplifies and shares rod building skills for all viewers.

By Bob Holzhei

Building a custom fishing rod is much easier and more affordable than many fishermen think! I’m not a rod-builder, but I met a friend that has become a real custom rod building expert, his name is Tom Marks. He says, “I’m still just learning how to do a lot of the details, but I’m a good learner and I’ve put several dozen rods together over the last few years, my friends seem to like them. It’s more a hobby than anything else, it’s certainly not a job for me (yet).” He has taught me how to do what you do to accomplish what might be nearly impossible for me alone. Tom invited me to watch and do, as he went along.

First, you decide the type of rod you want. To keep things simple, I chose between just two rod types: casting rod or spinning rod? After that, will it be a lightweight, medium-weight, heavy-weight, fast action, slow action? How long? Length is a big factor based on your physical size. The number of pieces? The most sensitive rods are always one-piece, but two-piece rods fit so much better in the trunk! You can decide all these rod details on your own, they are all questions you need to answer.

I chose a custom spinning rod and then enjoyed working and (mostly) watching Tom build my fishing rod.


Select the rod blank and components. Order a kit or talk to a custom rod-builder like Tom.

The spline of the rod is found by bending it and watching for “hop” or listening for a slight sound crack.

Tom says, “First, I find and mark the rod spline with a permanent marker. The spline is the backbone of the rod and is located where the internal “heavy section” inside the internal circumference of the rod blank is located, it is actually the strong backbone part of the rod. The spline is the reference plane for where the guides will go, on one side of the spline or directly opposite of the spline. More on that later.

The spline is marked; it is the backbone of the rod.

The backbone allows the guides to be placed to provide the greatest rod strength for the blank itself, so the rod will not break when a big fish is on the line. This improves the balance and performance of the rod, also ensuring straighter casts.”

When building a spinning rod, the spline is marked (it runs the entire length of the blank) and the guides are placed opposite the spline.  On a casting rod, the guides are placed on top of the rod blank spline.

“There’s nothing like catching a fish with a custom-made rod,” smiled Marks.

The Simple 6-Step How-To:

  1. Select the rod kit and order it to meet your needs as mentioned earlier. Or see a humble custom rod builder like Tom Marks and ask him questions, then he can design a kit for you and build exactly what you want.
  2. The physical components need to be prepared. This includes adjusting the rod grip to fit the blank. It might mean using some special tools to ream the internal diameter of the grip as necessary to fit the rod blank, no matter if it’s cork or carbon fiber. The grip will be held in place on the blank using epoxy glue later. The rod blank is then measured and marked to determine the location for the grip, real seat, and rod guides.
    The grip or handle of the rod is reamed out.


  3. The grip (handle of the rod) is dry-fitted to the blank by attaching the reel seat and aligning the combination with the spline, and when this all looks right, epoxy is used to permanently fasten to the blank.

    Dry fit the handle before placing epoxy glue on.
  4. The top side of each guide foot is sanded to allow a smooth transition for the thread winding to track onto the foot. The guides are then aligned on the rod blank to the marked, spline-oriented, locations from earlier. The guides are attached temporarily using rubber bands cut from silicone tubing (some builders use masking tape for this step). The thread of your color choice is then used to wrap and hold the guides to their designated place. Again, the guides need to be straight and all in-line on the blank. Before the epoxy is applied, the guides can be moved ever so slightly to assure they are perfectly in line. Tom uses the recommended placement of guides from “Mud Hole,” an online supply company of custom rod building kits.
  5. A light coat of epoxy glue is placed on the thread wrap and allowed to cure for 24 hours while slowly rotating the blank to assure no runs occur from the epoxy. Marks will use two to three coats of thread wrap epoxy to assure the wraps and guide feet are sealed and impervious to the external environment.
  6. Lastly, the tip-top is glued in place with hot melt glue.

The rod-build is done.

“The rod is now complete and decorative items can be added including special extra wraps, marbling, decals or really special things such as rattlesnake skin,” added Marks.

“The reasons the custom rods are better than those purchased off the rack is because the rod is crafted to your chosen specifications, your color choice, special highlights with a preference for action, length and all that. Extra care is taken in the building process,” concluded Marks.

Other advantages of a custom-built rod become obvious when you use that rod. Accuracy in casting, heightened sensitivity, best overall performance, including matched balance for rod weight and reel weight, and simple enjoyment.

The author is ready to field-test his custom rod.

A wide variety of options are available when designing your custom rod; I selected a rattlesnake skin handle for my custom rod. “I use a power-winder to turn the blank and place the thread on for each guide, though it’s a time-consuming process. It takes from 6-7 hours to place the components (precision alignment), add the handle glue, sand and place the guides, add the thread wraps, tip-top and epoxy coat the final product,” stated Marks.

Discovering a new hobby is an added benefit for the fisherman who wishes to expand his knowledge of fishing and gain a new appreciation for the various learning opportunities that fishing can offer as a recreational sport.

Prices of a custom fishing rod kit can range from $50 and go up to several hundred, depending on the quality of the rod blank, quality and type of guides, and personalized artwork. Turnkey rod kits can be purchased from Mud Hole direct. The finished custom rod is a function of time and materials…and skill. Every builder values his time, and time has a value. If it takes 2 hours or 10 hours, you add that on at the end. Do it yourself? Yes, you can save a lot of money, but it just might not be the same.

The memory of that first-cast with a custom-rod will last a lifetime.

Tom Marks is a retired engineer and a discussion with him can help you decide what type of rod, type of action and all the rest, might be best for you. Tom receives satisfaction from designing and making custom fishing rods for others. “I like to see everyone happy with the finished rod. For many, it’s a once-in-lifetime thing, their custom fishing rod is what they’ve been dreaming about,” says Marks.

To review the many rod kit choices or for a free catalog, visit or call 1-866-790-7637. They also offer free advice and rod-building classes. To visit Tom Marks, drop me a line ( and I’ll put you in contact.


Master Your Own Turkey Call – Build it Yourself. Here’s How!

Jim Monteleone Photo

  • Learn about different turkey call materials that offer different turkey sounds
  • Soundboard, plating surface, striker – all offer options in tone choice
  • Learning the sound variations and practicing tone undulations with your own call, it’s the MOST FUN and  will help you learn the turkey calling ropes

By Jason Houser

Turkey calls are at the top of the list to be a successful turkey hunter. Walk through the doors of the NWTF convention, and you will see more people selling turkey calls than just about anything else.

A fun and inexpensive project during the off-season is to make a pot call all your own. To make things even better would be to make your own pot call and then kill a turkey with it. Several companies sell turkey call kits, but I recently bought a kit from Brookside Game Calls that included a walnut pot, glass soundboard, slate playing surface, striker, and directions. This is a fun project you can do at home.

The materials needed are easily obtained and include:

  • Fine Grit sandpaper for sanding the call. I used 150 grit with excellent results.
  • Brookside recommends GOOP, but I used Loctite with excellent results. It is essential to make sure the glue you use is waterproof.
  • Oil-based polyurethane to protect the call.
  • Nylon Style Clamp.

Step 1:

When I received the call kit, the pot had some rough surfaces. We used 150 grit sandpaper until the edges were smooth.

Step 2:

To protect the surface, I applied a fine layer of oil-based polyurethane that I wiped on with a rag. You could also use the polyurethane from a spray can. I finished the shafts of the strikers in the same manner, but the tip end was left unfinished for better sound.

Step 3:

After the pot was dry, we applied a thin layer of glue to the center of the call. Center the soundboard on the soundboard standoff, then clamp the soundboard into place and allow it to dry.

Step 4:

Once the soundboard is dry, it is time to apply the top of your call. This can be done by either applying a bead of glue to the underside of the playing surface or apply a thin bead of glue to the rim of the call where the playing surface will sit. I chose to apply glue to the rim of the call, and it worked well.

Step 5:

With the playing surface of the call in place, use your clamps and allow the glue to dry for about 12 hours.


Now that you have made your very own turkey call, the only thing left to do is practice with the call until you can make realistic turkey sounds and then go hunt.

Brookside Game Calls has many kit choices to choose from. Even though I purchased a kit that had everything needed to make a call, you can purchase products separately to make the call you like. There are a variety of woods to choose from for pre-cut pots and soundboards, including all the well-accepted materials and playing surfaces such as glass, slate, aluminum, and crystal.

There are also many different kinds of wood for striker pegs and tops to choose from to complete your pot call. Another option is to purchase a kit to make a box call. It is just as fun and simple to make.

Watch this video to see more:

Spent Oriole Nests prompt Quick Shooting Lesson

  • We created a happy oriole colony around our home by providing grape jelly feeders
  • Abandoned (used) oriole nests are never used again by the orioles
  • The nests proved to be surprisingly easy to “harvest”

By Mike Schoonveld

We created an oriole bird colony around our country home by providing grape jelly feeders.

How often have you watched a scene in an old western movie where a good guy is about to be strung up by an evil sheriff? The hero comes along, often on horseback, pulls out his six-shooter or Winchester and fires a shot which blasts through the sturdy rope, saving the good guy’s life.

Similar scenes occurred often enough, so the crew from the Mythbusters TV show decided to see if it was even possible. Could Clint Eastwood have really pulled off this stunt with a single bullet?

Of course not. I’m not dissing “the man with no name’s” shooting ability, but the Mythbusters, not surprisingly, couldn’t sever a thick hemp rope without hitting it with several bullets.

When I spotted the basket-like nests made by Baltimore orioles in the leafless treetops of two of the maple trees in my yard, I wanted them. Each nest was about 30 feet off the ground, nowhere near the trunks where I could climb the tree or even erect an extension ladder. Short of hiring a bucket truck to elevate a worker high enough to snip them free, the only thing I could think of to remove the nests was to shoot them down.

Then I thought of the Mythbuster’s episode I’d watched. How many shots with .22 bullets would it take to gun down the nest? I was pretty sure, as the Mythbuster stars proved with the rope, it would take several hits to completely cut through the narrow branch. The shooter or shooters wouldn’t have the advantage of being able to shoot from a rest and even a slight breeze would up the difficulty, as the wind would make the twig a moving target. I bought 1000 cartridges.

In the past several years an oriole colony has been “created” around our country home by putting out oriole feeders at our bird-feeding station. It started when we spotted a Baltimore oriole trying to suck a bit of the sugar-water “nectar” we’d poured into our hummingbird feeder. I’d heard orioles were attracted to oranges, so I fastened orange halves on the bird feeder stand where the oriole could find it.

It did, but two things happened quickly. First, the oriole quickly ate the fruit part of the orange and in a day or two, what was left looked pretty much like a weathered orange peel. The oriole moved back to fighting the hummers for the sugar-water.

A quick check and click or two on my Amazon Prime account had an oriole feeder heading my way. “Instead of sugar water,” said the instructions, “fill the food receptacle on the feeder with grape jelly.”

I don’t know what the attraction to grape jelly is for orioles. Most bird feeders just make a ready and steady supply of naturally available foods the birds would otherwise have to hunt to find. I don’t know of a natural supply of grape jelly.

The oriole quickly figured out the new feeder and was a happy bird. It soon became even happier when a female oriole showed up and both of the birds enjoyed regular visits to the jelly bonanza. By late June, their fledglings joined the parents for another few weeks, before they disappeared to wherever they migrate to in fall.

Used oriole nests are abandoned by the orioles after use, they proved to be surprisingly easy to “harvest.”

The next spring (late April) they were back. Were they from the same family? I can’t say, but there were more of them and even more the following year. (We now have three oriole feeders and buy bulk, generic grape jelly to keep them all happy.)

Orioles don’t reuse their unique nests so removing them from our tree wouldn’t disappoint our birds, but my wife thought she could use them decoratively in our house. When my son, son-in-law, and daughter were home for Christmas, I pulled out three .22 rifles and we all headed to our country farm.

Disclaimer: My house is in the country, I have one neighbor a quarter-mile away and no others within .22 rifle range. We assessed where our spent bullets would go before firing any of the guns.  First, we sighted in the rifles to make sure they were zeroed perfectly at 30 feet – about the height of the nests. That took about a dozen rounds. Each rifle was fully-loaded, but before any of the magazines were emptied, my son hit the supporting twig and down came the nest. Just luck?

We moved to the second nest, reloaded and began firing. In less than a minute that nest dropped to the ground, as well. Total ammo used? Forty-eight bullets! Move over, Clint Eastwood.





LOWA Hunter GTX® EVO – Extreme Review

  • The 1st Boot Question is always: Are they comfortable?
  • Then, depending on where you plan to hunt: Will the boots keep me warm if it’s cold outdoors?
  • Last, and very important: Are the boots durable, waterproof, and breathable?
The Hunter GTX® EVO Extreme from LOWA is a great boot for fall and winter.

By Jason Houser

There are a lot of things that can make or break a hunt.

Some hunters think of shot placement, the guide service proficiency, weather factors and more.

Many do not take into consideration the boots they are wearing on their hunting feet. The boots can mean everything.

For the past few months, I have been wearing the Hunter GTX® EVO Extreme from LOWA. These boots have been on my feet while Aoudad (Barbary sheep) hunting in Texas, chasing Coyotes in Missouri, Whitetail Deer in Illinois, and a lot of points in between. That’s a lot of footsteps to challenge my comfort.

Usually, I like to break my boots in before leaving the house on a hunt or outdoor excursion. Not doing so is only asking for sore feet and blisters. After trying these boots on for the first time, I felt comfortable enough to wear them hunting the next day going after my first bear ever.

These boots received a lot of use and abuse on a recent black bear hunt, deep in the wilderness of northern Wisconsin. These leather boots proved their weight in gold, as I have covered a lot of miles in them.

So, how do the folks at LOWA explain the Hunter GTX® EVO Extreme boot? “The Hunter GTX Evo Extreme is designed for hunters who are chasing big game in extremely rugged, above-tree-line terrain. With an extra-high shaft for superb ankle support and a high wall rubber rand for protection against abrasion, the EVO Extreme provides outstanding performance, warmth, and comfort in tough fall and winter conditions. It is compatible with strap-on crampons and snow spikes. They are durable, waterproof, and breathable.”

As a hunter, trapper, hiker, and ice fisherman that spends more time outdoors than indoors, I understand the need to be comfortable.

To me, being comfortable begins with your feet. Once my feet get cold, develop blisters or other sores, like most everyone else, I am done. I never experienced any of these problems from the first time I put them on.

Too many boots are built to last a season and be done. I can tell you that I feel comfortable that these EVO Extremes will be around for a few hunting seasons. They are constructed of the best leathers I have seen and the strong soles on the boots are made for tough terrain. And, just in case the soles wear out, LOWA can put new ones on. With minimal seams, there are fewer places for the leather to come apart than what you find on many brands of boots. Lacing up is a breeze with sturdy eyelets and the patented LOWA X-lacing holds the tongue firmly in place.

The hunt finally came to success with a beautiful black bear appeared out of the dense forest. It was a bear that I had watched many times on trail camera photos. The bear leaving the protection and cover of the forest proved to be a fatal mistake.

Lining up the crosshairs of the Sightmark crossbow scope, I settled for a 30-yard shot and squeezed the trigger of the Carbon Express.  With a thud, the bear took a direct hit and died almost instantly.

The author managed to take this nice bear while hunting in Wisconsin this past fall.

A lot of things went into making this hunt a success.  Scouting, quality bear habitat, and a lot of luck, usually are what hunters consider when it comes to being a successful hunter.  But, first and foremost, you need to protect your feet or you will not be on them long enough to get a shot off.

Bourbon-Glazed Holiday Turkey…the Tastiest Recipe

By Karen Lutto
Your delicious roasted turkey will be the centerpiece on the family table at Christmas dinner.  To ensure a beautifully tender, moist and flavorful turkey this holiday, here is one easy recipe using flavor from Hi Mountain Seasonings for a “Bourbon-Glazed Holiday Turkey”. This is a true treat for the big holiday family dinner AND later, as leftovers.

Bourbon Glazed Holiday Turkey Ingredients:

  • 1 turkey
  • 1 Hi Mountain Seasonings Game Bird and Poultry Brine
  • 1 Turkey Brine Bag
  • 1 Cup Bourbon
  • 1 Stick of Butter
  • 1 Cup of Brown Sugar
  • 2 Cups of Water

The first step is to brine the turkey for 24 hours. Take one pouch of the brine seasoning and mix with one gallon of water in a non-metallic bowl. Add six cups of ice to the mixed brine. Place the brine bag in a large pot. Place the turkey in the brining bag breast side down. Pour the brine mixture in the bag with the turkey. Place turkey in the refrigerator to brine. When the brining is complete, remove the turkey and rinse it well with fresh cold water. Pat dry. Place the turkey on a rack in a roasting pan. Add 2 cups of water to the bottom of the roasting pan. Preheat oven to 450º. Place turkey in the oven and roast for 30 minutes. While the turkey is roasting, in a small saucepan combine the brown sugar, bourbon, and butter. Heat until melted. After 30 minutes at 450º, reduce the temperature to 325º. Brush turkey with glaze. This should be repeated every 15 minutes until the turkey reaches an internal temperature of 165º at which time the turkey should be removed from the oven and set to rest for 30 minutes before carving and serving.

Grace your table this Christmas with a Hi Mountain Seasonings Bourbon Glazed Holiday turkey and your family, friends, and taste buds…will thank you. The Hi Mountain Seasonings Game Bird & Poultry Brine is available at retailers nationwide and conveniently online at for a suggested retail price of $8.49. The company also offers three fish brine kits and a Brown Sugar brine for poultry. Each kit contains two packets of mix and easy to follow instructions. The entire line of Hi Mountain products, cooking tips, instructional videos, and recipes are also available at Hi Mountain products also can be found at high-end sporting-goods stores, farm-and-ranch stores, and many local grocery stores.

For a Christmas/Holiday discount package on all Hi Mountain products, visit the Holiday Sportsman Show.

For additional information, write Hi Mountain Seasonings, 1000 College View Drive, Riverton, WY 82501; call toll-free 1-800-829-2285; or visit the company website at


Fall Fishing for Bass, TIPs from the PROs

  • Fishing in the fall for bass provides primal competition to meet with nature and the biggest fish
  • Baits that trigger a strike are hard to find, but there is one key thing to know, read on
  • Lure balance, hook point quality, color, rate of wobble and wiggle, all are key

LIVETARGET David Walker Signature Tennessee Craw

By Forrest Fisher

Like it or not, winter weather is coming and for bass anglers in the know, that’s a good thing. The fish, all species really, stock up on protein and feed heavily right before the coldest weather arrives. One of my best friends, Russ Johnson, now a 90-year old student of precision speed trolling, offers key advice to catch the biggest fall bass. When the water temp hit the low 50s, he would dust off the frost on his boat and head for the lake with crankbaits that were perfectly tuned. His method? Speed troll them over sharp dropoffs to intimidate bass into striking, and it wasn’t just a strike, it was a SLAM-BAM-GOTCHA. A mega-strike. Big fish hit like that. It seems they wanna stop the boat and head the other way.

Running four lines, two on each side of the boat, one trailing 120 feet back, the other 145 feet back, and using lures that were designed to be crankbait hardware, he would achieve diving depths of 2.5X their rated profile. Lures that were advertised as “dives to 12 feet” would hit bottom in 30 feet or so. The new braided lines with their thin diameter make his method even more effective. The precision manufacture of LIVETARGET lures seem to gain even more than 2.5X when perfectly balanced and trolled. This makes the LIVETARGET lure even more effective for fall bass like no other method I know, but also makes them a “best lure choice” for daytime fall walleye that are also on the binge feed.

Johnson knew that fall weather can spread the bass out in many waterways, but in the Great Lakes, specifically Lake Erie, he would focus on structure dominant points to find schools of bass segregated by size. Some schools were comprised of 2-pounders, then 4-pounders, and so on. One day we caught limits of bass whoppers that all exceeded 5 pounds. These were smallmouth bass. While doing a video with In-Fisherman TV, Ron Lindner had shared with us that bass are domiciled to their home range on shoals and underwater structure, so we always released these big fish to live and spawn another day. Some of our whoppers some went over 6-pounds.  His favorite fall-time lure color? Tennessee Craw red or orange.

Johnson can get lures like the LIVETARGET Magnum Shad Baitball Crankbait, the 3-1/2 inch model, to hit bottom in 42 feet! He is a master lure tuner. I did not mention his trolling speed, but he is trolling quite fast, in fact beyond your imagination if you are a troller. That detail will remain his secret, but it one other reason why the lure tuning has to be perfect.  Most folks fishing the Seneca Shoal area near Hamburg, NY in eastern basin Lake Erie think he is leaving the area. It’s that fast. 

Other expert anglers know other methods that work well in fall too. Noted professional angler Stephen Browning, a seasoned veteran of the FLW Tour, MLF, and the Bassmaster Elite Series, has amassed similar knowledge of late-season bass behavior that can up any angler’s game right now. Aside from decades of experience on tournament trails, Browning’s degree in Fish and Wildlife Management hasn’t hurt his ability to pick apart various waters and he has advice to share.

LIVETARGET bass pro, Stephen Browning

The first tip? Cover lots of water. And for Browning, that means crankbaits.

“For me, fall is all about chunk and winding and covering water, whether that’s main lake stuff or hitting the back of pockets, coves, and creeks. Crankbaits are definitely key in fall and into early winter,” says Browning.

For Browning, the biggest factor for finding fall bass to crank is water temperature. “I’m trying to search out water temperatures that are 70 degrees or less, because experience proves that’s the point at which fish get fired up for a super fall bite.”

Winning in the Wind

Secondly, he’s monitoring the wind. “Besides cooler water, I’m looking for spots where the wind is blowing a little bit. There’s still a lot of fish out on the main lake and not necessarily deep into the pockets. So, I’m going to look at the wind—see where it’s hitting the banks the best. Bass will utilize the wind to kind of break things up. You can burn down a pea gravel bank or a chunk rock bank and still have the ability to catch fish. And they aren’t always target oriented. In my opinion, they don’t like to hold tight to cover when the wind’s blowing, because it’s going to beat them around. So, I think they do more roaming in the wind—if it’s windy I’m going to chunk and wind,” says Browning.

LIVETARGET Rainbow Smelt

For such windy scenarios and main lake fishing, Browning turns to the LIVETARGET Rainbow Smelt suspending jerkbait—specifically the RS91S, which is 3-5/8 inches long and dives three to four feet, typically in the (201) Silver/Blue pattern, although Browning has been experimenting with the host of new colors LIVETARGET now offers in this highly effective bait.

“It’s kind of a shallower-diving jerkbait, which I utilize for cranking points, rock outcrops, rip-rap, etc. when the wind is blowing. When fishing it, I’m looking for a little bit of visibility… not a lot of stain. I fish it a lot in main lake and main creek areas using the wind and water clarity as kind of a one-two punch. It’s definitely a go-to bait for these situations,” offers Browning.

Browning throws the LIVETARGET Rainbow Smelt on a 6’8” medium-heavy St. Croix Legend X casting rod, Lew’s 7.5:1 Pro TI baitcasting reel, and 10-pound Gamma fluorocarbon.

Another bait Browning utilizes for windy main lake and main creek scenarios is the LIVETARGET HFC (Hunt-For-Center) Craw. “It has a very aggressive action and deflects off of cover, so I can utilize it on steeper rocky banks and really cover a lot of water. In terms of color, it depends on the water clarity and temperature. If the water is stained, a lot of times I’ll use LIVETARGET’s Red (362) or Copper Root Beer (361). The latter has a really nice copper hue to it and kind of a whitish-style belly.

When the water temperature plummets into the 50s, Browning also reaches for the LIVETARGET HFC (Hunt-For-Center) Craw, especially in the Red (362) and Copper Root Beer (361) colors. “The HFC has an aggressive action but is not overpowering. It was designed to randomly dart left and right, mimicking a fleeing craw. In late fall when the water gets really cold it can be a fantastic bait for target fishing for the resident fish that live in the very back ends of creeks and pockets.”

LIVETARGET HFC (Hunt-for-Center) Craw

Water Clarity and Target Cranking

Browning’s advice for those days when there isn’t much wind is to monitor water clarity. “On calmer days water clarity is a big factor. I’m going to go and try to find some stained water someplace within the fishery. The biggest thing about stained water is fish don’t tend to roam as much on you, and they’re going to be more target related—an outcrop of rocks, a laydown, a series of stumps, etc. that will give those fish a place to ambush their prey.”

On those calmer days, Browning will vacate the main lake and main creek areas he fishes when windy and concentrate on the back third of pockets where they have a tendency to flatten out. There, he looks for isolated cover.


“I’m looking for that isolated stump, maybe a log, lay-downs, isolated grass patches, or a lot of times people will put out crappie stakes. Especially when the water’s low, bass will utilize crappie stakes. One of the baits I like for target fishing in the back of pockets is the LIVETARGET David Walker Signature Tennessee Craw. I’ll crank it on 12- or 14-pound fluorocarbon and only get it down to six feet so I can bang it around, which is key to getting good target bites. I’ll make multiple casts to the isolated cover from various angles giving the fish the most opportunities to ambush my presentation. That’s really key—working cover from multiple angles and making sure you spend ample time on each spot,” offers Browning.

LIVETARGET Sunfish Crankbait

When target fishing, Browning is also a fan of the shallow-diving LIVETARGET Sunfish Crankbait—specifically the BG57M (bluegill pattern) and PS57M (pumpkinseed pattern). “The Sunfish Crankbait has a rounded bill, so it has a nice, tight wiggle to it. For me, especially when the water temperature gets cooler, it becomes another go-to bait for target fishing. I think it kind of gets overlooked by anglers who tend to concentrate on shad patterns, but bluegills are a major forage source in fall and year ‘round that bass will really home in on.”

Water clarity dictates whether Browning will choose the Pumpkinseed or Bluegill pattern, as well as the choice between LIVETARGET’s available matte and gloss finishes. “I use the Bluegill if the water is a bit clearer and the brighter Pumpkinseed in stained water. I like using the gloss finish if the sky is cloudy and the matte finish if it’s sunny. So, you’ve got two different colors and two different finishes for a variety of fishing situations.”

In terms of equipment for cranking the LIVETARGET HFC (Hunt-For-Center) Craw, David Walker Tennessee Craw, or Sunfish Crankbait, he sticks to the same set-up of a St. Croix 7’4” medium-heavy, moderate action Legend Glass rod, a Lew’s Custom Pro baitcasting reel with 8:1 gear ratio and either 12- or 14-pound Gamma Fluorocarbon line. “If I’m concentrating on shallow areas, I’m going to use the heavier line – but if I need the bait to get down six feet or more, I’m going to use the 12-pound line,” Browning adds.

Topwaters Too

When targeting the backs of pockets and creeks with grass, Browning urges anglers not to overlook the efficacy of employing a chunk-and-wind topwater routine.

“The LIVETARGET Commotion Shad is a hollow-body shad style topwater bait that has a Colorado blade on the back end. It’s a real player in the kind of broken-up grass you find way back in pocket flats. During the fall, adding this bait to the chunk-and-wind crankbait program can really pay off. It comes in a couple of sizes, but I like the 3-½ inch in Pearl Ghost (154) and Pearl Blue Shad (158). The spinner makes a gurgling sound when you retrieve it like you would a hollow body frog, and it’s great for working over grassy areas,” offers Browning.

LIVETARGET Commotion Shad

For gear, Browning throws the Commotion Shad on a 7’6” medium-heavy, moderate action St. Croix Legend X with a Lew’s Tournament reel geared 8.3:1, and 50-pound Gamma Torque braided line.

Parting Advice

While monitoring water temperature, wind conditions, water clarity, and the amount of visible sunlight are all huge factors for finding fall bass in main lakes and creeks as well as pockets and coves, Browning suggests anglers stay tuned to another of nature’s cues: bird behavior.

“Watch for the migration of shad, which have the tendency to move to the very back ends of the pockets in fall, but also know, as mentioned, that bass are feeding on bluegills and craws in lots of other locations. You can really eliminate a lot of water and fish more productively by keying in on bird behavior. They’re going to tell you where the baitfish are. Could be a Blue Heron sitting on the bank eating bluegills or picking around on crawfish, gulls, or all sorts of other birds either on the main lake or back farther in coves. Really pay attention to where the birds are. It’s definitely one of the small details that gets overlooked by a lot of anglers.”

See a Fish, Catch a Fish

  • New gear today talks to us in new ways that make finding fish and trying to catch them more fun
  • You can connect your phone, your radio, your drone…to your sonar
  • Installation is easy, it’s all pictorial…even I could do it
“Are those all fish down there?” Yes, they are! Plus, we have the depth, water temp, boat speed, course heading, GPS location and so much more. Now, how to catch those fish…

By Mike Schoonveld

As the people point to the sonar unit on my boat, I’m often asked, “Can you see fish on that?” My pat answer is, “Yes, but if I had to see a fish on the screen to catch it, I’d be in trouble. And, if I could catch every fish showing on the screen, we’d fill the boat.” You might have to read that twice.

I stand by that statement, but when I get better at using my Raymarine AXIOM Multi-Function Display (MFD), I may have to change my answer. It will certainly mark more fish in the average trip than will fit in my boat, but it comes much closer to giving me (or any fisherman) the ability to “see a fish and catch a fish.”

The AXIOM is called an MFD because it is more than just a sonar, chart or GPS. Think of it as a computer monitor capable of showing screens associated with whatever program the computer is running. You can call up displays from other Raymarine devices, such as radar or autopilot. It will interface with some phone apps, Sirius Radio, weather channels, and with a wifi connection (such as your cell phone’s mobile hotspot), you can even watch Netflix or connect to other entertainment.

You can use it to control your drone! Gearheads may want to connect the MFD to their motor’s computer to monitor engine performance on the display.

I’ll run through a few of the features as well. If you like technical jargon like “quad-four processor” and other exacting specs, go to The website lists enough details, techno-words, and numbers with Greek letters attached to keep any tech-geek happy and most fisherman confused.

For instance, the AXIOM has CHIRP technology in the main sonar. I don’t understand all I know about CHIRP, and I understand more than I need. I do understand when in use, the sonar picture on the screen is better. I see more fish, things on the bottom and other details.

It has two other “real-time” sonar modes which, depending on where and how you fish, may be all-important or of little importance to you. The way I picture SIDEVISION is turning a sonar transducer 90 degrees, so instead of viewing straight down, it sends and receives pings and echos to the side (or both sides) of the boat. It will show nearby reefs, bridge pilings, rocks on the bottom, and the fish lurking near these things.

We can see the bait, predator fish, bottom details, and maybe some history of yesteryear.

It’s harder to explain DOWNVISION. It’s similar to the regular sonar, except it’s a sort of HD version. Even with CHIRP, as you motor across a sunken tree, a sunken boat, or a pile of rubble, each will look like “something” lying on the bottom. With DOWNVISION, the something looks like a tree, boat or rock pile.

Mr. Cool of the four sonar modes is the 3-D vision. The computer brain in the AXIOM uses the information gathered from the sidevision and downvision sonar returns to create a computer-generated three-dimensional picture on the screen showing the underwater world you just passed. You’ll see the bottom of the channel, the sunken boat on the bottom, fish suspended above the wreck along with the bridge piling the boat hit to cause it to sink.

The unit comes with a Navionics charting chip, so when you switch the unit to charting mode, you can set waypoints and use the GPS to navigate to them and back. I’m sure it will do other things I’ve yet to discover. There are multiple choices of overlays to customize the screens to personal needs.

One of the first things I noticed, different from all the other sonar/chart/GPS units I’ve previously used: I don’t have to take off my polarized glasses or tilt my head to a specific angle to look at the screen and be able to see it! Not only will it see the fish better, but I can also see the screen better! In my mind, that’s the most underrated selling point of the Axiom.

It’s expensive, but expect many years of use from the unit just as it comes out of the box. Add that Raymarine offers free software and operating system upgrades, so the Axiom you buy today will be nearly similar in power and features to the models they sell three, four, or more years from now.

I’m not a trained professional marine electronics installer, but I easily installed my MFD, the transducer, and connected it to the boat’s wiring system. Believing a picture is worth a thousand words as the installation guide is mostly pictorial, the wires and connections are color-coded, and anyone capable of changing the batteries in a flashlight will have few problems installing their Axiom.

The above picture shows the Mr. Cool 3D picture on my 9-inch version. Notice the boat motoring to the upper left and the fish (in blue); I’d passed trailing behind the boat. It comes in both seven, nine and 12-inch screens depending on your available space, desire or pricepoint.

The latest versions are all touch-screen, no knobs.

Very cool.

Light-up your Night Tackle, Charge-up your Glow Baits

For those nighttime fishing excursions or when you are rigging up early in the morning for a day on the water, the new Lure Lock LED Box is designed to help you easily see those small tackle items in the dark. In addition, for anglers that use glow-in-the-dark lures, the LED lights will charge the paint on them so they’ll be ready to entice finicky fish into biting.

The Lure Lock LED Box has a light strip down the center of the box that is safely placed underneath the Tak Logic Technology, protecting it from the elements. The three-way switch allows it to be in three modes: on, off and auto – allowing it to turn on automatically when the lid of the box is opened. The LED Box is powered by three batteries which are included and easy to replace.

“We launched the LED Light Up Box at ICAST,” said Lure Lock President John Skrabo. “We knew we had a very cool, innovative product heading into the most important trade show in the world,” he said. “But the real confirmation came when we sat down with our dealers and wrote orders for thousands of them.”

The LL3 version is in stock and ready to ship out of the Lure Lock headquarters in Wisconsin.

The LED box is made of the purest form of polypropylene and features durable hinges and latches. The patented Tak Logic Technology is scent-free, easy to clean and environmentally safe. It retails for $18.99 and can be found at your favorite local dealer and big boxes, including Walmart, Bass Pro Shops, Cabela’s, Academy, Sportsman’s Warehouse, Scheel’s, Fleet Farm, Field & Stream, Tackle Warehouse, Tackle Direct, and more. Lure Lock products are also sold on Amazon and Lure

For more information about Lure Lock products please visit

About Lure Lock – Lure Lock is owned by Tak Logic, LLC and is located in Ettrick, Wisconsin. Lure Lock tackle boxes feature a patented technology – all made in the USA. For more information, call 608-525-3636.  

Fishing with Johnnie Candle, Fishing Rods that Catch Fish

  • Fishing rod guides bend and don’t break
  • Hi-modulus sensitivity rod blanks from Scheel’s allowed for detecting the lightest of strikes
  • “Smart Boat” technics from Humminbird for total position control to target hotspots 

By Forrest Fisher

Walleye fishing legend, Johnnie Candle, suggested that we look at mid-river shoals on the Mississippi River near La Crosse, Wisconsin, and search the area with his new Humminbird sonar. We utilized the map to find such locations and he’s a walleye guy at heart, so we set up our rods accordingly.

In his Lund 21-foot, 10-inch fishing boat with a 350Hp Mercury Verado main-kicker, we arrived at our fishing destination in a few minutes. The ride was smooth as silk.

The Humminbird Helix 12 sonar ( showed “hooks” indicating lots of fish all around the edges of this 21-27 foot soft-bottom/gravel shoal area.

The Humminbird Helix allows the angler to mark the fish, then hit return to go back over the fish with the electric MinnKota motor.

Using a very sensitive Scheel’s “One Limited” medium-action fishing rod, the 6-foot,9-inch version, rigged with a Scheel’s 2500 series reel and 10-pound test Ultra -8 Fireline, we tied on vertical vibrating baits (Sonar, ¼ oz), Strike King Swim Tail Shiner jigs (1/4 oz) and Berkley power minnows(1/16 oz jig head/2-inch tail) to catch five species of fish in the next two hours of peaceful fishing fun ( True relaxing fun.

Lots of Young-of-the-Year saugers that will eat a 4-inch Strike King jig show the fishing future looks bright here in La Crosse.

We released them all, including sauger, crappie, yellow perch, sheepshead, and largemouth bass. La Crosse, what a great place to fish! Mid-day, bright sun, clear sky, catching fish because we could find them with the right sonar and could sense their light bites with the right rod and line.

Yet, just a very short time ago, we had no clue what to fish for and where to go. We launched at the Black River Beach boat launch (, there was a $5 launch fee for non-residents. Look for the semi-hidden boat launch envelope station and be sure to use it, to avoid a $20 parking ticket. Don’t ask how I know.

Using the right gear makes for fun fishing in Wisconsin…and everywhere else.

For more about La Crosse, Wisconsin, visit





Pulling the Weight, Sequoia Meets the Challenge

  • The trailer test vehicle was the Sequoia Toyota Limited with 5.7L V8 gasoline engine, 4WD.
  • It handled my 5,000-pound boat flawlessly at the ramp and on the road.
  • While towing, the instant mileage readout varied from 9 to 14 mpg, depending on conditions and speed.

By Mike Schoonveld

The Sequoia is Toyota’s entry into the full-size SUV market.

For us guys with boats that sit on trailers between fishing excursions, the major “toy” between our boat and the lake is the vehicle to which the trailer connects. The size of the boat dictates what size of the tow vehicle is required, of course, but for most Great Lakes work, the vehicles need to be somewhat substantial.

 The Toyota Sequoia that I used to tow my boat from my Indiana home to Kenosha, Wisconsin and then to Put-In-Bay, Ohio last May was substantial, whether I was hauling over gravel-packed two-tracks or six-lane expressways. The Sequoia Toyota for this test was the Limited model, fitted with a 5.7L V8 engine and 4WD, adequate to pull my boat from algae-coated boat ramps. Equipped with a 6-speed automatic transmission, this full-sized SUV ran through the “gears” effortlessly whether going uphill or down, on the highway, or in stop and go traffic on Chicago’s Fullerton Avenue heading for Diversey Harbor (long story why that trip was included).

As are most vehicles these days, the Sequoia is fully equipped with bells and whistles, lane change alarms, driving sensors to detect if you are driving unsafely or the guy in front of you is driving unsafely, Bluetooth connections – in short, more on-board “toys” and other features than I was able to figure out how to use during my trip. I wasn’t so much interested in the bells or whistles, I was more interested in how it handled my 5000-pound boat (and how my 5000-pound boat handled the vehicle) in real-life driving conditions.  Rated to tow more than 7000 pounds, the Sequoia pulled my rig just fine.

I was also more interested in how it handled the gear and luggage I needed for extended trips away from home, especially when traveling with other anglers or a family group and our luggage. The coolers we hoped to fill with salmon and walleye fillets went in the boat. The rest of our duffle easily stored inside with a bit of short planning. The second-row bucket seats added some interior room since we could stow items between the seats as well as in the rear.  Once the luggage was removed, a third-row seat folded out of the floor allowing our whole group of six to head for The Brat Stop in Kenosha for dinner.

The Sequoia model that I tested handled my boat flawlessly at the ramp and on the road.

All in all, the Sequoia is certainly a viable tow vehicle and any on-the-go Great Lakes angler should consider it when it’s time to upgrade. I certainly will. Rated 13 to 17 mpg on the mileage meter, it’s in the same league as other comparable brands and models.

If there was one item to pick at on the Sequoia I tested, it was the gas-gauge/gas tank capacity. For one, the tank capacity is 26 gallons. Pulling the boat, my instant mileage readout on the dash varied from 9 to 14 mpg depending on conditions and speed so about 10 to 12 actual.  Not bad, but with that size tank, regular stops for gas is going to be required. (My regular tow vehicle gets the same mileage, but has a 42-gallon tank.)

On my trip to Ohio, I knew the next travel plaza was just ahead and a few miles before getting there, the low fuel warning light came on. We made it more than easily since the pump kicked off when 20 gallons were added.  I’m sure once more familiar with the accuracy of the fuel level indicator, the smaller tank would be less disconcerting.

You can check out the Sequoia online (in various editions) at

Tighten your Hat, the 200 X-Shaft Yamaha 4-Stroke is Flying from the Hole

  • 200HP V6 Yamaha Outboard for 555 pounds
  • Instant Acceleration to 57 mph
Plenty of torque is what makes the Yamaha V-MAX/SHO 200 X-Shaft fun to operate at cruising speeds, and from start to finish.

By David Gray

Karen Lutto and I had barely shaken hands with the Yamaha outboard motor team when they gave us the Yamaha Marine “Hot Sheet” for their V- MAX/SHO 200Hp X-Shaft. As I looked over the motor specs, Product Education Manager, Ry Landry, provided even more “goodness details” for this newest member of the Yamaha outboard motor family. Dealer Communications Manager, Melissa Boudoux, suggested that we take a test drive – there was a test boat and motor at the AmericInn Hotel boat dock in La Crosse, WI. Having owned and managed an outdoor marine store for 19 years, I have driven thousands of boat and motor combinations, so I never lose interest in one more test drive if you know what I mean.

After the ride, Karen and I both agreed, “The V-MAX/SHO 200 X-Shaft needs some bragging!” This Yamaha 200Hp-V6 is a well-rounded motor package. Boat types from pontoons to Deep V’s to bass boats perform well with a 6-cylinder/200Hp engine, while 4-cylinder/200Hp motors are just not the same. The 4-cylinder engines might deliver 200 horsepower at wide-open throttle, but it takes a while, they do not have the mid-range torque of a V-6 either.   Plenty of torque is what makes a motor fun to operate at cruising speeds, and from start to finish.

Here is what is notable about this new member of the Yamaha V MAX SHO family:

  • It is a 4-stroke and the 25-inch shaft length makes the motor a good fit for a wide range of boat types and hull sizes.
  • The 200 X-Shaft is naturally aspirated which means it makes 200 HP without needing a supercharger. No supercharger means fewer parts in the motor and that means higher reliability.
  • Operating cost matters, supercharged engines love to stop at the gas pump.
  • Yamaha’s decision to go with plasma-fused sleeveless makes for a compact and lightweight package, weighing in at only 555 lbs.
After the ride, Karen Lutto and I both agreed, “The V-MAX/SHO 200 X-Shaft needs some bragging!”

Most 4-stroke outboards have a smooth and quiet idle and this 200 was very quiet at idle, and also had a low noise level at wide-open throttle. This 200 also has Yamaha’s variable camshaft timing system which develops more power at midrange. Lots of good things here.

What stood out most? Instant acceleration. It’ll push you back in your seat throttle response.

We both thought it was a 2-Stroke! Pure out-of-the-hole power. With three passengers and running a 3-blade, 18 pitch prop, the 200 effortlessly pushed the Deep V hull to 57 mph and the rep added that the motor was strong enough to run a 19 pitch prop which would edge past 60mph. This is a lots-to-like motor.

For more information go to or stop by your local dealer for a test drive.   Before you push the throttle down on the 200 X-Shaft, make sure your hat is on tight!

Enjoy Easy, Pain-Free Fish Retrieval with the Angler’s Best Livewell Buddy®

Every fisherman knows, or quickly learns, that retrieving your catch or baitfish from the Livewell can be a sticky and painful experience—that is until now. With the Angler’s Best Livewell Buddy, retrieving your catch or baitfish, even the elusive pinfish, is quick, easy and painless.
The Livewell Buddy is a flexible, floating net that allows the fish to move freely thru circulated water and easily fits in any standard Livewell, or it can easily be attached alongside a boat, canoe or kayak that is not equipped with a Livewell to store your catch or your bait fish. It also can be tethered to you when wade fishing. As you fish, simply drop your catch into the Livewell Buddy’s durable silicone net.
Retrieving your entire catch out of the Livewell Buddy is as simple as grabbing the floatation ring and lifting the Livewell Buddy out, along with your full bounty. There is no need to net or handle the fish, which eliminates the dreaded “fish splash” and  “finning” injuries. For culling the smaller fish, the Livewell Buddy is a non-invasive alternative to conventional cull systems. After culling the smaller fish, simply drop the Livewell Buddy back into the water or your Livewell.
The new Livewell Buddy is ideal for freshwater fishing, saltwater fishing, kayak or canoe fishing or anywhere else that fish need to be kept alive in the water. It can also double as a bait basket for larger baitfish or hard-to-catch bait fish. It only takes seconds to drop in a Livewell, and is ideal for everyone from the tournament fisherman to the weekend warrior. The Livewell Buddy’s floatation ring also allows it to be used in open water while bank fishing, surf fishing or wade fishing.
Bring home some fresh catch with the new Livewell Buddy. The multi-purpose Livewell Buddy is currently available at for a suggested retail of $39.99. Bon Appetite.
Headquartered in Danville, Ala., Angler’s Best is a designer and manufacturer of state-of-the-art fishing accessories. For additional information on Angler’s Best, write to: Angler’s Best , 8237 Danville Road, Danville, AL 35619; call 833-BASS-NET (833-227-7638); or visit

Navionics Boating app: mark your location with one tap, and more

From Navionics: We believe details are important, especially while on the water. Let’s dive in and see how the latest app release can make your boating experience easy and fun.

Drop a marker with one tap.

Have you ever needed to quickly add a marker on your location while boating or fishing? Well, now you can. With one simple tap on the map, you’ll drop a marker on your current GPS location. It can’t be easier than that. Use it as a reminder for great fishing or boating areas you want to investigate more or visit again.

Get the most out of the feature with these expert tips:
– New markers will be named sequentially (Marker 1, Marker 2, etc.)
– The icon will be the same as your last added marker (the “pin” is the default icon)
– To change the maker name or icon simply tap the map > target the marker with cross-hair > tap “?” > make your edits.

Add your AIS device manually.

Have you already tried  AIS in the Boating app? Increase your situational awareness on the water by connecting a compatible WI-FI AIS receiver to the app and see AIS targets overlaid on the map in real-time.

If you’re having trouble automatically connecting your device, try adding it manually to the app. In the app, go to Menu > Connect a Device > Add Device and fill in the fields. Be aware that the app currently only supports devices streaming in NMEA 1803.

Get more space for your maps (only for Android).

Download all the maps you need without filling up your device. Plug in an SD card for additional memory. Go to Menu > Settings > Storage Location.

Get the new features:
If you already have our Boating app, simply update it to the latest version.
– For Apple® devices — on your mobile device, go to the  App Store® > «Updates»
– For Android™ devices — on your device, go to Google Play > Menu > «My apps & games»

If you don’t have our Boating app\ yet, download it for free, and enjoy a trial of all our charts and features.

Nocqua Portable Adventure Power…In Your Pocket!

Outdoor Adventure Power in the dark is no mystery with this new, super-high capacity pocket power pack.

Why do we need a SMALL portable charger with BIG energy?

By Tyler Mahoney

As much as many of us would hate to admit, we all probably need a solution for a portable charger when we are out hunting and fishing. In between cell phones or GoPro’s, it seems there is always something that needs a charge.

Our outdoor excursions often times last for hours. Even if you’re not spending much time on your phone or other electronic devices out in the wild, sometimes the weather can cause the battery to die as well. Having a full charge becomes a safety factor these days, too. A dead phone isn’t going to help save you if you fall from a tree stand and can’t move to get help.

The Nocqua Adventure Gear power bank fits right into my front pocket.

I happened across Nocqua pretty much by accident. My good friend, David Gray, attended the 2019 iCast and came across their booth. The company representative offered him the power bank for free just to try. David returned and knew that I have the opportunity to be out in the woods or on the water quite often. So, he gave it to me to put to the test.

I’m glad he did.

(Click picture below for short video)

My initial thoughts and feedback:

The Nocqua Adventure Gear Powerbank is extremely small and lightweight. This is extremely beneficial when it comes to how effective outdoorsmen can be while packing gear for their trips. Weight can add up in a hurry, so something thin and compact is very important.

There are 4 bars to identify the remaining charge in the portable energy pack.

While it is very small, it keeps charging for a long time. I’ve only had it 10 days, but have used it 5 times during that span to power my GoPro and my cell phone. Each usage was between 2-4 hours. I’ve only recharged it twice.

To me, that’s extremely impressive. I probably could have gotten away with only charging it once, but I’m one of those people that would rather be safe than sorry so I don’t miss out on any recording opportunities with a dead GoPro.

While my experience with it has been short, I am extremely impressed with its performance so far.

To ask the author a question or leave a comment, visit Mahoney Outdoors, please click here:


Lighted Fishing Rods…for Fishing After the Sun Goes to Sleep

  • Berkley® Lights the Night with Illuminated Glowstik Fishing Rods

The new Berkley Glowstik rods boast a unique battery-powered technology that enables the rod to glow orange, so anglers can better see when fishing at night. The rods feature a fiberglass blank construction with an LED core, illuminating a lightweight fiber-optic cable running the length of the rod. The lighted fiber is powered by two AAA batteries that are strategically placed in the butt end of the rod to keep the rod balanced and comfortable to cast. The rod is a two-piece design for easy travel with stainless steel guides and Ti Oxide inserts and features a shrink tube handle for a solid grip.

Berkley® introduces its Glowstik rods and combos, an illuminated fishing rod designed to help anglers detect bites while fishing in low-light or dark conditions. Ideal for nighttime surf, pier, or bank fishing, this light-up rod combines proven Berkley rod performance with a new, unique benefit for those looking to fish after the sun goes down.
“Fishing at night is exciting and some absolute monsters are caught in the dark,” said Mike Rice, director of brand development at Berkley. “The new Berkley Glowstik rods truly light up the night. Whether you’re on the bank, beach or bridge, we are giving anglers a way to watch for bites they may have previously missed and eliminate other clumsy lighting solutions they may have been forced to rely on in the past.”
The Glowstik rods are available in spinning and casting options. The spinning rods are available in 8-foot, 9-foot, and 10-foot lengths. The casting rods are available in 9-foot and 10-foot lengths.
The Glowstik combos are available in 8-foot, 9-foot and 10-foot spinning and a 10-foot conventional option. The combos feature the new rod paired with reels that have an all-graphite body and frame with an 18-pound max drag on the conventional reel and 20-pound max drag on the spinning reel. The combos are a two-piece design for easy travel and come pre-spooled with 20-pound Berkley Big Game mono line.
The Glowstik rods range in price from $79.99 to $89.99, and the combos range in price from $99.99 to $109.99. The new Glowstik rods and combos will be available in retail stores starting August 2019.
About Pure Fishing, Inc.: Pure Fishing, Inc. is a leading global provider of fishing tackle, lures, rods and reels with a portfolio of brands that includes Abu Garcia®, All Star®, Berkley®, Chub™, Fenwick®, Gulp!®, Hardy & Greys™, Hodgman®, Johnson™, Mitchell®, PENN®, Pflueger®, Sébile®, Shakespeare®, SpiderWire®, Stren®, Trilene® and Ugly Stik®. Additional information can be found at

Lure Lock now offers a New 4-inch Deep Tacky Tackle Box

Tak Logic Technology Gel has started to lock-up all those lost favorite lures in tackle boxes around the fishing world. Lure Lock continues to lead the tackle management industry with the introduction of its new 4-inch deep tackle box. The deeper 4-in-1 box offers a unique divider system, allowing anglers to customize their box from one to 24 compartments, or remove all the dividers altogether and use the two, one-inch trays for three levels of tackle organization. Anglers like this new tacky tackle box system.

“Since the launch of our original Lure Lock cases to the fishing world, we have been inundated with requests for a deeper box,” said John Skrabo, President of Tak Logic. He continued, “Several of our top pros, including Gerald Swindle, Matt Lee and Brent Ehrler provided valuable input during the design phase – the result is our innovative 4-in-1 box. There’s nothing like it on the market.”

Made of 100% Polypropylene for enhanced durability, the deep box from Lure Lock features patented Tak Logic Technology that is scent-free, easy to clean, and environmentally safe.

“We didn’t want to merely introduce another deep storage box like others already on the market,” said Skrabo, “Rather, we desired to once again change the tackle storage world with the introduction of our unique and innovative divider/tray system. Our 4-in-1 box created quite a buzz with its launch at ICAST.”

The Lure Lock 4” deep box will be available at retailer outlets and on-line next month.

Lure Lock boxes are offered in three sizes LL1, LL2 and LL3, and are available with and without the Tak Logic Technology liners. The innovative tackle boxes, along with the award-winning Lure Locker are available at Walmart, Bass Pro Shops, Cabela’s, Academy, Sportsman’s Warehouse, Scheel’s, Mill’s Fleet Farm, Field & Stream, Tackle Warehouse, Tackle Direct, and at many other fine retailers. Lure Lock is also sold at

For more information about Lure Lock products please visit

About Lure Lock: Lure Lock is owned by Tak Logic, LLC and is located in Ettrick, Wisconsin. Lure Lock tackle boxes feature a patented technology – all made in the USA. For more information, call 608-525-3636.  

Finally, Magnetic Blades for Mechanical Broadheads – Sensible Efficiency, No Retention Parts to Lose

  • No O-rings, plastic retainers, rubber bands or other things to lose on these broadheads
  • Same cost as other high-performance broadheads
  • 100 and 125-grain sizes, with 2-inch and 2-1/4 inch cutting diameters, respectively

By Forrest Fisher

For decades, big game broadhead engineers have come up with quite a few evolutions for change to make a better broadhead. In doing so, I think I have tried them all, used them all from the stand, discovered their efficiencies and flaws – pro’s and con’s, and have always wondered why nobody has ever used magnets. Too heavy? Too costly? What?

I’ve used deployable blade broadheads for decades now because they fly straighter than most fixed blade varieties and I’m a simple guy. I don’t want to tune the blades to sync with my fletching’s for straighter flight. Time is not free for me or anybody. So as a result, I have boxes with all the forms of various retention devices to hold mechanical blades in place while the arrow is in flight. We all want greater accuracy. One look into my arrow box of goodness will show there have been elastomers (O-rings), plastic holding collars, tiny rubber bands, friction devices and more – all used as blade retainers for mechanical broadheads. While they are all functional, those items are potentially the same reason for blade deployment failure, either in flight or upon impact. The new Spectre Broadhead solves the problem using higher technology, through magnetism.

From Brookville, Pa., Spectre’s patent-pending magnetic-blade technology is revolutionary. The design holds the fold-up blades in their closed position throughout the arrow flight. Upon impact, the blades are guaranteed to open instantly for a failure-proof deployment, and with a 2-inch cutting diameter, the result is massive entry and exit wounds.

The Spectre Broadhead is designed to fly like a field point and it features a strong, aerodynamic, machined ferrule made from 7075 Aluminum with a hardened carbon-steel, four-face, chisel tip. This crushing combination provides extremely reliable penetration through hide, flesh, and bone.

The Spectre Broadhead has the thickest, strongest blades of any expandable broadhead on the market. The pair of 0.047-inch-thick, razor-sharp, swept-back blades are magnetized to hold together until the moment of impact when they reliably deploy to cut a path of destruction. The chisel tip and blades have a gold Cerakote (ceramic) finish for lubricity and wear resistance.

The new Spectre Broadhead is available in two versions:

  • 100-grain with a 2-inch cutting diameter
  • 125-grain version that boasts an impressive 2.25-inch cutting diameter.

Each three-pack of broadheads comes with a practice head and an extra set of sharp blades, ultimately providing four broadheads for the price of three. Spectre Broadheads have a suggested retail price of $44.99.

Spectre Broadheads are a Viper Archery Products brand. Located at 494 Service Center Rd. in Brookville, Pa., Viper Archery Products has been proudly manufacturing top-quality Made-In-America archery sights and accessories for 15 years. For more information on Viper Archery or Spectre Broadheads, visit


Plop-Plop Fish! Everybody’s favorite…the Lucky 13®

Everybody’s favorite…the Lucky 13®

By Forrest Fisher

No matter where I travel with a fishing rod, catching fish on the surface is absolutely the most exciting. In some cases, it’s also the most effective. Not all surface lures work the same, but there is one lure that seems to always stand out when I ponder a view of my tackle box for that possible magic lure of the day – the Lucky 13. Made by Heddon Lures, one of the landmark imitation lure originators from the 1890’s, the Lucky 13 is somehow the right size – length is under 4 inches and weight is 5/8 pounce, makes the right sound when lightly chugged, and fishes like the right lure every time I put it is the water.

In freshwater, it will catch bass, musky, northern pike and just about every other fish, but I like it most for bass fishing along a summer weedbed.

In saltwater, the redfish will tear it up when cast and gently plopped, with a slight slurp, in along mangroves and on shallow water flats just after sunrise. The speckled trout slam it into oblivion too.

It may be those size 2 hooks tingling with a ping sound into the body of the lure from the plop-plop-slurp created when you gently chug it back every now and then, that sends out the infamous “eat me now” signal to feeding gamefish.

This lure is carried by many tackle shops and on-line stores. Google it for other color options.

Compact Outdoor Cookware: Ideal for Backpacking & Camping

  • Durable and innovative line of outdoor cookware
  • Ultimate outdoor eating solution integrated into one package   

By Bob Holzhei

Our four children, my wife and I, have camped throughout our lives. We started first with a 9 by 9 tent, then moved up to a pop-up camper, then a travel trailer, and finally we purchased a fifth wheel travel trailer with four slide outs. Thing is, maximizing space throughout the years was always a priority, after all, there’s no use packing things that may not get used. That is one reason why I wanted to share some of my experience with those of you just getting started. Where space and efficiency is important, products from GSI Outdoors have met the mission.

My compact 4-person outdoor cookware set includes a 3-liter pot, 2-liter pot, a 9-inch frypan and 2 straining lids. The Pinnacle Camper Set also includes four 14-ounce bowls, plates and mugs-complete with sip-it-lids to complete the package.

For my family, it’s our ultimate outdoor eating solution integrated into one package that easily fits into a backpack too. At under 4 pounds and a wonderful 9 by 9 by 6 compact size, the kids can go on side treks and weight and size are not a factor. I could not believe it either.

GSI Outdoors is in the business of making cookware and dining products that adapt the comforts of home to active outdoor lifestyles at the campsite, cabin and anywhere in between.

They continue to expand their designs, adding additional innovative lines of outdoor cookware, tableware and accessories. It works for us outdoor folks that share a passion to be outdoors and have the additional need “to be small and light.”

When well-built hardware brings people together in the outdoors, I thought you’d like to know about some of the best I have found.  You can find their products in many outdoor outlets or go directly online to:


Zoom’s Z-Swim 3.8 Combines Action and Durability

The Z-Swim is 3.8 inches long and will initially come in six proven colors to meet a wide variety of water colors and forage bases. Photo by Zoom Baits

On May 15 (2019), Major League Fishing provided special news that Zoom Bait Company will release the new Z-Swim 3.8, a ribbed swimbait that swims naturally, emulates a wide variety of baitfish and can be used from the surface down into the deepest lairs of wary bass. Savvy tournament anglers have utilized this style of lure in all types of water for several years, but the addition of a model featuring Zoom’s special touches will make it substantially more effective.

That means it has the best of both worlds – you’ll constantly be offering a tempting meal, but you won’t have to repeatedly adjust your rigging, taking up valuable time. That means more casts and more effective casts, throughout the day.

This new lure is responsive at both ultra-slow and ridiculously fast speeds and can be fished throughout the water column. It can be applied to a wide variety of techniques, too. It’s exceptional on a weighted swimbait hook or a jig head, providing enough action on its own, but it’s also deadly on the back on a vibrating jig or swim jig, or even on a castable umbrella rig. It’s an ultra-natural presentation that thumps, which means it can excel in gin clear and super-dirty water alike, along with every level of clarity in-between.

The Z-Swim is 3.8 inches long and will initially come in six proven colors to meet a wide variety of water colors and forage bases.

The Z-Swim 3.8 will soon be available at leading tackle stores and online retailers. If you can’t find it, ask for it.

For more information about Zoom Bait Company, go to

Why Does Grandpa Love to Fish?

  • A love story about fishing, grandpa and grandkids
  • Colorful, thoughtful, heartfelt…a great gift

By David Gray

It’s a Super Book and more.

It is a short story, well-written with the passion and message that all fishermen will immediately understand.

Why Does Grandpa love to Fish will touch you. It will bring a tear to the eye of many Grandpa’s.

The story will make you smile on the outside and on the inside. You will want to read it more than once, it’s that good.

Grandpas will want to read it to their grandchildren. The Grandkids will say when are we going fishing Grandpa? The best music ever for the ears and the hearts of every Grandpa.

Back in the day, a TV commercial said, “Look up in the sky! It’s a bird, it’s a plane. No, it’s Superman!”

After my first read of author Curt Wilkinson’s book, “Why Does Grandpa Love to Fish,” I thought to myself – look, this is such a great book! No, it’s a great gift! No, it is a cherished family keepsake for every grandpa!

When Mr. Wilkinson asked me to share my opinion on this new title, I agreed out of politeness, but with some reservation. It is not easy to pen a really good fishing book, but his book is so much more than a fishing book, because fishing is so much more than just about fishing.

Curt wanted to know if I thought the book was good enough for stores to stock and if it would sell. My reservations went away with the first page. The book delivered so much more than I could ever have imagined. Yes Curt, this book will sell. Thank you for creating it!

The graphics drawn by Curt are very pleasing. The hard cover and printing are top quality. After I read the book I shared it with others, every comment was, “I love this book. “

I suggest placing a photo of the grandkids in the front of the book or even better, on the dedicated space at the end of the story reserved for a photo of Grandpa. Perhaps include a short message that Grandpa will understand.

Created and written by Curt Wilkinson in honor of his two Grandpa’s, the book sells for $14.95 and for every Grandpa that has taken his grandson’s and granddaughter’s fishing, a copy received from them will be worth a million smiles.

You can order a copy at

I know many Grandpa’s that will be putting “Why Does Grandpa Love to Fish” on their gift and wish lists.

Click to hear a narration and see more about this book from a grandchild….

Take the Kids Hunting from a Tree Stand, but don’t go up without a Lil’ Treestalker Youth Harness!

  • Hunter Safety System youth models also available in “Fistful of Dirt” Mossy Oak® Bottomland®

The Lil’ Treestalker harness is made to keep your youth hunter safe when you take the kids upstairs in a tree. The youth harness also features ElimiShield® Hunt Scent control technology, just like the adult models. ElimiShield utilizes a proprietary nanotechnology that kills over 99.99% of odor-causing bacteria at the cellular level and forms a bond with the treated article that lasts for more than 50 commercial washes. By treating the Lil’ Treestalker with the ElimiShield in the manufacturing process, the harness is forever protected from mildew and odors after being exposed to sweat and moisture, so it’s protected while it is packed away in storage during the off-season.

Hunter Safety System has partnered with Mossy Oak to offer its Lil’ Treestalker youth harness in the very popular Bottomland camouflage pattern. Although this “fistful of dirt” pattern isn’t new, it has been extremely popular since Toxey Haas introduced it more than 30 years ago. Featuring bark, sticks and leaves, Bottomland features a legendary outline-breaking ability that helps hunters become virtually invisible in treestand environments.

“Bottomland has been a favorite pattern of bowhunters for decades,” said Jerry Wydner, HSS owner and president. “Bottomland has proven to be very effective in the field. We listen to our customers and aim to please them with the very best, safest products in the patterns that they want.”

Comfortable standing or sitting, the Lil’ Treestalker is designed with smart fabrics to stay cool and dry all season and features soft touch binding to resist abrasion around the neck and arms. Weighing a mere 1.5 lbs., this harness will keep aspiring and/or smaller hunters safe and comfortable in the field.

Available at retailers nationwide or conveniently online at, the Lil’ Treestalker in Mossy Oak Bottomland retails for under $85.

Founded in 2001 and headquartered in Danville, Ala., Hunter Safety System is a leading designer/manufacturer of innovative deer hunting gear and hunting equipment for the serious hunter. The company has exclusive rights for use of ElimiShield in the hunting industry. For additional information, write to: The Hunter Safety System, 8237 Danville Road, Danville, AL 35619; call toll-free 877-296-3528; or visit

Buck 110 Folding Hunter Knife, Under $20! You Kidding Me?!

By Dave Barus

I have carried one of these to my deer woods for more than 50 years now. Today, there are more options to choose from, lightweight handles and more, but the reality of the device as a tool for sportsmen is unchanged. I cannot believe this is selling for less than $20 on sale right now.

The 110 Folding Hunter® is one of America’s favorite knives, this version, the 110 Folding Hunter® LT, will undoubtedly follow in suit. Weighing barely over 3 ounces, the LT is created with lightweight molded nylon, drastically reducing its weight while maintaining the same quality as the original Folding Hunter®. The clip point blade is finished with Buck’s advanced Edge2x blade technology for unbelievable sharpness and edge retention out of the box.

Closed Length: 4 7/8″ (12.4 cm), includes a black, polyester sheath and is made in the USA.

  • BLADE LENGTH: 3 3/4″ (9.5 cm)
  • WEIGHT: 3.2 oz (90.7 g)
  • HANDLE: Nylon
  • CARRY SYSTEM: Sheath
  • ORIGIN: Made in the USA

Buck 110 Features:
420HC STEEL – This is Buck’s standard blade material because it approaches the wear resistance of high carbon alloys while delivering the corrosion resistance of chromium stainless steels. Add the Buck Knife exclusive heat-treat process and you have a very user-friendly combination of superior corrosion resistance with excellent strength for wear resistance and durability. You also have a blade that is easy to resharpen. For best performance Buck hardens to a Rockwell hardness of Rc 58.
CLIP – The crescent tip makes the blade thinner with a sharper point. This shape provides good control for detail work and cutting in tight places. It is also well suited for intentional punctures like new holes in your belt, etc. While the point of the blade is effective for detail work, it’s not as strong as the thicker points on drop points and skinners.

The special sale is here (unreal):

Custom Fishing Rod Builder: Tom Marks

  • Rod length, sensitivity, power, flex…all these factors matter
  • Setting the hook, it’s the best feeling with a rod you helped design
  • Rattlesnake skin and other custom handles personalize rods to the individual

By Bob Holzhei

Custom rod handle options that include rattlesnake skin personalize the custom rod.

“The sensitivity in any fishing rod can be determined by placing the tip of the rod against your throat while another person holds the other end of the rod.  At that point, the person who has the tip of the rod against their throat begins to talk and at the other end, the vibration can be felt,” says expert angler and custom fishing rod-maker, Tom Marks, who vacations and fishes in Florida during the winter months.

Marks has been building custom rods for the past six years. “It usually takes me about 48 hours or three days to build a rod,” says Marks.

“I ask the perspective customer which type of rod they want me to build for them, whether it’s a spin casting rod, an all-purpose rod, and also ask if they are throwing crankbaits, need a worm rod, like to drop shot, if they are skipping docks, tossing jerk baits, Carolina rigs, need a bottom-bouncer for walleye, jig-flipping and pitching, or if they use a frog topwater bait or other top water bait. They’re all slightly different,” stated Marks.

Sanding the guide feet insures a smooth thread wrap and long life for the rod.

“The purpose for which the rod will be used helps me decide on the power and speed of the rod. The power, which is how stiff the rod needs to be and the speed, which refers to how much flex is in the tip, both affect the style efficiency.  Flex is the amount of bend in the upper 1/3 of the rod. The faster the rod, the more sensitive it will feel. For crankbaits, or moving baits which are trolled, a slower rod is sufficient because the strike or bite is much harder. The slower rod helps absorb some of the initial shock of the bite and also keeps the fish from throwing the hook,” added Marks.

Marks custom decorates his precision fishing rods according to customer wishes.  Nylon and metallic threads can be used on the guide wraps, and many other variations.  Marks also uses real rattlesnake skin on the handle and other decorative skins and wraps in the split grip and fore grip.

“I place a decorative thread band 12 inches from the front edge of the handle.  Decorative work might include thread work cross-weaved with multiple colored threads or chevron patterns.  Occasionally I marbleize the colors,” added Marks.

Marks began purchasing his rod building materials after he saw a Mudhole display at an outdoor show, located in Oviedo, Florida.  Mudhole is a Rod Building and Tackle Crafting Company that can provide helpful process instructions and all the supplies for rod building. Visit or call 866-790-RODS.

Charter Captain Tom Marks is right at home with all the gear for making his custom fishing rods in the garage.

Marks explained the steps in building a rod. “After the materials are ordered and arrive, I first take the order out of the package,” Marks replied while laughing.     “First the spline in the rod is found, this is the backbone of the rod.  I take the rod and put tension on it, while rolling the rod. The area of the spine will snap or hop.  The spline is the heaviest part of the rod. The theory is the spline is found in one spot, it provides a keyway for guide location and better angler control later,” stated Marks.

Second, Marks determines what kind of rod he will make.  The handle or grip is put on the rod.  He reams out the handle to fit the blank.  Then Pro-epoxy paste is put on to secure the handle.

Third, the guides are put on after measuring and marking the rod blank for the spacing between the guides.  Mudhole provides suggestions on where to place the guides.  Marks runs a line up and down the tip to insure the guides are lined up.  He also uses a laser beam to insure the guides are correctly aligned.  After the guide are mounted, protective clear epoxy is added.

Fourth, two additional coats of clear epoxy are put on and then 400 grit sandpaper removes any imperfections. Marks then field tests the rod to assure quality.

“If I catch a big fish while testing, I know that particular rod is a real good one,” kidded Marks with a grin.

“Building fishing rods is a great hobby and I never stop learning.  I began fishing with my dad when I was 4 years old, and when I was 10, I really got into fishing and loved it.  I learned from my father how to fish for walleye, since we lived within walking distance of Lake Erie near Derby, New York,” stated Marks.

I tagged along with Marks as he fished with the rod and learned as I watched his fishing strategy from a distance.

“The presentation is the key. The bite is what keeps me interested.  When I set the hook – it’s a great feeling. There’s a rush of adrenaline!  I could fish all day for the bite,” concluded Marks.

For more information: e-mail address –; 716-997-6919.

Here we are testing my new rod, I’m sitting, Tom is demonstrating the secrets to catching bass where we are fishing in Florida. Sure was fun!

6-1/2” Tri-Alive Nightcrawler – NEW Killer Plastic from Mister Twister

  • Slithering Action, new colors never seen before
  • Chunky, weighty, easy to cast
  • Tail seems to have buoyancy, making the worm totally new
Mister Twister Tri-color worm in Morning Dawn color, click to see the color palette.

By Forrest Fisher

Ever noticed that fish everywhere become familiar with seeing the same lure over and over? What worked last year simply is not working this year.  It’s frustrating, right?

Sometimes when a new lure hits the market…CHAZAM!

Fish on!


Not sure, but here is one new lure that does just that, the new Tri-Alive Nightcrawler from Mister Twister.

It’s a 6 ½-inch straight tail worm with a slender profile, soft feel for that “bite me and keep me” instinct attraction, and it seems when using these new worms, the tail-end floats a bit. That adds a flavor of newness and different action. This is especially intense for “used-to-it” fish, when using a stand-up style jig head (Shakey head).

Yep…Hang on!

You can hook it up as a regular Texas rig, Carolina rig, wacky rig or in any manner rig you think to try.

The worm has a different descent rate and when combined with the myriad assortment of  colors offered, there is fish attraction.

The worm has a slight, but not overwhelming internal glisten, and it has a gentle gliding movement during the cast and drop . True even during steady retrieve motions – like when fished with a vibrating jig head, the Z-man head or Ricky Clunn head.

All tasty options for hungry bass.

When cast to the same spot repeatedly, the worm is enough to drive bass wacky. Wacky rig, wacky bass, it all comes together. The bass are intimidated, striking the worm just because.

It comes in 15 different three-layer color combinations with unique colors to offer fish something new to see and eat. 

“All the colors in the Tri-Alive Nightcrawler lineup were custom made in combinations that have yet to be offered,” said General Manager of Mister Twister, Chuck Byrd. “The color contrast is a key to more fish whether in clear water or stained water.” Adding, What really sets this product apart from all others, besides the new color contrast is the very soft plastic formulation. “Very soft means much more action, slower fall and a more natural gliding action in the water.” 

“You know it’s a great worm when you can catch a four-pound, post-spawn bass in 10 feet of water with it,” says Twister Team Member Mike Cork. “Awesome new colors!” Super soft, yet durable. 

Fish the 6 ½-inch Tri-Alive Nightcrawler, testers say, “It’s exceptional even for walleye harness rigs.”

To visit the website for more info, click here. 

NEW – Blood Red Game Bags for Hunters, under $20!

  • They arrive vacuum-sealed for sanitation and easy packing, as they take up very little room in your pack. 
  • Small Blood Red Game Bag measures 30 x 18 inches with a 5-inch side gusset and a 12-inch meat flap. 
  • Large Blood Red Game Bag is 42 x 22 inches w/a 6-inch side gusset for large quarters and 14-inch top meat flap. 
Koola Buck continues to provide the most innovative and trusted products to keep your game meat safe from the field to your freezer with the introduction of the new Blood Red Game Bags. The bags are available in two sizes: Large for elk or big game quarters and Small for deer or antelope quarters.
The new Koola Buck Blood Red Game Bags are constructed from strong yet breathable cotton/poly fabric blend and feature heavy duty 1.5-inch nylon cinch/carry straps that are sewn into the bag for easy handling of heavy weight and attaching securely to a backpack or pack frame. The wide side gussets and seamless bottom allow for 20-percent more storage than the average pillowcase-style game bag. As an added protection of the precious cargo, Koola Buck has designed these new game bags with a  top-cover meat flap. This added flap completely covers the meat before pulling the bag’s locking drawstring, creating a physical barrier to block bugs, dirt and other contaminants.
The Large Blood Red Game Bag measures 42 inches long by 22 inches wide with a 6-inch gusset side for large quarters and a 14-inch top meat flap. The Small Blood Red Game Bag comes in at 30×18 inches with a 5-inch gusset and a 12-inch meat flap. Both bags are sold individually vacuum sealed for sanitation and easy packing. They take up very little room in your pack.
The new Blood Red Game bags can be found at select retailers nationwide or conveniently online at for a suggested retail of $19.99 for the large and $16.99 for the small.
These new Blood Red Game Bags naturally hide stains and are strong, durable, washable and reusable. They will provide many seasons of dependable service. Use the Koola Buck Anti-Microbial spray on the bag or directly on the meat to reduce bacteria growth and to repel flies and other insects.
Headquartered in Brookville, Pa., Koola Buck is a leading designer and manufacturer of portable refrigeration systems, meat hooks, anti-microbial game bags, game-processing videos and the new Hide Ripper deer-skinning machine. For additional information on Koola Buck and its full line of products write to: Koola Buck, 494 Service Center Rd., Brookville, PA 15825; call (814) 849-9695; or visit

Spice Up Valentine’s Day with Hi Mountain Seasonings

  • What to get that special someone for Valentines Day? One answer is right here

Not sure what to get that special someone for Valentines Day? The answer is at your finger tips. Just type into your browser, and a plethora of fabulous gifts ideas will appear, making it hard to choose just one or two.

It’s time to step out of the chocolate box and add a little spice—or a lot of spice—to this Valentine’s Day with a gift your loved one will seriously love. The options are endless, from ready-made jerky, to jerky kits, to rubs, to shakers, to dips, to marinades to sausage kits. Hi Mountain Seasonings has something for everyone. You can order a great gift or gift basket that will be embraced, enjoyed and remembered for a long time.

Be bold this year, and add some spice to February 14th with a little help from your friends at Hi Mountain Seasonings.

Hi Mountain’s entire line of products, cooking tips, instructional videos and recipes are also available at Hi Mountain products also can be found at high-end sporting-goods stores, farm-and-ranch stores and many local grocery stores.

Located in the heart of Wyoming, Hi Mountain Seasonings was founded in 1991. It is the premier manufacturer of kits for homemade jerky and sausage. Hi Mountain Seasonings has successfully captured distinct, traditional Western flavors in its jerky cure & seasonings, Western-style seasonings, bacon cures and other products that make up the unique line of gourmet Western seasonings. For additional information, write: Hi Mountain Seasonings, 1000 College View Drive, Riverton, WY 82501; call toll-free 1-800-829-2285; or visit the company website at

Successful 2019 SHOT Show Featured Innovation and Growth

  • SHOT Show marks 10th straight year at Sands Expo Center

The 41st Shooting, Hunting and Outdoor Trade ShowSM (SHOT Show®), owned and operated by the National Shooting Sports Foundation® (NSSF®), finished its four-day run in Las Vegas with many notable successes, including a new record for exhibitors in its Suppliers Showcase and an innovative Pop-Up Preview that proved to be a hit with buyers.

The show, which ran Jan. 22-25 at the Sands Expo Center, showcased products used for target shooting, hunting, outdoor recreation and law enforcement purposes. More than 58,000 industry professionals attended with the number of exhibiting companies exceeding 2,400, a new record. Their booths covered more than 692,000 net square feet of exhibit space. The show was expected to pump approximately $90 million in non-gaming revenue into the Las Vegas economy.

The Supplier Showcase, which began two years ago, more than doubled in size to 540 original equipment manufacturers (OEMs). The growth of this section is expected to continue and is a major reason SHOT Show will expand to exhibit space at the MGM Grand Conference Center in 2020. The new one-day Pop-Up Preview gave visibility to more than 230 new exhibitors displaying clothing, footwear, camping and other hunting and outdoor gear.

At the NSSF State of the Industry presentation, NSSF CEO Steve Sanetti said that industry is too often negatively portrayed in the media and that its many programs that promote safety — such as Project ChildSafe and Operation Secure Store — are not sufficiently acknowledged for helping to stop firearms accidents, thefts and misuse. “We are resolved to not let our many good works go unnoticed or be wrongly credited to others, and we will not be defined by others,” Sanetti said.

Sanetti, who will retire at year’s end, was presented the NSSF Ken Sedlecky Lifetime Achievement Award by NSSF Board of Governors Chairman Bob Scott and new NSSF President Joe Bartozzi.

The show, marking its 10th straight year at the Sands Expo Center, attracted attendees from 111 countries. Some 12.5 miles of aisles led to displays of firearms, ammunition, accessories, optics, knives, gun safes, apparel and law enforcement equipment, among other categories. More than 400 companies displayed products in the show’s New Product Center, sponsored by U.S. Concealed Carry Association. In a continuing effort to provide space for companies on the exhibitor waiting list, the NEXT Pavilion gave first-time vendors welcome visibility and potential new customers.

“This SHOT Show was marked by innovative strategies to provide opportunities to new exhibitors while maintaining the quality experience for longtime exhibitors,” said Chris Dolnack, NSSF Senior Vice President and Chief Marketing Officer. “The SHOT Show team works year-round to produce a high-quality show, and that effort again paid off.”

The show drew excellent reviews from exhibitors and attendees.

Daniel Defense’s Matt Allbritton was greatly pleased with the 2019 SHOT Show. “We are so excited about the release of our new Delta 5 bolt-action rifle, and we’ve had an incredible turnout here at our booth, with folks lining up to see the new rifle.”

Kevin Michalowski of the U.S. Concealed Carry Association said, “Traffic was very high at our booth, and we’re all very happy about that.”

At Head Down Firearms, maker of modern sporting rifles, Adam Williams said, “It’s our first year at SHOT Show, and it’s been an incredible experience. The booth traffic was consistent and especially heavy in the morning and late afternoon.”

Chris Tedford of True Velocity – makers of composite-cased ammunition – was pleased with this year’s turnout of buyers and said his booth was busy the entire show. “Being at SHOT has given us not only a good number of new customers, but has also presented us with some new business opportunities,” Tedford said.

SHOT Show, the largest trade show of its kind in the world, credentials approximately 2,400 members of the media.

The SHOT Show’s official opening on Tuesday was preceded by many events, including the 5th Annual NSSF/HAVA Golf Classic on Sunday in support of Honored American Veterans Afield, which works to aid the healing process of military veterans through hunting and other shooting sports activities. Hundreds of thousands of dollars have been raised in support of this effort since the golf outing began in 2015.

Monday saw some of the SHOT Show’s most popular pre-show events — SHOT University, an education forum for retailers; Industry Day at the Range, an opportunity for media and buyers to experience hands-on testing of products; and the Executive Management Seminar, providing business information to executives and rising managers. Another special event at the show focused on industry’s firearms safety education program Project ChildSafe. The Women of the Gun event brought together women who are influential in helping the program promote its “Own It? Respect It. Secure It.” message and included Olympic shooters, world champions, hunting TV show hosts and many others.

“We are very pleased with the outcome of the 2019 SHOT Show, particularly how our new offerings like the Pop-Up Preview were received,” said NSSF President Joe Bartozzi. “We want all our attendees and sponsors to know that our dedication to listening to their feedback, innovating at SHOT Show and working hard to improve the show experience for everyone will continue.”

Preparations have already begun for next year’s 42nd SHOT Show, which is slated for January 21-24, 2020.

About NSSF
The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 12,000 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen’s organizations and publishers. For more information, visit


Enter The “Lure Lock Effect” Sweepstakes

  • Get your tackle box organized with this easy and affordable “stick-to-it” lure container idea
  • Avoid a Tackle Disaster by Winning the “Lure Lock Effect” Sweepstakes

From Ettrick, Wisconsin, the Lure Lock folks wants you to avoid a tackle disaster by entering the Lure Lock Effect Sweepstakes where one lucky winner will walk away with a Lure Lock tackle box package valued at over $750.  To enter, visit the Lure Lock website or Lure Lock’s social media pages before March 10th, 2019.

Interested anglers can enter the Lure Lock Effect Sweepstakes in three ways:

  1. Visit, and fill out the registration form and upload a photo of their current “tackle disaster”
  2. Share that “tackle disaster” photo on the Lure Lock Facebook page with the hashtags #tackledisaster and #lurelockeffect
  3. Post a public post on Instagram showing a photo of their “tackle disaster” with the hashtags #tackledisaster and #lurelockeffect

Each method of entry gets an individual one entry, so a participant can enter up to three times.

“We are eager to see what kind of “tackle disasters” are out there” stated Jessica Kriesel, Lure Lock marketing coordinator. “We know anglers have a lot of tackle and are looking to get things organized before this next fishing season it will be exciting to see the before and after photos from our winner of the Lure Lock Effect.”




The Lure Lock Effect Sweepstakes winner will receive the following:

  • (2) Large Lure Lockers fully loaded, each with 5 Lure Lock Cases with Taklogic Gel
  • (2) Medium Lure Lockers fully loaded, each with 5 Lure Lock Cases with Taklogic Gel
  • (1) Small Lure Locker fully loaded, each with 5 Lure Lock Cases with Taklogic Gel
  • (5) Large Lure Lock Cases with Taklogic Gel
  • (4) Medium Lure Lock Cases with Taklogic Gel
  • (2) Small Lure Lock Cases with Taklogic Gel
  • Lure Lock Hat
  • Lure Lock Shirt

The Lure Lock boxes come in three sizes LL1, LL2 and LL3, and are available with and without the ElasTak gel. The innovative boxes, along with the award winning Lure Locker, are available at Bass Pro Shops, Cabela’s, Academy, Sportsman’s Warehouse, Scheel’s, Mill’s Fleet Farm, Field & Stream, Tackle Warehouse, Tackle Direct, key independent sporting goods dealers, and at

For full sweepstakes rules and details, please visit: .

About Lure Lock: Lure Lock is owned by Tak Logic, LLC and is located in Ettrick, Wisconsin. Lure Lock tackle boxes feature a patented gel material – all made in the USA. For more information, call 608-525-3636.

Help Support Military Heroes, Kids, Conservation during Holidays

  • Help Youth Groups, Military Veterans, Conservation
  • Free Entry to Holiday Sportsman Show
  • Visit with Outdoor Vendors offering Giant Discount Options
Every day, F.I.S.H receives applications of soldiers and veterans in need and F.I.S.H. helps them in every possible way. The Holiday Sportsman Show supports F.I.S.H. with your Gift Card Purchase.

By Forrest Fisher
We all have outdoor youth friends (4H) and most of us have met more than one disabled military hero, you know these groups need our support. A little can go a long way. Here is a special link to provide support for those in need and to find some timely outdoor holiday gifts too.

Visit the on-line Holiday Sportsman Show (it’s free), no spending is required, but you can purchase a $15 gift card package to receive an option for thousands of dollars in discounts to help our military heroes (F.I.S.H.), kids (4H and others) and outdoor conservation. That easy.

Click the picture to enter the show

Explore outdoor halls you can navigate with your mouse, then go back again and again (for free) on your electronic communicator or computer. Visit vendors providing amazing discounts for the holidays. Gift buying and funding support made easy.

Take a peek, visit the show: Open through December 31, 2018.

Please purchase a $15 gift card package, you won’t be disappointed.


Winterizing Your Plants – ADVICE from Chestnut Hill Outdoors

Click picture for a short video that explain the importance of these chestnuts to your deer crop wherever you live.

Winter’s arrival means a period of transition, not just for animals, but for plants as well. Understanding how plants go through this phase and what they need to better survive winter can be important. That’s why the folks at Chestnut Hill Outdoors do more than just sell you plants. In order to ensure you receive the maximum benefit from their products, they also provide sound advice and instruction on proper planting and care.

As hours of daylight wane and temperatures drop, plants cease growing and enter a state of dormancy, not unlike animals going into hibernation. Some people don’t realize this. “We’ve even had people ask why the leaves are falling off their trees,” said a spokesperson for Chestnut Hill Outdoors. It’s perfectly normal and you need not be alarmed, but it is a signal that it might be time to take some protective measures.

The Right Zone
First and foremost, you should choose plants that are specifically adapted for the climate in your area. One of the best tools for determining this is the USDA Plant Hardiness Zone Map. To ensure you pick the right plants for your region, Chestnut Hill Outdoors lists these zones for each of their products. They also check all orders to ensure plant species are appropriately suited to their destinations so you’ll know you have the right varieties when they arrive.
Insulate the Roots

Next, apply a layer of mulch on top of the soil around the tree. This will act as insulation, protecting the root systems of young plants and trees from the cold. During the following growing season it will also reduce weeds and help retain moisture. It’s best to use natural materials like wood chips, leaf/yard compost, sawdust or straw. Also, be sure not to pile mulch around the trunk as it could create a favorable microenvironment for rot or rodents.

Protection from Depredation
With herbaceous food becoming scarce, rabbits and small rodents turn their attention to alternate food sources and often use the protection of tall, matted grass, mulch or snow to gnaw the bark off trees. This can severely damage young trees, stunt growth next spring and in severe cases they can actually girdle and kill the tree.

Wrapping the trunk is helpful but a better option is Grow Tubes. These translucent plastic tubes act as mini-greenhouses, insulating and protecting young trees from temperature extremes as well as gnawing pests. During the growing season, they also help with weed control and moisture retention, which can be especially important in locations where there is less opportunity for care, such as forest or wildlife plantings, or where there are predation by deer, mice and other critters.

For more on selecting and protecting the right food plot and deer attractant plants, visit, or call (855) 386-7826.

Chestnut Hill is the best place for you to purchase your food plot and deer attractant plants because they offer a large selection, their plants are specifically bred to attract deer, and they offer customers different sized plants at different levels of growth.
For more information, please visit: WWW.CHESTNUTHILLOUTDOORS.COM.

Outdoor Edge® Introduces RazorMax – Replaceable Fixed-Blade Knife

The overwhelming popularity of the Outdoor Edge replaceable-blade folding knives—the Razor Pro, the RazorBlaze and the RazorLite EDC™—has led to the introduction of the RazorMax, the company’s first fixed-blade knife to also feature the patented RazorSafe replaceable blade system.

The Outdoor Edge RazorMax ascends to a new level by becoming first in the line to accept both 3.5-inch drop-point replacement blades as well as a new 5-inch boning/fillet blade, making it the complete solution for preparing big game, from start to finish. The new RazorMax allows you to field dress, skin, debone and process game into perfect cuts for the table—all with a single tool.

With two blade sizes available for the RazorMax that interchange quickly, safely and easily, the perfect blade for the job is just a button push away. The included blades are Japanese 420J2 stainless steel, heat treated and hand finished to a surgically sharp edge. The 3.5-inch general-purpose drop-point blade is a true workhorse for field-dressing and skinning. The 5-inch boning/fillet blade is designed for processing meat quickly and efficiently. Each blade locks securely into the RazorMax’s black-oxide coated blade holder, providing the strength and rigidity of a traditional knife to the 3.5-inch blade, while allowing ample flex for the 5-inch boning and fillet blade.

The thermoplastic rubber (TPR) grip on the RazorMax is molded with an alternating pattern of Outdoor Edge’s signature mountain range for a very positive nonslip grip with the ergonomically shaped handle that prevents tiring and cramping during extended periods of use.
The RazorMax is available with either a black or blaze orange handle and comes complete with a lightweight nylon belt sheath that features a removable pouch for storing spare blades.

It will be available in the second quarter of 2019 for a suggested retail price of $79.95

About Outdoor Edge: Founded in 1988 and headquartered in Denver, Outdoor Edge is a leading designer and manufacturer of knives and tools. Today, Outdoor Edge continues to innovate and develop state-of-the-art products for outdoor enthusiasts, game processors, survivalists, handymen and others who require the very best knives and tools available for leisure, work and everyday-carry needs. The company prides itself in offering a variety of products that undergo extensive field-testing in harsh, rugged environments resulting in durable, long-lasting products that come with a lifetime guarantee. For additional information on Outdoor Edge and its full line of products write to: Outdoor Edge, 5000 Osage Street, Suite 800, Denver, CO 80221; call toll-free 800-477-3343; email; or visit

Holiday Sportsman Show Online Open for Business

  • Holiday Sportsman Show is FREE, is Online, Is Open for Business
  • Cash in on Sales, No traffic, No Crowds
  • Sales Benefit to Military Veterans, Youth, Conservation
Sample of a show booth for Simms Fishing Products. Click the picture to enter.

The much-anticipated Online Holiday Sportsman Show is officially open for business. Tour the virtual exhibit halls for fabulous savings from the comfort of your home. With exhibitors in a number of individually labeled halls, selecting the perfect gifts for outdoor enthusiasts on your list is easier than ever.

Open until Dec. 31, the Holiday Sportsman Show offers even greater sales to visitors of the show,, with the purchase of a $15 Fundraiser package with additional Savings and Discounts. This gift package directly benefits our youth and U.S. veterans, and it also opens the door to more than $5,000 of exclusive savings for a wide range of gifts and products.

For more information on the package, the groups it benefits and to find out how to order one, visit

The Holiday Sportsman Show is easy to navigate and has a wide selection of highly sought-after outdoor brands to choose from. Cash in on the sales without dealing with the lines, traffic, crowds and headaches of venturing out to the malls. Sit back, relax and have a stress-free holiday shopping experience at the Holiday Sportsman Show from now until Dec. 31.

The main lobby of the Holiday Sportsman Show, click to enter. Once there, use the “guidepost” on your upper right to navigate the halls and booths in the show.

About the Holiday Sportsman Show: The Online Holiday Sportsman Show is a property of Vexpo Marketing, L.L.C., based in Missouri. Vexpo Marketing develops digital products designed to serve outdoor activities and outdoor consumers, including businesses and organizations that provide goods and services for outdoor recreation. A project of special dedication has been to bring traditional sports shows to a digital platform to give consumers sports show experiences in the online world. Vexpo Marketing properties include the Holiday Sportsman Show, North American Sport Show, Share the Outdoors website, and the National Wildlife Art show, all in consideration that support of conservation, youth and veterans organizations through fund-raising efforts and philanthropy is a service of great importance.

For information on how to participate in the show, contact Brooke Droese at, or call her at (816) 246-5626.

Big Game Hunters NEED to Control Human Scent

  • Kill Odor-Causing Compounds for Long-Lasting Odor Protection
  • Scent Control for Hunters’ Clothing and Gear
  • Hair, Body Wash and Laundry Scent Control Products

DANVILLE, Ala. (Nov. 6, 2018) — ElimiShield® HUNT Scent Elimination Spray, which bonds to all types of fabrics, rubber, metal and other surfaces to continually kill odor-causing compounds for long-lasting odor protection, is now available in a one-gallon bottle. The gallon bottle is ideal for refilling the spray bottle as well as for dipping gear rather than spraying. Whether it is a bow release, hunting clothes, a pack or other gear, completely submerging into the ElimiShield® HUNT solution is easy and ensures that everything is completely coated for optimal elimination of odor-causing bacteria and other elements.

ElimiShield® HUNT Scent Elimination Spray’s proprietary formula combines a unique “one-two-punch” approach to scent control for hunters’ clothing and gear. First, existing malodors are neutralized at the source. This action is rapid and thorough. Second, human body odor is controlled before it ever forms by mechanically killing odor-causing compounds via electrically charged, microscopic carbon molecules (Carbon 5150 Molecule) that pierce the membranes of odor-causing elements. This design is far superior to other products on the market that merely attempt to absorb human body odor after it has already formed. Once the ElimiShield® HUNT solution dries on a surface, it forms a long-lasting bond. Commonly used in hospitals and health clinics, ElimiShield brings a clinical approach to the hunting industry for odor control.

To see how ElimiShield works, check out the Rotten Meat Test video.

For the best results in staying completely undetectable in the field, ElimiShield recommends using all four HUNT products in the three-step odor elimination system developed specifically for hunters. Step A is personal hygiene, including Core Body Foam—the outdoor industry’s only FDA-compliant scent-elimination product—as well as a Hair & Body Wash. Step B is laundering hunting clothes with ElimiShield® HUNT Laundry Detergent. Step C is the Scent Elimination Spray.

The new ElimiShield® HUNT Scent Elimination one-gallon bottle is available from Amazon for a suggested retail price of $44.99. The 23-oz. bottle is also available from Amazon for a suggested retail price of $15.99. All ElimiShield products carry a money-back guarantee if the user is not completely satisfied.

About ElimiShield Scent Control Technology: The patented, proprietary, nanotechnology formula in ElimiShield HUNT products leave a microscopically abrasive shield that eliminates odor-causing particles on contact. This mechanism is far superior to other methods that either poison bacteria or attempt to absorb human odors after they form. In addition to the nanotechnology, certain ElimiShield products include bio-based ingredients to neutralize malodors that are encountered in the field, ensuring all surfaces remain scent-free. Hunter Safety System, the industry leader in treestand safety, is the exclusive distributor of ElimiShield HUNT products to the outdoor industry. For information on this line, contact Hunter Safety System, 8237 Danville Road, Danville, AL 35619; call toll-free 877-296-3528; or visit

Packable Treestand Climbing Sticks – a “Safety Perfect” Great Holiday Gift

  • Hunter Safety in Treestands Require Getting There Safely
  • Portable Ladder Sticks for Climbing Trees 
  • Easy Install and Easy Removal are a BIG PART of Hunter Safety

By Aaron McCaleb

Hunters typically have a lot of gear, so pay close attention to what they are taking into the field. Every tree-stand hunter has a few critical accessories. They have a safety harness that must be maintained to keep them strapped to the tree. This harness is a life saver and will catch them in the case of a fall. Additionally, they have to  use something to reach their stands. They may use a full-sized ladder, screw-in steps or climbing sticks. Regardless, they have yet to experience the most packable and most stable climbing system available.

Understanding their needs makes the holiday season easy for hunters and hunting families. We are either finishing up our fall hunts or just getting started with late season deer hunts. It’s time to celebrate and enjoy harvest from the field that may never even hit the freezer.

Gift buying is easy because hunting season is fresh and we are always thinking about improving our gear and game. The only difficult decisions are figuring out what gear is ready for an upgrade.

Not only will they be safer on late season hunts, they will have a lighter load to carry into the field. Stacked Outdoors ladder sticks stack like red solo cups and only weigh 2.35 pounds per stick. The one piece polymer construction eliminates nuts, bolts and other moving parts that are prone to failure. If your friend, significant other or family members are spending any time in tree stands, the Stacked Outdoors climbing sticks will make the perfect gift this Christmas.

Stacked Outdoors has revolutionized the climbing stick market with a model that is more packable and more stable than any other option available. If you think your hunter has everything, they don’t have a set of Stacked ladder sticks. Grab a full set of 4 so they get up and down the tree easily and safely for many hunting seasons to come. They will be thrilled when they see a pair is waiting under the Christmas tree.


  • Longer tree straps than our competitors
  • Tree straps include large hand loop for easier grip and tightening
  • Bigger Surface Area with Aggressive Tread Design for your Boots
  • No Assembly or Moving Parts that can Fail or Break
  • Solid One-Piece Design
  • Stack together like red solo cups
  • Dual Strap Post Design for added Stability
  • Heavy Duty Polyester Straps
  • Shoulder Strap Included 


  • Weight: 2.35 lbs per stick and 9.4 lbs per set of 4 without straps
  • 300 lb load capacity
  • Ladder Stick Length: 21″
  • Distance Between Steps: 17.25″

Introductory Pricing: Single Stick – $48.99 or Stack of 4 – $179.99

About Stacked Outdoors: After 20 years in a treestand, Stacked Outdoors founder Brad recognized a need for a more packable and safer set of climbing sticks. After a friend fell off of an inadequately designed ladderstick from an “industry leader” Brad set out to build a safer model. The result was not only a safer set of climbing sticks but a lightweight, more durable, more stable, and the most packable set of climbing sticks on the market. Stacked Outdoors has changed the ladder stick market completely. Use Stacked Outdoors ladder sticks if you want to be more mobile in the field and safer in the tree.

For more information, please visit: WWW.STACKEDOUTDOORS.COM


Boots to FIX Achy-Breakee Knees – I’m a brand new, old Outdoor Guy


  • Midsole support and solid heel fit helped heal my knee bones
  • Semi-automatic shoe-lacer, especially good for old guys 
  • For hunting – they’re scent-free, waterproof and handsome to deer to stare at while I draw my bow
Click the boot to see how the shoe-lacing system works.

By Forrest fisher

In my short seven decades of hunting, hiking, fishing and camping, I have bought and tried virtually every boot ever made on the market. Most of them are pretty good and they work well for their intended purposes. Somehow without my knowing, time has passed and it seems I got old. First the back, then the knees, you know how things go when you wear out parts – especially in cold weather.

Then I had a chat with my long-time outdoor pal, Kim Emery, and she shared that there was this new boot that everyone was raving about for comfort.  It was waterproof, you could get insulated or uninsulated, and if you wanted to save your back from bending over too far to tie the shoelaces, you could get them with the new, semi-automatic, wind-up shoe-lacer…push to lock, pull to release. Kim said, “You’re gonna like these Forrest.”  When a trusted friend tells you that, they got ordered, they were on their way.

As soon as I received them, the shipping box wrapper lasted about 4 seconds until I reached the Irish Setter boot box. First off, they are handsome. Second, they were so lightweight. I felt myself hurrying to get my sneaker shoes off to slip into my new size 14 handsome boots. My heart was actually racing a bit, they looked so good. Would they fit? Would they work for me?

My wide foot slithered into them like a hot knife into warm butter. Wow, I thought, they feel really good. I stood up after figuring out the tighten-me-now shoe lace mechanism and there I was. I took a few careful steps. Then I hollered over to my better half, “Honey, come see these new boots! They’re amazing, they feel good, they help my knees, I can’t believe it!”

Smiling ear to ear, “I’m going hiking out back dear,” I was yelping. Underfoot and knee comfort like never before. Even my back felt good. I called Kim to share my surprise with this newfound hope for more time outdoors. Today, I wear them everywhere, every day – hunting, fishing, walking, shopping…everywhere. They are MY BOOTS. Good for uneven, even, rugged and un-rugged earth.

I researched them to learn more, because they are not only comfortable, they are warm and dry all day too. What are they made of? They are Irish Setter model 2890 boots and it turns out they use modern technology in putting these together, but without getting into the fancy names, they work. They even have odor elimination for smell-free feet when you hunt big game critters, like I’m doing today.  I’ve had them a month and I’ve mistreated these like every other boot I have owned and they still look new. They don’t know what foot-dragging and toe-kicking abrasion means, they look brand new. AND, most of all, I can walk all day without looking to rest on my butt. That new shoe lace mechanism is called the BOA® lacing system. Only one word for these boots: LIFESAVERs! Irish Setter model 2890.

About Irish Setter: Based in Red Wing, MN, Irish Setter is a division of Red Wing Shoe Company that produces a full line of performance hunting boots and rugged outdoor casual footwear. Irish Setter continues to use leading technologies and the finest materials to offer customers the highest quality outdoor footwear. For more information about Irish Setter’s heritage, products and retailers, visit


Winchester Repeating Arms Adds Sporter Model to the XPR Rifle Line

For hunters that prefer the appearance and warmth of a wood stock, Winchester Repeating Arms® has introduced a new Sporter model to the XPR® bolt-action rifle line.

The new rifle features a close-grained Grade I walnut stock with crisp checkering on the pistol grip and fore-end for a classic look and feel. A flattened fore-end profile provides added stability when shooting from sandbags or a rest.

At the heart of any accurate rifle is the barrel and the XPR Sporter does not disappoint. The top-quality chromoly steel barrel is button rifled and thermally stress relieved. A target-style crown protects the rifling. The action is precision bedded to ensure the barrel is free-floating.

The XPR Sporter comes in 12 popular calibers from 243 Win. to 338 Win. Mag. — including the 6.5 Creedmoor round. Barrel lengths are 22″ for short action calibers, 24″ for short magnum and standard long action rounds and 26″ for magnum calibers.

The XPR Sporter sells for an MSRP of $599.99.


  • M.O.A. Trigger System
  • Bolt unlock button
  • Nickel Teflon® on bolt body
  • Detachable box magazine
  • Close-Grained Grade I walnut stock
  • Perma-Cote® matte black metal surfaces
  • Inflex Technology recoil pad
  • Steel recoil lug
  • Receiver is machined from solid steel bar stock
  • Two-position thumb safety
  • Button-rifled, free-floated steel barrel
  • Recessed target crown

For more information on Winchester Firearms, visit

High-Floating “Odin” Top-Water Walking Bait DISTURBS BIG BASS Surface Popper Peace, Provoking Strikes

  • New Lure offers Sight, Sound and Scent attraction
  • Walk-the-Dog Style Action Lure
  • High Buoyancy adds to Retrieve Ease and Strike-Provoking Magic
This line of Odin lures is available in five hand-painted and signed lures to choose from—Blue Bird, Old Gold, Overcast, Silver Side and Tiger Side.

The Odin “Frigg” is a half-ounce popper designed with a large cupped face to churn plenty of water and create the surface disturbance that attracts bass and other freshwater fish. With five hand-painted and signed lures to choose from—Blue Bird, Old Gold, Overcast, Silver Side and Tiger Side—there is one for every fish and fishing situation.

Designed primarily for freshwater fishing, Odin Lure Company’s new floating “Frigg ½ ounce Top-Water Walking Popper” features a built-in fish-attracting rattle chamber and a patented bait well. The rattle sound chamber is a fish-strike provoker, the bait well can be filled with Odin’s specially crafted fish attractant (called Fish Smack) to leave an irresistible scent trail for those feeding fish that are simply “hungry.”

Purchase Odin Lures online at or call 603-718-1320.

This half-ounce floater lure was designed to be worked on the surface in the typical “walk-the-dog” retrieve. This side-to-side motion mimics an injured fish and triggers the natural feeding instinct of other fish. The lightness and buoyancy of this lure make it easy to work when wagging from side-to-side or dancing on the retrieve. The irresistible Fish Smack emitting from the Frigg Lure’s “laceration ports” and trailing the lure will provide extra incentive to strike, should you be sloppy in the retrieve or break your tempo. The scent will keep the fish’s attention as you regain your cadence. With the trifecta of sight, sound and scent, fish can’t resist the floating Frigg half-ounce Top-Water Walking Popper.

Like all Odin products, the Frigg half-ounce lure is proudly made in the USA. This lure comes equipped with two quality VCM treble hooks for a solid hook. Both hooks are securely attached with rustproof stainless steel split rings. All five half-ounce lures are currently available online at for a suggested retail price of $19.95 each. Freshwater Fish Smack is sold separately and is available in two flavors—Stormy Smelt and Rise-and-Shine—for a suggested retail of $12.95 each.

This line of Odin lures is also available in a freshwater Frigg 0.75 oz. Sinking Lipless Jerk Bait, saltwater Frigg 1.5 oz. Floating Top Water Popper and a saltwater Frigg 2.5 oz. Sinking Top-Water Popper. Additional Fish Smack flavors are available for saltwater fishing.

About Odin Lure Company – Initially began as the Oozzie Jig Company in 2012, is re-entering the fishing market this year with the new Odin name, new and larger US manufacturing facilities, new owners and a full lineup of new products. Headquartered in Hudson, New Hampshire, Odin Lure will offer a variety of U.S.-made saltwater and freshwater fishing lures. Initially, products will be sold exclusively online at For additional information on Odin Lure Company, write Odin Lure Company, 71 Pine Road, Hudson, New Hampshire 03051 or call 603-718-1320.



Can-Am Outlander MAX 6×6 DPS ATV…Get ‘Er Done, it’s Hunting Season

  • Tri-mode DPS and Updated Passenger seating
  • Priced under $10,000 USD
  • 1,650-lbs towing capacity

The new Can-Am Outlander MAX 6×6 4DPS 450 ATV, complete with true six-wheel traction and an incomparable versatility, is built to haul gear and get the job done. Along with a few of its own functional features, like its clever rear platform, the six-wheeled vehicle was purpose-built to be every bit as capable as its larger displacement siblings, but also introduce the 6×6 segment to new customers. For 2019, it receives the 6×6 family’s enhanced wheelbase, Tri-Mode DPS and updated passenger seating amenities and styling, while at the same time retailing for less than $10,000 USD, making it truly an affordable workhorse.

– Rotax engine
A 38hp Rotax single-cylinder, liquid-cooled engine offers great all-around performance to overcome tough chores and challenging terrain. Regardless of temperature or altitude, EFI ensures optimal performance from the engine at all times.
– CVT transmission with extra-low L gear
The CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission) means no shifting is required. The system includes standard engine braking, P / R / N / H / and Extra Low. The CVT housing has 13 bolts to ensure a proper seal and also includes an integrated drain plug. The extra-low L gear provides unmatched comfort for low-speed riding and an exceptional and smooth traction when pulling heavy loads.
– Relocated air intakes
The engine’s air intake and CVT inlets have been positioned as high as possible on the Outlander MAX 6×6 DPS 450 to improve breathing while navigating wet and muddy conditions.
– Tri-Mode Dynamic Power Steering (DPS)
The Tri-Mode DPS system features three modes (MIN, MED and MAX) allowing riders to select the desired amount of steering assist to adjust to the terrain requirements and to his riding style. All modes offer less assist at high speed to keep maximum steering feel to the rider and more assist at low speed to reduce steering effort.
– Visco-Lok QE auto-locking front differential
For situations that require optimal traction and as much contact with the terrain at hand, the Outlander MAX 6×6 offers both 4×6 and 6×6 with its Visco-Lok QE. In 4×6 mode, all four, rear wheels provide traction. Once 6×6 is selected, the system intelligently transfers power from the slipping front wheel to the opposing wheel with traction and is not hampered by speed or rev limiters. The system progressively and automatically locks and requires no additional buttons to push or levers to hold.
 – Double Torsional Trailing arm Independent (TTI2) rear suspension
The Outlander 6×6 vehicles use an industry-exclusive, four-wheel independent rear suspension that eliminates scrub and camber changes. The wheels pivot up and down rather than in a butterfly motion. This ensures the vehicle moves only in the direction you point it and is designed to improve traction and optimize transfer of power to the ground. Offering a five-way preload adjustable shocks and 8.8-in. (22 cm) of suspension travel, it can soak up rough terrain while keeping the rider comfortable and focused on the trail.
– Quick-release sway bar
With its integrated Quick-Release Sway Bar, owners can adjust the amount of articulation from the rear TTI to improve the ride for both heavy loads or when unloaded.
– Double A-arm front suspension
The front double A-arm suspension supplies dive-control geometry for better cornering and vehicle-braking dynamics. The 9-in. (23 cm) suspension travel increases trail comfort and capabilities in rough terrain.
– 10.5-in. ground clearance
When combined with its impressive suspension travel, Visco-Lok QE and true 6×6 capabilities, the 10.5-in. (26.7 cm) ground clearance on the Outlander 6×6 makes conquering rugged terrain a snap.
– 214 mm disc brakes with twin-piston calipers
The 2019 Outlander 6×6 ATVs feature four outboard 214mm hydraulic disc brakes with twin-piston calipers, front and rear, for superior stopping power.
– Standard centre skid plate
The high-strength centre skidThe high-strength centre skid plate is made from proven materials and is designed for supreme protection and has the ability to slide over certain obstacles.
– 12-in., cast-aluminum wheels with centreless design
Centre-less 12-in (30.5 cm) cast-aluminum wheels offer a stylish, unique look and reduced weight but improved strength in strategic areas.
– 26-in. Carlisle ACT Radial tires
The 450 package includes the proven 26-in. (66 cm) ACT Radial tires for a smoother ride, increased durability and better shock absorption.
– 500-W Magneto
This package provides a 500-W magneto, enough to power accessories like a winch, extra lights or heated grips.
– 1,650-lbs. towing capacity
Fully equipped to move a load, the Outlander MAX 6×6 450 has a reinforced 2-in. (5 cm) receiver hitch and a 1,650-lbs. (750 kg) towing capacity that comes standard.
– Large 5.4-Gal. (20.5L) fuel tank
The Outlander 6×6 vehicles have a capacity of 5.4-Gal. (20.5 liters), which means one can ride longer and work harder.
– Front Steel racks with LinQ quick-attach accessory system and rear cargo platform with extenders
The Outlander MAX 6×6 450 ATV has front steel rack, offering the rider improved sight lines while driving without a loaded front rack and the ability to connect LinQ quick-attach accessories. The unique rear cargo platform is designed to be versatile and adaptable for hauling a wide variety of loads and includes added cargo extenders.
– 470-lbs. (163 kg) combined rack capacity
The Outlander ATVs are made to work, with 470-lb. (163 kg) combined rack capacity. They can tote up to 120-lbs. (54 kg) up front and another 350-lbs. (159 kg) on the rear cargo area.
– 2.9-Gal. (10.9 L) water-resistant rear storage compartment
A convenient, 2.9-Gal. (10.9 L) water-resistant rear storage compartment is located in front of the rear cargo area.
– 90-in. (228.6 cm) wheelbase
The 2019 Outlander MAX 6×6 450 gets the family’s longer wheelbase. The added 90 in. length allows the passenger to sit in front of the rear axle for improved handling and comfort. The stretched design also improves the ride and handling for single riders.
– Dynamic Passenger Comfort (DPC)
The Outlander MAX 6×6 ATVs have passenger-influenced ergonomics mimicking those found on the Outlander MAX models. DPC ergonomics means comfortable seating, cushioned ride and placing the passenger in an optimal riding position. The seating system allows for gradual bending of the backrest and pivoting to reduce kick back during acceleration / braking, as well as offering engineered enhancements like regressive flex and formed grooves for improved comfort.
– Passenger handholds
The angled rear passenger handle position allows for flex while riding and also reduces the overall impact to the passenger’s hands. The handles also allow for numerous hand positions to enhance the riding experience and comfort level for the passenger. For one-up use, the rear seat has integrated handles that don’t limit rear rack space or prohibit single-rider comfort.
– Passenger footrests
The Outlander MAX 6×6 features foot pegs with angles and depth that cater to the rear passenger. The footrests also have a third row of grips to improve lateral footing.
– Multi-function digital gauge
Tells the rider everything in one easy glance. Our easy-to-read multi-function gauge is equipped with a digital information center, including a speedometer, tachometer, odometer, trip meter, gear position, hour meter, engine hour meter, temperature and engine lights, fuel gauge and clock.
– Radio Frequency (RF) Digitally Encoded Security System (D.E.S.S.)
D.E.S.S., an anti-theft device, includes both a performance key and regular key. Can-Am is the only manufacturer to offer a factory-installed anti-theft device as standard equipment.
– 70-W lighting
Equipped with dual 35-W front headlights, with selectable high and low beams, for superb visual clarity.
– Colors available
The Outlander 6×6 450 is available in green.
Can-Am, Rotax, DS 250, DS 90, Outlander, Renegade, Commander, Maverick, Maverick X3, Defender, D.E.S.S., LinQ, TTI, TTA, SST, Visco-Lok QE, DPS, XT, X and the BRP logo are trademarks of Bombardier Recreational Products Inc. or its affiliates. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
*According to manufacturer-reported data to the California Environmental Protection Agency Air Resources Board (CARB)


Life Outdoors? Make it Hot, Cold and Cost-effective!

Twist top (screw-on) is non-leak style and can hook onto your backpack or belt loop.

  • Irreplaceable Item for Family Fun Outdoors
  • Hot or Cold Vacuum Bottle for All-Day Use
  • Unbreakable, Unleakable, Efficient, Lightweight, Affordable & Colorful

By Forrest Fisher

Gotta love space age stuff when we ordinary folks can benefit for a few dollars of our hard earned pay.

My daughter was in a hurry to meet up with her family for a long overdue camping vacation. The kids were waiting in the van outside the house all prepped and ready to find some peace, quiet and campfire time. She had been up all night finishing up lesson plans for her school, she is a teacher, and was anxious about not forgetting anything for her family of 6. She said aloud, not looking at any list, “Check, check, check, and oh! I can’t forget the hiking jug. So, so important.” After that, she ran downstairs to the basement to bring back her water bottle.

“What’s that?” I was asking because I had not seen this purple-colored water bottle before. “Get a new water bottle?” She said, “Dad, I’m in hurry. Thanks for coming over to take care of the dog, the fish, the rabbit, the birds and the turtles, but I don’t have time to tell you about this one right now. I gotta go, everyone is outside and waiting for me. Just one thing dad, we never go out anywhere without this jug these days, it keeps things hot or cold for all day. It’s a life-saver, it’s a Microlite vacuum bottle. Bye dad, love you!”

Twist top (screw-on) is non-leak style and can hook onto your backpack or belt loop.

With that, off she went, the van with mom and dad and four kids went off into the horizon of the outdoors for a few days. How she does it, I’ll never know. To be young, right?

Of course, I wasn’t going to settle for that too-simple answer of…“it’s a life-saver.” I wanted to know more. That’s me, a continuous researcher when it comes to finding better gear for the outdoors. I went online and Googled it. “Microlite Vacuum Bottle.” There it was, carried by GSI Outdoors ( There are many sizes, but I noted she was carrying the larger size, that made it the 1000 ml model (33 ounces or about 1 qt.). 

I read that the GSI Outdoors Microlite 1000 is a stainless steel insulated vacuum bottle with a twist top, unleakable if you follow instructions, and is the perfect bottle to keep hot coffee, hot tea or hot soup just the way you poured it in (hot) for about all day (18 hours). On the other end, for hiking, biking, working around the woods, watching for shooting stars in an all-nighter, or resting in your tree stand waiting for mister big – it’ll keep your water ice cold for as long as 32 hours. What impressed me too, was how small it was to be so keenly efficient. That’s how it is advertised too, smaller (thinner walls) and lighter (it only weighs 13 ounces!).

Gotta love space age stuff when we ordinary folks can benefit for a few dollars of our hard earned pay.

The Microlite vacuum bottles are made from specially treated stainless steel (18-8), they’re durable and unbreakable, won’t rust, making them totally cost-effective for my day outdoors. The bottle top was a secure screw-on (twist-on) top and I noted right away that it was available in nice earth tone colors that would work for an all-day backpack sit in the woods with my camera or bow.

The Microlite vacuum bottles offer a variety of top lock styles, colors and sizes. Click the picture above for a video of options (under 30 seconds).

Last, important to provide the forecast of life expectations for this $34 bottle, GSI Outdoors products like this are covered by a Lifetime Warranty against material and workmanship defects. You just call 1-800-704-4474 or email: and you’re able to ask questions and get answers. That’s a good deal for something that will last a lifetime.

I ordered one through Amazon and I’m hoping it comes in before my daughter gets back.

Yep, surprise!

I can see her smile right now. I’m going to ask her, “What’s unbreakable, unleakable, efficient, lightweight, affordable and colorful? This is a test.”

Giving back to teachers….fun too.

Life is entertaining when you get to watch the birds and the bees after feeding the dog, the fish and the turtles. You might know how that goes if you have kids and grandkids. If you do, you now know that perfect gift.

Enjoy every day you can get outdoors!

2015 LUND Impact 1850 XS Review

LUND 1850 Impact XS

Real world boat tests are always the best. They answer the questions of how will this boat run, ride, fish and perform after purchase. The test of this 2015 LUND 1850 Impact XS was very real. We had scheduled an on the water testing with its new owner prior to participation in a fishing competition on Lake Minnetonka near Minneapolis Minnesota. Boat test date was September 27, 2015.

The staff and team of Share-the-Outdoors are not professional marine test personnel.    We are passionate anglers with heavy experience using many boats. We write product and boat reviews from a user point of view.   We may not include some technical specifications like the grade of rivets used but we do include what the boat will do for its owner.   We think what the boat will do, how it runs, performs and fishes is the information we all need to know.

Getting information about a boat from a sales person in a dealership is always helpful. Our boat tests information comes from a slightly different perspective.   Let us know if you like the way we do our boat testing.

Performance of the LUND 1850 Impact XS

The lake conditions were challenging! A windy day combined with a sunny warm weekend created heavy wind waves blending with heavy boat traffic to provide a mix-master of quartering waves in every conceivable size coming from every direction. Experienced boat operators can adjust a boat for optimum ride using a combination of throttle, motor trim, and angle of boat direction. Not so easy to set up for a cauldron of waves crashing into each other from boat waves and wind, but the LUND Impact XS handled this well.

Like all aluminum LUND’s this 1850 Impact XS was solid. Let me repeat that this boat was SOLID.   Despite extreme wave conditions the 1850 Impact XS exhibited the strength and structural integrity LUND is famous for. Pounding thru the waves this boat felt like it was made out of solid metal. We have to give it 5 Stars for rough water strength and hull rigidity.

A stable platform for fishing is important for all fishing boats. Some Deep V boats do not excel as a stable fishing platform but the 1850 Impact XS was stable and exceeded our expectations.

We put the boat thru moderate and high speed turns in waves from every direction and the boat handled the turns like a pro.   No bucking or jumping between the waves.   The 1850 Impact XS tracked well thru the turns.

The 1850 Impact XS was powered with a Mercury 150HP four stroke outboard engine. The motor and boat matched up well and the boat jumped on plane with 3 people aboard using 75% throttle.   We were greatly impressed with the Mercury 150 four- stroke.   It was quiet, very responsive to throttle change, and delivered exceptional smooth power.   The very rough water conditions prevented us from performing wide open throttle high speed runs but the boat achieved 46 MPH in considerable wave conditions with the throttle at approximately 75 to 80%. The motor was equipped with a 3 blade stainless steel prop.

The fit, finish and workmanship were exceptional.   Credit goes to the LUND manufacturing brand.   If you are in the market for a quality Deep V in the 18 to 19 feet range that will serve you fishing and taking the family for a boat ride or ski run then the LUND 1850 Impact XS is a good choice.

Specifications of boat tested: LUND 1850 Impact XS
Length: 18.7 ft.
Beam:   94 in.
HP: 150 Four Stroke Mercury equipped with 3 blade stainless steel prop.
Hull: IPS-Integrated Power Strake with double plated bow.
Chine width: 79.5 in.
Fuel capacity: 32 gallon.

Lund Boats website:

4 Days to IRMA: How Much Time Boaters Have to Prepare

  • Essential info for boaters, clubs, marinas at
Recreational boat owners need to prepare for the arrival of Hurricane Irma (credit: NOAA)

ALEXANDRIA, Va., September 5, 2017 – According to the National Hurricane Center, Florida may have up to four days to prepare for the arrival of Hurricane Irma, a “potentially catastrophic Category 5” storm now approaching the Leeward Islands.

While it’s difficult to determine landfall, Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS) urges boaters, marinas and boat clubs to use the valuable time to prepare, and offers free help online at

The boating group says that it doesn’t take a direct hit to damage or sink recreational vessels, or cause havoc at boat storage facilities.
The storm-planning available from BoatUS help includes:
1. “BoatUS Tips for Protecting Boats in Hurricanes,” a basic two-page primer that contains advice on hurricane preparation for all recreational boaters.
2. “Boater’s Guide to Preparing Boats and Marinas for Hurricanes” has more details on how to protect your boat as well as marinas.
3. “What Works: A Guide to Preparing Marinas, Yacht Clubs and Boats for Hurricanes,” a helpful resource for marina and boat-club staff, community resiliency managers and local government organizations that focuses on protecting boating facilities.
When a storm approaches, also has up-to-the-minute storm-tracking tools with live satellite images and checklists for what to do before and after a hurricane strikes.
Much of the hurricane guide information comes from BoatUS and its Marine Insurance Catastrophe (CAT) Team, a recognized leader in hurricane preparedness with more than 30 years of post-storm boat salvage experience. Go to for more.

About Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS): Celebrating more than 50 years, BoatUS is the nation’s largest organization of recreational boaters with more than a half-million members. We are the boat owners’ voice on Capitol Hill and fight for their rights. We are The Boat Owners Auto Club and help ensure a roadside trailer breakdown doesn’t end a boating or fishing trip before it begins. When boats break down on the water, TowBoatUS brings them safely back to the launch ramp or dock, 24/7. The BoatUS Marine Insurance Program gives boat owners affordable, specialized coverage and superior service they need. We help keep boaters safe and our waters clean with assistance from the nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water. Visit


By SportDOG Staff

Reliability, simplicity, and effectiveness are among the reasons to use a bark-control collar, as well as why they’ve become increasingly more common with dog owners in recent years.

However, when the electronic bark-control collar was first introduced, questions and skepticism regarding its use were brought up by multiple sources. Over time, doubts and concerns regarding no bark collars decreased as users became more familiar with the concept behind the design.

Today, these collars are widely accepted as a common training tool for dog owners. Despite their widespread acceptance, a few common misconceptions remain.

SportDOG® Brand, a leader in the design and manufacturing of some the most dependable and trusted dog-training products and accessories, has taken on the call to answer some of these remaining questions. With over a decade of experience, SportDOG has become a trusted source of information with both dog owners and professional trainers.

Here’s 3 of the most common misconceptions regarding the use of electronic bark-control collars, as encountered by the SportDOG team.

Using a Bark Collar Will Prevent My Dog From Ever Barking Again

To some pet owners, this notion can be concerning, as most don’t set out to keep their dogs quiet at all times. Whether it’s the verbal behavior their dog exhibits when playing with others, or alerting them when needed, such as a knock at the door, completely silencing their dog is not the owner’s end goal.

While it’s true that the purpose of a bark-control collar is to curb unwanted outbursts, the effects of the collar are not permanent. Should the owner want their dog to be capable of barking, he or she can simply remove the collar. Over time, the dog will begin to associate its behavior with the collar. With features like 3 selectable modes and 10 levels of static stimulation found in the SportDOG NoBark SBC-R, owners can customize the anti-bark collar to fit their dog’s specific needs, making the transition process even easier.

A Bark Collar Should Be Worn 24/7

If worn for more than the recommended amount of time, any kind of electronic collar can be dangerous to a dog’s health. This health concern doesn’t originate from the static stimulation delivered to the dog, but through the possibility of pressure necrosis.

Simply said, pressure necrosis is trauma to a dog’s skin (calluses, sores, etc.) that develops as a result of the collar remaining on for an extended period of time. This is caused by human error, and is not a failure of the collar. To prevent this, the collar must be properly fit to the dog’s neck, and rotated to different positions when used for long periods throughout the day. If the collar is too tight, continual pressure from the contact points (i.e. probes) can restrict blood flow to the tissue underneath, causing it to breakdown and deteriorate. Consequently, if the collar is too loose, it can be easily rotated around the neck or moved vertically as the dog raises or lowers its head. In either circumstance, owners need to make sure the collar is properly adjusted and remove the collar if worn longer than recommended, which is generally 8-10 hours per day. When removed, the probes of the collar should also be cleaned with alcohol wipes every 1-2 days to prevent bacteria from developing.

Bark Collars Aren’t Safe To Use on Dogs

Since the introduction of the electronic bark-control collar, one of the earliest misconceptions regarding its use is that it’s not safe for dogs. Many owners were concerned that the amount of static stimulation delivered would be too much for the dog to endure, or cause irreconcilable harm. Again, this is simply not true. SportDOG has gone to considerable lengths to make sure that each of its collars is perfectly safe for use on dogs. Through extensive research and development process and by using the most advanced technology available, SportDOG collars are considered to be among the safest designs on the market.

During its development of the company’s latest NoBark collar, the SBC-R, SportDOG incorporated 10 levels of static stimulation as well as 3 programmable modes: Temperament Learning, Progressive Correction and User-Selected. The new collar also has a built in safety feature ensuring that if your dog barks 15 times or more within an 80 second period, the SBC-R will stop issuing static stimulation for 30 seconds, and then resume normal operation. Combining these standard features along with a waterproof and submersible housing makes the SBC-R one of the safest collars on the market.

For more information on the SportDOG line of products, as well as the recently released NoBark SBC-R, visit

6 Tips to Prevent Tragedy or Death at a Boat Slip – From BoatUS

  • Never Swim Near Boat Docks that have Electrical Power.
  • Freshwater Docks are More Dangerous than Saltwater Docks.
  • Someone in Trouble? Shut Down Power to Dock First.
  • Follow this Rule: “Reach, Throw, Row, but DON’T GO.”
Swimming near boat docks with electrical power can be deadly. Read what you need to know. Forrest Fisher Photo

ANNAPOLIS, Md. – The fatalities over the weekend of an 11-year-old girl in New Jersey and 19-year-old young man in Ohio are bringing scrutiny to an age-old summer ritual that’s common on waterfronts across America: swimming near boat docks.  Initial reports say the youngster died when touching a dock’s electrified boatlift, and the Ohio teen died as a result of dangerous electrical current in the water while trying to save his father and family dog that also appeared to be stricken by the electrical current.

The BoatUS Foundation, the boating-safety arm of the nations’ largest recreational boat owners group, has some tips to prevent an electrocution tragedy.  While swimming deaths due to electricity fall into two categories, electrocution and electric shock drowning (ESD), both can be prevented the same way.  Electrocution can happen in freshwater or saltwater, when swimmers make contact with energized metal dock fittings, boats or other structures due to faulty alternating current (AC) wiring.

ESD occurs when AC gets into freshwater from faulty wiring and passes through a swimmer, causing paralysis or even sudden death.  Unlike electrocution, with ESD a swimmer does not need to be touching a boat or dock structure, and even minute amounts of electricity can be incapacitating and lead to drowning.  The risk of ESD is greatest in freshwater or brackish water, so some areas such as estuaries or rivers may only be in the danger zone after heavy rains.

In saltwater, electrical current takes the path of least resistance, bypassing swimmers. Unlike a drowning swimmer, who typically can’t yell out for help because their mouth is mostly underwater, an ESD victim is often confused about what is happening, may be able to shout, and will feel numbness, tingling, pain and paralysis.  Tingling in the swimmer’s body is one of the early warning signs of ESD.

What can you do to prevent an electrocution or ESD fatality? Here are 6 tips:

  1. Never Swim around boat docks that use electricity.
  2. Post “no swimming” signs.
  3. Have a qualified electrician with experience in dock electrical service inspect your private dock annually.
  4. Install ground-fault protection on your boat and private dock.
  5. Ask your marina if they have installed ground-fault protection, and if the electrical system is inspected and tested annually-just in case someone falls overboard. No one should ever swim in a marina

    Swimmers near boat docks can be affected and shocked in the water near to the dock because of this technical wiring deficiency. Courtesy of BOATUS
  6. Periodically test your boat for electrical leakage into the water. What do you do if you see a distressed person in the water near a boat dock?

A drowning victim often looks “playful,” while an electric shock drowning victim looks “distressed.”  It may be difficult, however, to immediately determine either, so play it safe by not jumping in.  The first task is to shut off power to the dock at the breaker panel, and if equipped, disconnect any power cable to the vessel.

If power cannot be shut down, follow the “reach, throw, row, but don’t go” mantra by using an oar, boat hook or throw a floatation device to reach the stricken person.

For more information, parents, dock owners, boaters, and marina and boat club operators can go to the BoatUS Electric Shock Drowning Resource Center at

See more at:

A “Sneak Peek” at the 10 BERKLEY TOPWATER LURES introduced at ICAST-2018

Berkley Cane Walker has a weighted tail and is easy to cast.

  • New moderately priced line from Berkley includes walking baits, waking baits, poppers, ploppers and prop baits
  • Ten lure types in 16 size variants and 23 colors
  • Designed by Bassmaster Elite Angler Justin Lucas and Forrest Wood Cup Champ Scott Suggs

By Mike Pehanich

The new Berkley topwater line introduced at ICAST 2018 straddles the surface lure spectrum, from ploppers and poppers to walkers and wakers! 

Pure Fishing has been the subject of sales and contraction rumors since Newell Brands completed purchase of its then-parent Jarden Corp. in spring of 2016. Much of the speculation focused on whether Newell would sell Pure Fishing intact or allow buyers to cherry pick from a stable of venerable tackle brands that includes Berkley, PowerBait, Abu Garcia, Gulp, Pflueger, Shakespeare, Penn, Stren, Fenwick and more.

A big flow of new products appeared highly unlikely, but such was not the case at ICAST 2018 last week, at least not for PF’s flagship Berkley brand. Pure Fishing paraded 1,100 new products for the coming season under the Berkley banner in Orlando.

Topwater line

Berkley is better known for fishing lines and its soft bait supply, a reputation that tends to shroud the success of products like the Flicker Shad and Flicker Minnow.

For the new topwater line, Berkley looked for fresh pro staff inspiration, recruiting Bassmaster Elite pro Justin Lucas for input on eight designs and Forrest Wood Cup champ and MLF/FLW pro Scott Suggs for the other two bait styles. The line includes 10 lure types in 16 size and design variants and 23 colors. All baits are equipped with sticky Fusion 19 hooks.


Berkley Bullet Pop comes in three sizes and performs well in both popping and walking presentations.

Bullet Pop 60, 70, 80 – Popper/chugger-style baits have been springboard lures for countless anglers. They compel focus on presentation and invite experimentation, often bringing the first touch of true artistry to a budding angler’s game. Justin Lucas may have had this thought in mind when he designed this trio of popping lures to facilitate popping, spitting and walking retrieves. With three Bullet Pop sizes ranging from 60 to 80 mm in length and 14 colors, there’s a Bullet Pop to match any hatch. Feathered treble hooks tail all three sizes.

Bullet Pop 60: 2-1/4 inches (60 mm); 1/5 ounce (6 g)

Bullet Pop 70: 2-3/4  inches (70mm); 2/5 ounce (11 g)

Bullet Pop 80: 3-1/4 inches (80 mm); ½ ounce (15g)

MSRP: $6.99

Berkley Choppo Lure is a Plopper that generates strikes from a wide range of predator species.


Choppo 90, 120 – You can’t help but anticipate action from the Choppo from the first “plop” of its tail prop! Berkley’s entry into the “plopper” category generates a powerful fish-attracting chop as it churns the water, attracting bass, stripers, pike, musky and other husky predators. Try the smaller Choppo 90 for smallmouth bass and smaller game fish, as well as the usual suspects. Available in 10 colors.

Choppo 90:  3-2/7 inches (90 mm); ½ ounce (15 g)

Choppo 120: 4-5/7 inches (120 mm); 1 ounce (28 g)

MSRP: $9.99

Berkley Drift Walker has a long stride action, perfect for those fish that have seen everything else…till now.

Walking Baits

J-Walker 100  – Justin Lucas made subtle changes to the original cigar-shaped walking bait design to welcome newcomers to the bait walking art. The J-Walker is weighted and fitted with rattles. Available in 14 colors.

J-Walker 100:  4 inches (100 mm); ½ ounce (15 g)

J-Walker 120: 4-3/4 inches (120 mm); 2/3 ounce (20 g)

MSRP: $7.99

Drift Walker 110 – With its broad back and keel design, the Drift Walker is a walking bait with a long-stride finesse style. Three Fusion 19 treble hooks up the hook-up ratio.

Drift Walker 110:  4-1/4 inches (110 mm); ½ ounce (14 g)

MSRP: $7.99

HighJacker 100 – The “fishiest” of the walking baits in the series, the HighJacker’s hydrodynamic tail-weighted fish-shaped body casts long and produces tantalizing tail-down walking action, even when worked at a rapid cadence. Lucas counts it a key tool with schooling bass busting baitfish at the surface. Available in 10 colors.

High Jacker 100: 4 inches (100 mm); 3/5 ounce (18 g)

MSRP: $7.99

The weighted tail and tapered body of the Berkley Cane Walker makes it easy to cast.

Cane Walker 125 – Big fish like big mouthfuls, and large bass, stripers, hybrid stripers and toothy pike and musky are all likely to awaken to the commotion of the tail-weighted Cane Walker. With three sizes of weights confined to separate body cavity compartments, this “pencil” style walking bait delivers a distinctive rattle. Comes with feathered tail treble and in 12 colors.

Cane Walker 125: 5 inches (125mm); 5/6 ounce (24 g)

MSRP: $7.99

Prop Baits

Spin Rocket 110 – Prop bait aficionados may find a new love crush in the Spin Rocket. With its slim profile and flat back, the Spin Rocket draws strikes from a wider range of fish than conventional prop baits. Three Fusion 19 treble hooks promise a high hook-up ratio. Plastic propellers fore and aft generate the surface commotion.

Spin Rocket 110: 4-1/4 inches (100mm); ½ ounce (13 g)

MSRP: $7.99

Spin Bomb 60 – Count on this compact prop bait to count coup when predators are feasting on small forage. A conventional twitch-and-pause retrieve should get ‘er done. Comes with skirted tail treble. Watch the spray fly from this little bait.

Spin Bomb 60: 2-2/5 inches (60 mm); 2/5 ounce (12 g)

MSRP: $7.99

Berkley topwater baits, like this Berkley HighJacker in “Perfect Ghost” color, attract fish from a distance and bring vicious strikes .

Wake Baits

Wake Bull 60, 70 –Crankbait-style wake baits were once well-kept secrets. No more! The Wake Bull’s spacious body cavity emits a deep one-knocker rattle that draws fish from a distance. A Scott Suggs creation.

Wake Bull 60: 2-2/5 inches (60 mm); 2/5 ounce (12 g)

Wake Bull 70: 2-3/4 inches (70 mm); 3/5 ounce (18 g)

MSRP: $6.99

Surge Shad 130, Jointed 130 – Berkley took special pride in presenting its Surge Shad duo. Scott Suggs, who no doubt spent a lot of hours tweaking ancestors of this long minnow-style waker, directed both high-riding wake bait designs. The bait’s patent-pending weight system helped deliver the “exaggerated wobbling action” he was after. The single-bodied Surge Shad, only entry in Berkley’s topwater line-up without rattles, is a stealth tool, ideal for calm conditions and spooky fish. The jointed model produces a more aggressive action and sports rattle attraction as well, making it a better choice in murky water and windy conditions. Both the Surge Shad and the Surge Shad Jointed models come in eight custom-paint finishes, all with FlashDisc attractors on the belly.

Surge Shad 130: 5-1/5 inches (130 mm); 3/5 ounce (17 g)

Surge Shad Jointed 130: 5-1/5 inches (130 mm); 2/3 ounce (19 g)

MSRP: $7.99

Tags: Berkley, ICAST, 2018, Choppo, Bullet Pop, J-Walker, J Walker, Drift Walker, Cane Walker, High Jacker, Spin Rocket, Spin Bomb, Wake Bull, Wakebull, Surge Shad. Justin Lucas, Scott Suggs, Pure Fishing, Mike Pehanich, Small Waters Fishing, Share the Outdoors, Small Waters Outdoors, poppers, chuggers, propeller, lures, bait, walking lure, wakebait, wake bait, prop,


Advantage Blinds Provide Great SAFE Options for Hunters

While many hunters know that permanent hunting blinds can be very comfortable, they also picture blinds that are made of old plywood, are hard to see out of, and might not be safe if they are a couple of seasons old.
If you’re dismissing rigid-sided hunting blinds because that’s what you think they are like, you should take some time to check out the flexibility and options available in modern blinds like those made by Advantage Hunting.
Advantage Hunting makes a range of blinds in different configurations: a dual-threat bow/gun combo blind, the 2-person Advantage Hunting Blind, a Whitetail 2-person blind, and a Whitetail 4-person blind.
All these blinds are rigid-sided and wind- and waterproof. They provide for a comfortable hunt, keeping your movement hidden and the weather outside. They are easy to see out of, but difficult for game to see into. You hunt in comfort, dry and out of the wind – and your trophy won’t know you are there. They are also designed to be safe and, once set up, are virtually maintenance free.
Common features include gasketed windows and doors for a no-breeze, no-noise tight fit, locking doors, and no-rot floors.
They are also designed so that the blinds can be placed on the ground, or in an elevated position with an optional kit, so whatever the requirements of your hunting position, an Advantage Blind will work for you.
The Dual Threat blind has a 7-foot interior height and special vertical windows for hunters using compound or traditional bows. Like other Advantage blinds, the Dual Threat blind was developed with input from top professionals in the hunting industry. The result is that unlike many blinds on the market, the Dual Option blind allows for easy, quick and comfortable stand-up vertical bow shots. No awkward contortions to get in position, no banging your head or the limbs of your bow just before the shot. You just see the deer, stand up, draw and shoot. Silent. Fast. Effective.
But the blind also has horizontal windows set at sitting height for firearm or crossbow hunters. For any firearm or bow that you are shooting, you have a 360-degree view and can take game no matter what direction it comes from.
The Whitetail Blind is a more traditional format, with horizontal windows that can be quickly secured out of the way, and fixed windows in each corner so that you never lose sight of an approaching deer. The 2-man version provides 25 square feet of floor space. The four-man versions offer even more space – 45-square-feet, and a carrying capacity of 1,000 pounds.
Advantage blinds have an option for carpeted flooring for noise reduction. Full, locking doors are standard. The floors are heavy-duty polyethylene that is completely rot proof. Windows are tinted polycarbonate that flip up and out of your way. There are even tinted corner windows, so once you position your seat, you can see out of the blind in any direction without having to shift your position.
Hunting long and hard doesn’t have to mean you have to have long, hard days. This year, resolve to hunt better – and more comfortably – all season long in an Advantage Blind.
For more information on Advantage Blinds’ models, options, and accessories, check out

A Special CASE for “Border Water Walleye and PERFECT Boneless Fillets”

  • Expert Guides DO Simplify Catching Fish – with simple JIGS
  • Rainy Day BLESSINGS on the Rainy River  
  • One BEST Fillet Tool CAN SIMPLIFY Cleaning Walleye by the Dozen

By Forrest Fisher

Nature and the peaceful wilderness to be found near Sportsman’s Lodge in Baudette, Minnesota, will create NEVER-FORGET memories for all that visit. Forrest Fisher Photo

We arrived in the front lobby of Sportsman’s Lodge on the Rainy River in Baudette, MN,   The weather was cold and nasty, and VERY rainy.  We were in a momentary downpour.  I looked disappointed, my better half smiled at me and joked, “It’s ok, it’s gonna be good luck, it’s raining and we’re on the Rainy River!  I couldn’t help, but smile back.

Hungry Lake-of-the-Woods walleye are asking anglers, “What’s for Dinner?”  Forrest Fisher Photo

We were one step closer to the fishing the Walleye Capital of the World that we had read about so often, not to mention a few decades of dreams.

What I didn’t know was that the number of fish to catch in the Rainy River and Lake of the Woods was beyond the normal angler’s day of fantasy fishing.  We discovered a brand new REALITY here, an iconic, never-forget celebration of most-ever-walleye-caught memories.

Not long after we arrived, we were fishing with Captain Ralph Christofferson (218-634-1342) aboard his 27-foot Sportcraft, a beautiful, fully-equipped, big water vessel.  Lake of the Woods offers about 1,700 square miles of fishing with more than 14,500 islands and 65,000 miles of shoreline.  Impressive fishery numbers and with plenty of forage in the form of emerald shiners, tulibees and various crustaceans.

We boated out to the lake and anchored, only a 10-minute ride with that giant 454 Chrysler engine humming us into competition with throngs of honking Canada Geese that were nearby.

Captain Ralph provided everyone his hand-made, 6-foot 2-inch, personally customized, St. Croix fishing rods to use.  The rods were light .and beautiful, a pleasure to hold.  Perfect balance.

Captain Ralph Christofferson provided the expertise that enabled us to catch walleye and sauger at the unbelievable rate of more than 20 fish per hour.  Forrest Fisher Photo

The rods were geared up with an open-face spinning reel, 6-pound test monofilament (P-line) and gold-plated 3/8 ounce jigs tipped with a salted emerald shiner minnow.  The minnows were “slid” onto the hook with Captain Ralph’s “secret twist.”

It didn’t take long to discover active fish at our anchored spot.  In less than 3 hours, we landed more than 50 walleye and sauger. Captain Ralph said, “It’s sort of a slow day.”  In the words of our young friends and millennials, OMG!  Except, he wasn’t kidding!

We kept our daily limit of 4 walleye and 2 sauger each, and there was five of us.  Yes, we had a cooler filled with 30 fish and ice, ready for the pan or the freezer.  We arrived at the dock, it was a short walk to the Sportsman’s Lodge state-of-the-art fish-cleaning house.  There were plastic bags, foam trays for holding the clean fillets, saran wrap, ice and lots of bright lighting.  I could see the light.  Indeed, in more ways than one.

While some anglers use an electric knife to clean fish, most old-timers know there is about 15 percent waste with that method.  I’m an old timer and I had a brand new fillet knife that I received on my birthday.

A manual fillet knife job will yield the most meat for the plate.  If you consider some of the catches for the week – and we ate most of the fish right on site the day we caught them – you might think that manual filleting the fish was a tough task, but not so.

My 6-inch W.R.Case fillet knife is unequalled as an angler tool and doubles as my favorite kitchen tool.

It’s not work if you a knife like mine, a new 6-inch Case, fixed-blade, fillet knife (Model BR12-6 SS).  My Case fillet knife is so sharp and rigid, but also provides some bend in the blade if you press a bit, to be flexible, making it so simple to use.  It seems to never lose its really sharp edge and we cleaned so many fish with it.

Every now and then, I touch up the edge with a very gentle stroke on a carbide diamond wedge, then a final stroke or two using a very smooth Arkansas super-fine stone and water.

One other thing about this knife, it is ergonomically perfect to fit my hand. It feels just right, you know, comfortable and solid.  The steel blade and formed poly-handle are melded as one, permitting full control, and it works like a hot poker through butter.  Even with potatoes, onions, carrots and sausage, you get the idea.  It’s my favorite all-around cutting tool.

Many things we buy in the USA are now manufactured elsewhere, but W.R.Case knives are made in the USA (, one more of many reasons why I like them.

The bottom line for a good knife: can it hold an edge?  Indeed.  This thing holds an edge like no other fillet knife I have ever used, and I have used most of them.  I’m not sure what kind of steel alloy this Case knife uses, but whatever it is, please tell them to never change it.

My grandkids will want one of these 20 years from now and, of course, my Case will be here ready and waiting.

Last, this knife is an easily affordable investment at about $25-$30 cost.  Check google for the best price or go direct to W.R.Case.

Love this knife, the expert guides and this deluxe accommodation where we caught all these fish just a short boat ride and simple drop-jig cast away.  Dreams are made of this.

We’ll be back soon (



A Yeti for Your Drink

Serve Yourself Comfort, Hot or Cold!
By Doug Howlett


Every year, companies develop and introduce new products that serve an entirely new purpose or make minor enhancements to an existing category of products. Few products ever redefine an entire market, but that is exactly what Austin, Texas-based Yeti has done with the cooler industry.

Until Yeti arose from the minds of two brothers, Roy and Ryan Seiders, coolers were pretty much one-inch thick or less molded plastic containers that held ice, food and drinks for part of a day before requiring more ice. There was little difference between one model to the next. They were made like many products today, arguably effective, but with an eye toward creating the most affordable product available to appeal to the consumer. This often resulted in cooler tops that bent or caved when sat upon, latches or handles that broke and coolers that needed to be replenished with ice daily or even multiple times a day in order to keep the storage compartment cool.

Yeti has changed that!

The Seiders brothers sought to design a cooler that was the best insulated storage device that money could buy. Virtually no expense was spared. Their products aren’t cheap, but then neither are the materials they are made with. They are thick, sturdy, and long-lasting, and made to be with you like your best pictures – for all time.

The results and data speak for themselves. A cooler that can hold ice for many days and keep items inside as cold as a refrigerator. For serious outdoorsman looking for a cooler as rugged, durable and well-suited for the adventures they pursue, Yeti comes with uncompromising quality.

My first Yeti experience came during a spring turkey hunt in Florida. It was only March, but the spring south Florida sun burned into the low 80s each day. Three mornings into the hunt, we opened the Yeti Roadie 20 that had been sitting in the guide’s truck since the start of our trip and some ice still remained. I was admittedly impressed. Yeti was still a fairly new company then, but since that time, has evolved as a virtual status system for the outdoorsman who wants only the best.

“We make things to work well, functional and simple,” says Ben O’Brien, Yeti hunting marketing manager. “The lid will be the strongest, the zipper will be best, the handles will be the sturdiest; there is a no compromise approach on quality at Yeti.” This approach has made the difference in forging an entirely new niche within the cooler business.

Product Line Expands

For a “Cooler Company,” it might seem strange that one of the hottest items they sold last Christmas, was a stainless steel travel cup.

Yeti’s Rambler Tumblers, available in both 20-ounce and 30-ounce versions, were the best-selling item Yeti sold during the holiday and continues to fly off shelves, especially the 30-ounce Yeti Tumbler. So how does a cup fit in the mix of product offerings by a cooler company?

yeti2“The Yeti Tumbler, when you think about it, is a natural extension of what we were already doing in a lot of ways with thermal vacuum insulation,” says O’Brien. “Thermal vacuum insulation is the best insulating property available. By combining that with a stainless-steel, kitchen-grade exterior, which is the perfect exterior because it doesn’t sweat, we built a Yeti-quality cup for any drink, hot or cold.”

Indeed, the Yeti Tumbler keeps coffee hot and iced drinks cold longer than any other travel cup available thanks to its double-wall vacuum insulation. It’s a tapered design is made to fit perfectly in most vehicle drink holders without sacrificing liquid-containing space. The thick plastic lid boasts a tight-fitting elastomer O-ring to maintain the insulating properties and provide a leak-preventing seal if toppled over, and is clear. This is great, so you can see how much drink is left in the cup. Because it doesn’t sweat, it is safe to set on any surface. It’s the perfect complement to any adventure or simple trip up the road.

For the person seeking Yeti-quality, but maybe not yet prepared to invest in a cooler-priced item, the 30-ounce Tumbler, at $39.99, is a much more manageable price-point to begin a personal Yeti collection.


“It’s a symbol of what Yeti is,” says O’Brien, as he theorizes when asked why it was among the most sought after items at Christmas. “Yeti has become sort of a status symbol in some ways, it epitomizes the outdoors and uncompromising quality”

The company continues to foster that approach to quality for more products as well. In addition to their well-known hard coolers, they now offer soft-sided coolers, the Rambler Tumblers, Rambler Bottles and most recently, even a Rambler Lowball Mug, which makes for the perfect camp cup. And you can continue to expect more.

“A lot of companies are starting to try and copy us now. Some had the tumblers, but not the coolers, while some had coolers, but not any type of drinkware,” says O’Brien. “But for a company to be built on a hard cooler, soft cooler and drinkware, that is uniquely Yeti.”

A Versatile Tool for Outdoor Folks


For Gardeners, Hunters, Hikers, Fishermen and others too

Every so often, you find something among all the functional items out there for sportsmen that can really make a difference in your outdoor experience.  Last summer I found one of those items, it is the Real Avid Multi-Cutter.  I have used this cool tool while fishing, hunting, working in the yard and while working on my truck in an emergency to cut and replace a brake line.


The Multi-Cutter provides serious, portable cutting power in the field.  It will easily clip bird bones, help you field dress a deer (it will cut a ½ inch thick bone!), saws through branches when you’re setting up your tree stand, and work with you and for you in a hundred other uses.


The hefty cutting jaw is strong, plus there are other assorted useful sportsmen tools that fold out and then retract into a convenient carry package.  There is a limb saw, a claw point knife blade, a drop point knife blade and a versatile tree step starter.  Shotgun shooters can change their choke tube with an internal wrench that will fit all common shotgun sizes, along with a pin punch that will help you easily break down your firearm actions for regular or emergency field maintenance.  The tool has a rubber grip to stay firmly in the control of your hand hold.

When closed up and retracted, the tool is compact and will slide neatly into a durable nylon sheath with a belt loop.  It’s with me all the time these days.  Retail cost is under $40.  To see a video, visit


Autumn Color, Nature, Wilderness Air and Fresh Coffee at Lake George

  • Business Takes a NEW Direction
  • Lure of Autumn Bass Fishing, Lake Trout, Landlocked Salmon
  • Sights of Colorful Foliage
  • Plans for Waterfowl Hunting, Stream Fishing for Brook Trout

By Forrest Fisher

Rising fog from mountain valleys appear like slices of horizontal white pie resting between high, dark mountain peaks of the Adirondacks in the Lake George area. Forrest Fisher Photo

My workday plan was busy with a business trip from New York City to Montreal.  The airport traffic was heavy, the security lines long, longer than ever, the sky was clear and it was a beautiful day.  I was not happy with bumper to bumper traffic conversation between the interstate roadway vehicles and the morning disc jockeys were in a rant about their bummed weekend.  They made the congestion worse.  Then I suddenly realized, “I can drive!”

About two hours or so up the northbound highway, the traffic was gone and I discovered a wonderful sense of peace and quiet.  I left the long lines of airport security, the chaos of baggage, laptop checks and body scans behind.  All gone.  All replaced by a road trip drive that would change my persona for the day, maybe forever.

There was a faint sliver of fog rising from the valleys that appeared like slices of horizontal white pie resting among the high and very dark mountain peaks of the Adirondacks in the background.  Driving down Highway 87, the road signs announced Lake George and despite the near-darkness, I noticed that the autumn scenery was stunning in this particular area.  Signs advertised fly fishing, Hudson River rafting, rail trail bikes, historical sites, boating, biking, hiking and more.  These diverted my mind and were tempting me to consider a new daytime destination, maybe as just a momentary, side-of-the-highway, homesteader.  Yes, I thought, pull over, if only just to watch the enchanting sunrise.

Highway 87 runs north-south and Exit 21 and 22 provide easy access to Lake George Village and Dunham’s Bay Resort, where I found morning coffee. Photo:

Rocky bluffs jutted upward and outward along the freeway, as I tried to focus on driving and not the scenic beauty.  That was just not possible.  The scenic views were an immediate visual award, an instant lottery prize win, just for making this drive.  I sensed myself grinning to the view, perhaps that was one honest measure of my sheer contentment.

A few minutes later, in the distance, the brilliant orange ball of morning sun began to tiptoe upward.  It was only a dull orange color sky at first, and then the first sliver of the sun crest rose just above the lowest horizon in the east.  I pulled off the roadway at Exit 21 and decided I needed a cup of java just to watch the morning light.  Driving down Beach Road in Lake George Village, sort of exploring too, my business trip had become an adventure.

I continued along Highway 9L just for a few minutes, it was October and many business places were already closed for the season, but it was so quiet, so enjoyable.  Then I came to Dunham’s Bay Resort (  I went in and asked about coffee. Yes!  They had fresh java and all the mixings, it smelled so good.  I toasted a cup to my decision to drive and thought about those poor folks that were probably still waiting in the airport line, grinning again.

A cup of fresh morning java from Dunham’s Bay Resort catered to my view of the morning sunrise at Lake George. Rose Barus Photo

I moved to the front of the resort and sat in one of the outdoor lawn chairs.  The warm Lake George water and chilly mountain air caused a fog to form on Dunham’s Bay right in front of the resort.  It became thick and started to settle before it started to rise.  I went back in for more coffee.  With cup number two, I realized I was looking at the highest mountain tops to the west, visible above the fog.  They suddenly emerged into a sea of brilliant color as the sun lit them up.  A flock of ducks went squawking by in flight, high overhead, that I heard, but could not see.  My brief adventure continued.  The natural intense lighting of the sun was doing everyday work.  I was inspired by the dazzling beauty and the coffee tasted so good.

An immediate urge for home ownership in the area seemed an almost immediate necessity.  How did I ever miss this Lake George area before?  Perhaps, if only for now, I might try for a short stay.  No.  Maybe on the way back, I thought, that way I could stay a day or maybe two.  Today, back to reality, there were meetings planned and work to do.

Vibrant autumn foliage was evident along Highway 87 and the pristine upper Hudson River. Rose Barus Photo

I realized that with the flight reservation and airport plan from the start, my fly rod was not with me.  On the next drive north, there might have to be a stopover.  Imaginary fog would be the cause, I’d need to pull over to stay safe.  Again, I’m grinning.  What a plan.  I realize that this drive to a brief coffee stop has me totally energized.

A new essence for realizing the seasons of the year was added to my list of “important things,” the autumn colors of October on Lake George are unforgettable.  Perhaps I must remember to do this again, maybe when NOT ON BUSINESS next year, I thought to myself.  It is a family type of destination, I could bring everyone, the grandkids too.

Historic sites abound near Lake George Village, adding the need for a second or third trip to “see it all.” Forrest Fisher Photo

My cellphone is activated and the calendar is reserved one year ahead around the seasons and the scenery just recorded only to memory.  Of course, I’ll never forget this day.

The backcountry is a new priority.  I return to the ribbons of roadway heading north with a new vision of the stunning foliage and clean, spring-fed, waterways that are abundant here.  These waters are filled with trout and untainted crustaceans.  Pleasantly now, I’m in a new comfort zone for effective business and again, I’m grinning.  Driving was such a good idea.

Time spent in the Adirondack Mountains of New York during autumn are positively special.  October is the month of color transition in the Lake George area of the Adirondack Mountains and lush green leaves turn to brilliant colors of bright yellow, orange and red.  They are unforgettable.

Color and visions from morning light to sunset are remarkable all around Lake George.  Accommodations are at low rates and fishing charters are still running.  The crisp air is right for a fall getaway.

Not sure I can wait for next time!

For Lake George information, visit or call the Warren County Tourism Department at 518-761-7653.   

Anti-Tick Tactics – Protect Yourself

This national Lyme disease map from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides an illustration of the approximate distribution of predicted Lyme disease risk in the United States. Note that Western New York is at high risk.

Warm weather is back. Hooray!  Break out the camo clothes and turkey calls, fishing rods and binoculars.  It’s time to enjoy the great outdoors again, but as you pursue outdoor fun, don’t forget that there are some less-than-desirable things pursuing you as well.  Foremost among those things are ticks, there are several types, but deer ticks- also known as black –legged ticks (Ixodes scapularis), have recently become known as the “bad boys.”  They’re very, very tiny, hard to see, and their bite is nearly painless.

For as long as I can recall – and I can recall more years than like – ticks have been a source of concern beyond the “ick” factor.  Back in the day, we worried about tularemia and Rocky Mountain Spotted fever.  More recently, we have added Lyme disease, Lyme-like disease, Ehrlichiosis, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, borreliosis and probably a few others that haven’t crossed my radar yet.

Tick identification and relative size by stage in comparison. Courtesy of the Center for Disease Control (CDC).

The good news is that many of us will not get any of these maladies.  The bad news is that the chances of getting them are NOT ZERO and the consequences are potentially life-changing.  You want to do everything you can to reduce your chances of getting any tick-borne disease.

The additional good news is that there are excellent and very effective means of avoiding ticks.

Your first line of defense is clothing.  Long-sleeved shirts and long pants make it harder for ticks to reach your skin.  The wide variety of lightweight fabrics that wick moisture away from the skin makes it much more pleasant to dress for tick defense than it used to be.  Choose light colors to make it easy to see ticks that hitch a ride before they find an opening in your defenses.  You can further enhance clothing’s protective value by tucking pants legs into boots or using rubber bands to hold cuffs snug against your ankles and wrists.

These clothing measures are most effective when combined with chemical repellants.  Far and away the most effective of these is permethrin.  This chemical is lethal to ticks on contact, and they know it.  Just drop a tick on permethrin-treated clothing and see how it scrambles to get off!

Permethrin-based repellants are amazingly effective and because they work on all mites too, they also provide protection against the dread chigger mite.  Permethrin has low toxicity to humans and is poorly absorbed by skin.  It’s odorless once it dries, however, it is a toxin.  So the recommended method of usage is by spraying on clothing.  This is the best of all possible approaches anyway.  Once sprayed on clothes, permethrin-based repellants remain effective even after several washings. It’s actually not the water and detergent that remove it, but rather abrasion.  So to retain tick repellency as long as possible, wash garments on gentle cycle and line-dry them, rather than running them through a clothes dryer.

Do be aware that cats are more sensitive to permethrin than dogs or other mammals.  If you have cats in your home, keep them away from areas where you are spraying clothing, and change clothes before inviting Fluffy up on your lap.

I buy my permethrin in bulk online and treat several changes of clothes at once.  I lay the garments out on the driveway and spray one side, let them dry for a few minutes and then turn all the shirts, pants and socks over and repeat the process.  I keep treated clothes separate from the rest of my wardrobe so I know which ones to wear to the woods.

The next-most-effective tick deterrent is DEET (N, N-Diethyl-meta-toluamide).  Experts aren’t sure how DEET works, but there’s no question that it does.  Like permethrin, it is supposed to be applied to clothing, not skin.  Unlike permethrin, DEET comes off in the wash. It melts plastic, which is another significant disadvantage, and it smells awful and continues to smell as long as it is effective.  You don’t want to get this stuff in your eyes, but it works.

If you want real protection, go with permethrin or DEET.

Of course, even with the best of protection, you are going to get bitten occasionally.  This doesn’t have to be a problem. Your biggest risk of infection comes when a tick has fed for a while and regurgitates some of its stomach contents into your skin. This is most likely to happen some time after it attaches to you, so early removal is very important.

It’s hard to see every place on your body, so it makes sense to do a tick check with a friend as soon as possible after outings. (Insert joke here.)  When you find a tick DO NOT use one of the old methods of removal, such as touching it with a hot pin or covering it with a turpentine-soaked cotton ball. These methods will almost certainly cause the tick to regurgitate, which is the last thing you want.


Instead, use the following procedure:

  • Use sharp, needle-style tweezers or your fingers covered with rubber gloves or a piece of tissue paper to grasp the tick as close to the skin as possible.
  • Avoid squeezing the tick’s body.
  • Pull the tick slowly and steadily straight away from the skin until it pops free. This can take a few minutes.
  • Disinfect the bite area and tweezers/fingers with alcohol.

Then you have two choices, save the tick for medical analysis and review (place it in a tissue and insert in a pill bottle) or destroy the tick.  If you live in an area with high density to Lyme disease, save it and get the tick analyzed, and get to a doctor.  If not, it’s up to you.  I usually drop them in a jar of alcohol, a fire, etc.  They’re nasty critters and deserve it, or you can just flush it down the toilet, like my wife does.  If you are removing lots of ticks, it’s handy to use a piece of duct tape to corral them until you decide their fate.

Most tick bites are no big deal. However, you should keep an eye on them to be sure you don’t develop a bullseye rash at the bite site. If you do, get to a doctor for treatment.  Tick-borne diseases don’t mess around and you shouldn’t either.

It’s actually possible to have serious medical problems even if you don’t get one of the more dangerous tick-borne diseases from a bite.  Pay special attention to any tick bite on the head or neck. The proximity to the head and its sensitive neural tissue poses an increased risk of serious side effects from tick-borne diseases.

Besides the tick-borne diseases listed above, some people are particularly sensitive to the substances that ticks inject into bite victims, just as some people are extra sensitive to shellfish or peanuts.  For these unfortunate few, any tick bite is extremely unpleasant and some can be dangerous.  Tick toxicosis begins with reddening and swelling at the bite site.  If you get a reaction that goes beyond the usual slight redness at the bite site, seek medical help right away.  It’s not worth the risk of having it get worse.

Under no circumstances let fear of ticks keep you from enjoying the outdoors.  Be prepared by taking the proper precautions and enjoy the outdoors.

Berkley® Choppo is Smash Hit Topwater Lure

Chef Todd’s first Choppo bass could be an Illinois first!

  • Strip Pit Largemouth Bass LOVE ‘EM
  • Choppo Plopper Action is NEW and DEADLY
  • Designed by Bassmaster Elite angler Justin Lucas

The Berkley® Choppo, one of 10 lures introduced with Berkley’s new topwater line at ICAST 2018, played to smashing reviews from Illinois strip mine bass…and a prominent Peoria angler/chef.

The Berkley® Choppo is an easy-to-use top water lure with a durable, cupped, propeller tail that produces maximum surface disturbance and swims straight at a variety of speeds. This is the MF Frog finish.

By Mike Pehanich

The “Plopper” lure concept took the fishing world by storm a few years ago when River2Sea’s 2008 introduction, the Whopper Plopper, suddenly factored into big tournament and TV-host catches. The excitement it generated hasn’t dimmed yet.

Ploppers feature a thick single-arm propeller that produces a plopping gurgle that drives fish nuts and, better yet, draws them from a distance.

If there’s a downside to ploppers, it is price. Original River2Sea Whopper Ploppers generally cost from $12 to $22. That’s why tackle junkies with an ear to the rail got itchy with rumors that Berkley would enter the plopper category with their own iteration.

Berkley’s hardbait strategy has been relatively cautious, but quite successful to date. The simple formula is this: take a proven concept, let pro anglers modify and tweak it to proven performance, and then finally produce and market it at an angler-friendly price.

That marketing formula is in evidence again with the Choppo 90 and 120 – the two sizes of topwater lures filling the “plopper” niche in Berkley’s new 10-item topwater line that made its debut at ICAST 2018 (Orlando July 11-13). The Choppo will retail for $9.99 in both sizes.

Choppo Works the Pits

A coveted Choppo bait arrived at my door under cardboard cover in advance of ICAST 2018. Would it prove to be the real deal? I headed to central Illinois to test it on strip pit bass.

Chef Todd launches at Lake X, the perfect spot to test a topwater lure.

I consulted with Chef Todd Kent, multi-species angler and head chef at Jim’s Downtown Steakhouse in Peoria. For Choppo’s Illinois debut, he suggested Lake X, an unmanaged private lake accessible only with purloined map, secret handshake and promise of first-born grandchild, or in this case, agreement to let him fish the Choppo that day.

I opted for the latter.

“I’ll catch a bass on the Choppo within the first 15 minutes on the water,” Chef Todd predicted.

A weak cold front had pushed through the night before, but I took the bubble trail in the wake of Chef Todd’s first cast with the Choppo to be a good omen.

“I like it,” said the chef, a few casts into the day. “The propeller produces a little deeper ‘plop’ than R2Sea. It’s a little different.”

The strip pit featured a long, steep-sided, main lake with two narrow arms running perpendicular to the main lake. Deadfall and sunken timber provided cover shallow and deep. Algae mats sat in protected pockets between wood.

It seemed a prime topwater setting, so good, in fact, that we were surprised when our first 10 or so casts drew no response.

A washtub explosion ended the drought. Todd leaned back on the bite and his fish went airborne.

“Ten minutes,” he said as he hefted his fish, just a tad under three pounds. “I said I’d have a bass on the Choppo within 15 minutes. Amen.”

The chef let the thought simmer for a few casts. Then the prospect of fame – however fleeting, took hold.

“I’ll bet that was the first bass taken on a Choppo in Illinois,” he said. “Yeah. I’ll stake my claim to that,” I responded.

The worm bite we expected to flourish that morning never developed, but finesse jigs and flippin’ jigs with craw-style and beaver-style plastic trailers drew a flurry of action. A swim jig with swimbait produced nice fish as well.

But we missed the topwater bite and despite the bad omen of high cloudless skies, we pulled out the high-riders again at 11:00 A.M.

The Choppo went down in an angry spray within minutes. Another well-muscled bass hit it a few casts after that. The unexpected mid-day topwater bite was on. Choppo would prove to be the day’s MVP.

Chef Todd’s first Choppo bass could be an Illinois first!

“I’m really impressed with this Choppo 120,” said Chef Todd, high praise from an angler with a healthy stockpile of the lure that pioneered the category. “It has a more defined plopper tail sound. The head design is a little narrower, and it has a nice side-to-side roll. The tail rides a little higher, too. And it has great hooks.”

Designed by Bassmaster Elite angler Justin Lucas, the Choppo 120 is just under 5-inches (120 mm) long. Weighing a full ounce, it casts a mile, allowing the angler to cover water quickly. Six weights in two belly chambers and a tapered nose deliver the tantalizing roll that helps convert tail-plopping fish attraction into hard strikes.

And, yes, it has extremely sharp Fusion 19 hooks.

The Choppo 90 is the 120’s little brother. Its smaller dimensions of 3-1/2 inches (90 mm) and ½ ounce weight, add to its versatility.  It makes for an easier meal for a wider range of predators. Justin Lucas testifies to its effectiveness on smallmouth bass in particular.

Current colors are Sexy Back, Perfect Ghost, MF Shad, MF Frog, MF Bluegill, Maverick, Ghost White, Ghost Bluegill, Bone and Black Chrome.

Unlike many topwater lures, the Choppo does most of the work for you. Just cast and wind with rod tip raised to maintain a high-riding, waking movement. Vary your speed until you dial in the fish’s preference for the day.

You’ll likely be mesmerized by that plopping sound and tantalizing spray until the inevitable explosion awakens you from the spell!




A former United States president, a noted bass fishing educator, and one of the most innovative designers of soft plastic lures will join the current 59 members when they are formally inducted into the Bass Fishing Hall of Fame in March. During their fall meeting, the Bass Fishing Hall of Fame Board of Directors honored former President George H.W. Bush, Billy Murray and Gary Yamamoto at the Hall’s annual induction dinner.  The event took place at the DoubleTree Hilton in Tulsa, Oklahoma, on Thursday, March 3.

“While serving as both the Vice-President and as our President, George Bush took exceptional interest in fisheries, water access and conservation issues.  President Bush is also a pretty good angler himself according to fellow Hall member Ray Scott,” said BFHOF Board president Sammy Lee.  “Billy Murray has helped thousands of bass anglers find more fishing success through his involvement with the Bass Fishing Institute and his idea for a traveling “Hawg Trough”, and Gary Yamamoto continues to develop some of the best baits out there.  Yamamoto is an accomplished angler in his own right.”


Gary Yamamoto Yamamoto, founder of Gary Yamamoto Custom Baits, is credited with numerous innovations in the design and manufacturing of soft plastic lures.  His Senko is one of the most important lure developments in recent years and his other creations, including the Hula Grub, are mainstays in anglers tackle boxes the world over.  A very successful professional angler in his own right, Yamamoto sponsors numerous pros in the United States, Europe and Japan, and is also publisher of Inside Line Magazine.


George H. W. BushThe 41st President of the United States, George H.W. Bush had a major and positive impact on sportfishing in general and bass fishing in particular during his term in office.  As Vice President, Bush played a key role in the passage of the Wallop-Breaux amendments to the Sport Fish Restoration Act, which generates more than $650 million per year for sportfish restoration, access and other fishing and boating projects.  In 2014 he received the inaugural Keep America Fishing Lifetime Achievement Award for his lifelong personal commitment to recreational fishing and conservation of America’s fisheries and wetlands.  During his term as President, Bush established the first national policy goal of “no net loss” of wetlands, he established 56 new wildlife refuges, restored 3 million acres of wetlands and signed the Clean Air Act reauthorization that required cleaner burning fuels. A personal friend of Ray Scott, Johnny Morris and other leaders in the sportfishing industry, Bush used the “bully pulpit” of his office to promote recreational fishing.


Billy Murray Billy is the twin brother of fishing legend Bobby Murray.  While his brother is best known for his tournament prowess, Billy was making a name for himself behind the scenes within the industry.   Murray has been all over the bass fishing world.  In 1975, Murray formed and organized the Bass Fishing Institute, a forerunner of today’s Bass University.  Murray traveled the country with a select group of anglers educating tens of thousands on bass fishing.  As part of that effort, Murray created a 30-feet long traveling aquarium commonly referred to as the “Hawg Trough.”   Those aquariums are still used today and are a common part of the fishing world.  Murray, an employee of PRADCO for almost three decades, also was instrumental in designing many of today’s popular lures.  In addition, he served as cameraman/producer for 10 years on the “Fishin’ Hole” show in its early years of becoming the longest running outdoor show on television. In the 1990s, Murray, along with his brother Bobby, starred in their own television show “The Guys,” that aired on ESPN.

About The Hall of Fame — The Bass Fishing Hall of Fame is a nonprofit organization dedicated to all anglers, manufacturers, tackle dealers, media and other related companies who further the sport of bass fishing. In February 2013 the board of directors announced the completion of a decade-long, exhaustive quest to secure a permanent home with the selection of Cullman, Alabama as the future site of the Hall – and what will now be the International Bass Fishing Center. The IBFC site will be constructed as a joint project with the City of Cullman, Cullman County and the City of Good Hope – a project that includes an adjacent civic/convention center, all of which will be housed on the 110-acre parcel known as the Burrow property. The Hall will enjoy a dedicated 30 acres of the property, which will include ponds, gardens and an aquatic-education center. The entire project is estimated to cost in excess $17 million with structures that will encompass 101,000 square feet. Dependent on fundraising efforts, the BFHOF Board hopes to break ground in fall 2016. Support the BFHOF by becoming a member. Call 888.690.2277 for more information.


  • Bass Pro Shops assisting in Texas rescue and relief efforts in wake of Hurricane Harvey 
  • More than 80 boats deployed for rescue efforts, donations for immediate relief

HOUSTON – Aug. 28, 2017: Bass Pro Shops is coordinating with local, state and federal agencies – including police, fire and rescue teams on the ground – to support ongoing rescue and relief efforts related to Hurricane Harvey. The outdoor company is providing more than 80 Tracker boats to government agencies and rescue organizations in Houston and other impacted communities in Texas.

In the immediate wake of the storm, Bass Pro Shops is also supporting disaster response organizations by donating truckloads of relief supplies totaling $40,000. The contributions support Convoy of Hope, a Springfield, Missouri-based humanitarian organization, and the American Red Cross. Donated supplies include protein-rich foods like Uncle Buck’s Premium Jerky and peanuts for those in the field.

Bass Pro Shops has seven retail locations and seven boating center locations in Texas, including three in the greater Houston area. The company is supporting impacted associates through its Bass Pro Cares Fund, which provides support for critical living expenses in times of devastating need.

The company remains in close contact with the governor’s office, first responders and associates on the ground to monitor response efforts and assess ongoing needs. Bass Pro Shops encourages all customers and community members who want to support relief efforts to donate directly to the American Red Cross.

About Bass Pro Shops®: Bass Pro Shops is a leading destination retailer offering outdoor gear and apparel in an immersive setting. Founded in 1972 when avid young angler Johnny Morris began selling tackle out of his father’s liquor store in Springfield, Missouri, today more than 100 retail and marine centers host 120 million people annually. Bass Pro Shops also operates White River Marine Group, offering an unsurpassed collection of industry-leading boat brands, and Big Cedar Lodge, America’s Premier Wilderness Resort. Under the visionary conservation leadership of Johnny Morris, Bass Pro Shops is known as a national leader in protecting habitat and introducing families to the outdoors and has been named by Forbes as “one of America’s Best Employers.”



Become a Citizen Scientist for Black Bear Research in New York New “iSeeMammals” App


iSeeMammals is a new citizen science project of DEC and the New York Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit at Cornell University. It collects data to help researchers and DEC biologists study the distribution and size of the black bear population in New York. iSeeMammals will help researchers collect data from more areas than researchers can cover in the field.

Participation is open to all. iSeeMammals collects information about where and when users identify bears or bear signs (scat, tracks, hair, markings) while hiking or on their personal trail cameras. Photographs of observations, repeat hikes, and trail cameras set up for multiple months are strongly encouraged. An app for data collection and submission is available for free download in Apple and Android stores.

Visit to:

Learn more about the project

Access photo galleries of iSeeMammals data as photos are submitted

Get information on bear ecology and bear management in New York

See extras like quizzes, contests, and giveaways

Training workshops and seminars may be available; inquire via their contact form. 


Don’t spin your wheels! Hobie offers guide to kayak cart selection

Without a set of wheels, a loaded kayak can be tough to transport a long ways to the water.

By Mike Pehanich

Getting a kayak from your vehicle to the water can sometimes be the toughest challenge of the day. Save time and energy for the fish by outfitting your kayak with a set of wheels!

One of the kayak angler’s most important accessories seldom reaches the water.

The kayak cart!

Wheeled kayak carts enable the angler to transport the craft from vehicle to remote launch areas with tackle and accessories already aboard.

Three “Plug-in” kayak carts from Hobie (L to R): 1) Hobie’s Trax 2-30 is an inflatable style ideal for transport over soft ground such as sand or mud; 2) Hobie’s Heavy Duty Cart (225-pound load capacity) is durable and best suited to pavement and coarse gravel or rock terrain; 3) Hobie’s Standard Plug-in cart is economical and offers a 150-pound load capacity.

Tire options enable the kayak owner to match cart selection to land surface. Carriage design will vary, too. Some carts are specifically made for kayaks while others double as transport devices for canoes and other small craft as well.

Some kayak manufacturers design or recommend specific carts to fit scupper holes in their kayaks. This style of cart generally simplifies mounting and transport.

Some carts require straps to secure the kayak during transport.

A cart functions as a fulcrum. If you select a cart designed for variable positioning, you may have to adjust cart location to the size, weight and locations of your load for best results. Positioning the cart near the center of the cumulative kayak mass is a safe and generally effective strategy.

2017 Hobie Bass Open champion Jay Wallen wheels his way to prime launch areas with Plug-in carts, including the Heavy Duty Plug-in Cart stored behind the seat of his Pro Angler in this photo.

Wheeling ‘em in

Airless wheels eliminate a major cart maintenance concern, but inflatable wheels offer advantage over soft terrain.

“The inflatable style wheels are great for soft mediums, especially sand and mud,” notes Kevin Nakada of Hobie. “They spread the kayak’s weight and load over a larger surface area. You may want some bounce to your wheels when you are hauling a loaded kayak over sand dunes.”

Hobie’s Trax 2-30 Plug-in Kayak Cart has pneumatic tires and small diameter rims that prevent pinching and valve damage under heavy loads. The cart has a 242-pound capacity. Tires can be deflated, too, for better performance on soft terrain.

Hobie’s Plug-in kayak carts fit the scupper holes of most of the manufacturer’s craft. They are easy to install and remove and facilitate transport from vehicle to water – even when weighted with a tackle and accessories.

Hobie’s standard cart is economical and efficient when hauling the kayak over a range of ground conditions. But hardcore kayakers concerned with durability and reliability over paved launch areas or hard, coarse gravel or rock terrain might opt for a tougher, more durable set of wheels. Hobie’s Heavy Duty Plug-in Cart fills the bill and offers a 225-pound load capacity, too.

Kevin Nakada uses Plug-in kayak carts to transport kayaks from motor vehicle to water’s edge, where adventures with smallmouth bass like this bronze specimen sometimes begin.

“We also have a stowable fold-up style called the Hobie Fold and Stow Plug-in Cart,” says Nakada. “It’s compact, so you can take it on the water with you. It comes with a storage bag you can fit in your front hatch so you don’t have to walk your wheels all the way back to your vehicle if you’ve had a long haul to reach water.”

The Fold & Stow Plug-in Cart from Hobie, held here by Hobie’s Steve Oxenford, breaks down easily to fit into a carrying bag or the large front cargo hatch featured on a variety of Hobie kayak models.

The Plug-in carts are all designed to fit the scupper holes of Hobie kayaks for quick and easy set-up and transport. Wheels are detachable on all models.

Some specialty manufacturers also make carts to fit kayak scuppers. Make sure any such cart choice adapts to your kayak before making the purchase.

Odds are you’ll love your set of wheels!

Humminbird® Gives Anglers Ability to Share AutoChart® Live Map Intelligence with New Service – AutoChart LiveShare

Where's the fish? LiveShare can help. It's a free online service that allows Humminbird users to download AutoChart Live mapping information from others.

LiveShare is a free online service that allows Humminbird users to download AutoChart Live mapping information from others. Imagine that! 

RACINE, Wis., July 10, 2018 – Today Humminbird® announces a new extension of its AutoChart® Live mapping capability – AutoChart LiveShare. LiveShare is a free online service that allows Humminbird users to download AutoChart Live mapping information from others and add it to their own map collection, as well as upload their own AutoChart Live sonar data to a global community. AutoChart LiveShare reinforces Humminbird’s commitment to providing enhanced mapping capabilities to anglers around the world.

Launched in 2015, AutoChart Live gives anglers the ability to map the depth, vegetation and changing bottom hardness of their favorite body of water. This data can be used to add details to existing LakeMaster® maps, or obtain information on bodies of water unavailable in the Humminbird LakeMaster collection. Until now, the only way anglers could share this valuable information was by physically copying the data from an AutoChart Zero Line Map Card. LiveShare changes this dramatically.

How it works is simple – Anglers go to the AutoChart LiveShare website – – and open a free account to gain access to the service. Choose to upload AutoChart Live map information from their Zero Line map card, or, select any available mapping data and move it to a Zero Line Map Card. This information can be used in AutoChart Live-compatible Humminbird fish finders, where anglers can target key depths or pair it with an i-Pilot® Link™-equipped Minn Kota® trolling motor to follow any depth contour line.

“AutoChart Live puts the power in anglers’ hands to map the depths of uncharted waters,” said Ray Schaffart, Humminbird brand manager. “Adding the capability to share this information with fellow anglers around the world creates a community that is the backbone to real-time map availability. It also makes our technology shareable among millions of Humminbird owners, whether they fish freshwater or saltwater.”

Anglers can easily create an AutoChart LiveShare account or, if they have a ChartSelect® account, they can sign in today. In order to utilize the LiveShare service, you must have a HELIX® 12, 10 or 9 model, a GPS-equipped HELIX 7/5 G2/G2N, or any SOLIX® or ONIX® model, along with an AutoChart Zero Line map card. For users that do not have a compatible unit, you can still participate by uploading Humminbird track files and viewing LiveShare information on the website.

For more information on Humminbird’s AutoChart LiveShare, visit

About Humminbird:

JOHNSON OUTDOORS FISHING is comprised of the Minn Kota®, Cannon® and Humminbird® brands. Minn Kota® is the world’s leading manufacturer of electric trolling motors, as well as a complete line of shallow water anchors, battery chargers and marine accessories. Humminbird® is a leading global innovator and manufacturer of marine electronics products including fish finders, multifunction displays, autopilots, ice flashers, and premium cartography products. Cannon® is the leader in controlled-depth fishing and includes a full line of downrigger products and accessories. Visit Humminbird at  JOHNSON OUTDOORS is a leading global outdoor recreation company that inspires more people to experience the awe of the great outdoors with innovative, top-quality products.  The company designs, manufactures and markets a portfolio of winning, consumer-preferred brands across four categories: Watercraft, Fishing, Diving and Camping.  Visit Johnson Outdoors at  

Top-Water Popping Frog is Bass-Killer

It's all about visual surface distrubance, underwater sound waves and your reaction time!

By Forrest Fisher

Deep hook sets are common with the new LiveTarget popping frog.

Some of us white beard anglers of today grew up fishing surface frogs 60 years ago.

At first, we baited real frogs, but after we ran out, plastic frogs were invented in the late 50s and we learned how to use them fishing with short, deep-sea fishing rods and wide-spool, open-face fishing reels loaded with 40 pound test Gudebrod braided line tied direct.

Those old plastic frogs were so very basic and mostly were only hollow, air entrapping plastic caricatures of frogs that floated. They sank after a while. Today, the new “best frog” out there has a popping action and it is much more sophisticated, more durable and is killer-effective. Gotta love some things about the word “modern.”

Vicious strikes are the norm when you fish frogs near weed cover.

Personally designed as a “Signature Series” product by LIVETARGET Pro Angler and TV personality, Scott Martin, the Hollow Body Frog Popper has become a personal favorite in my topwater tackle box.

The frog is new in that it has a narrow profile and cupped face that make this bait special when you walk it across the surface.  Special in that the face creates a unique sound message below…”Hello, I’m food, c’mon, get me,” and it offers a different sort of visual splash attractant message to join with the sound message.

I tried several colors and up north, the frog colors worked best for me, especially in heavy, super-thick cover, though it is still a mystery how the fish can even see the bait in thick weeds. Toemayto or Towmahto it is not, it seems to matter.

Color seems to matter in places you fish, but related cover may affect color choice.

Down south in Florida, summer time Florida bass yield to the white frog LiveBait color more than any other. Why? The difference between oatmeal and hominy grits is what I think. Very little, but it matters if you live down south.

The two-hook design is not unique, but what is unique are the extra strong forged hooks that embrace and provide stealth cover for the soft collapsible body of the frog.  Their extreme sharpness provide deep and sure hook-up. The only thing between you and fish is your line and if you fish these in thick cover, check your line often, use a good, modern, braided line and a positive knot with a stiff rod that will allow you to haul the fish out of the thickest cover you might imagine.

The proof is in the live well. Click the picture for the full video and the source of the pictures used for sharing this effective new lure.

The acid test? Here it is. Drop a 10-pound anchor in the thickest weeds you can find, then move your boat 30 feet away and see if you can rip that anchor up and out without breaking your line, your rod or the gears on your reel.

For line, I like 60-pound Gamma Torque, I simply cannot break it. Other brands work too, but I think you could tow a tree with Gamma and it is thinner than most others to allow longer casts. Visit:

For the frog, one last thing: best of all, these new LiveTarget Popping Frogs are available in two sizes for working extra thick matt or thinner lily pad style cover. 

If they don’t wack it in the weeds themselves, they seem to panic and inhale the lure when the popping action occurs at the weed edge. They don’t want that easy meal to get away. Visit:

Fun fishing!

(Author Note: Photo’s are recaptured with permission from attached Scott Martin video.)

OUTDOOR GEAR: The Hunt for 4-Season Weather Gear

  • Hodgman H5 Storm Jacket and H5 Storm Bib
  • Hodgman Core INS Jacket and Core INS Bib Liner Pants
  • No-Nonsense, Easy to Use
  • Comfortable, Essential, Affordable and Effective

By Mike Pehanich

To choose the right gear…if you’re an avid four-season outdoorsman, the hunt for foul weather outerwear is never-ending.

Hence we return to the sportsman’s eternal quest for reliable weather protection in a selection of relatively lightweight apparel that satisfies a range of temperatures and conditions – and fits in a single suitcase or travel bag!

In late winter, Hodgman released an ambitious 4-piece mix of outerwear that just might simplify the packing decisions of many outdoorsmen.

Hodgman designed its new H5 Storm Jacket and matching H5 Storm Bib to team as needed with the new Hodgman Core INS Jacket and Hodgman Core INS Bib Liner Pants.

  • The 3-layer V-Tech™ H5combination provides comfort and versatility as an effective shell layer in inclement cold and delivers free movement and breathability as temperatures rise.
  • The latter Core INSjacket and bib combination comprises an extremely lightweight quilt style Thinsulate layer designed to zip and snap into the Storm Jacket and Bibs.

The modular foursome offers sportsmen comfort through a wide range of temperatures and storm conditions and the option, too, of wearing each item separately.

My first run with the H5 Storm Jacket proved ideal for testing basic comfort and design features. I ice-fished on a day that began below the freezing mark but warmed to the lower 50s before day’s end. With the H5, I wore the Hodgman Core INS Jacket and the matching Hodgman Core INS Bib Liner Pants. (The H5 Storm Bib arrived later, so I substituted a bib of comparable thickness to the H5 Jacket during this initial trial.)

The H5/INS combination was ideal that winter morning. I lugged gear and cut and cleared ice holes without chill or sweat.

Hodgman H5 Technology and Design 

My H5 Storm team still awaits the ultimate test of a brutal all-day rain. But simulated storm tests have given credence to Hodgman’s tech claims.

Will it keep you dry in a downpour without generating so much sweat that it negates the value of a “waterproof” outer layer altogether? Every protective garment has its tipping point, but Hodgman likes how it has tipped the odds in the wearer’s favor with the H5’s 3-layer V-Tech material and salient design features.

Hodgman states that its 3-layer V-Tech™ material employs “ultra-breathable vapor transfer technology with a hydrophilic membrane to pull moisture aware from the body.” The outcome is an outer layer with “breathability, abrasion resistance and waterproof protection.” Hodgman credits a “durable water repellant” (DWR) outer coating for one-way moisture passage – from the inside out. Simply put, sweat escapes to the external surface of the garments, but, like the rain, snow, and sleet trying to enter, it can’t seep back in.

Hodgman H5 Storm Jacket Features

Weather exposes the best and worst in outerwear. Flaws in design, material or manufacturing execution at pressure points, pockets, seams, zippers, and openings can create tiny leakage funnels. Hodgman’s design safeguards these junctures with fully taped seams, watertight cinch cuffs, and an adjustable dual draw-cord hem. The most critical design component is the 500-denier Cordura seat and sleeves.

Disclaimer: Our assessment of this new storm wear comes without the test of time and the effects of many wear and wash cycles on the garment.

The new Hodgman storm set provides some nice angler-friendly features that walk the line between functionality and amenity.

Face Shield Hood

Chief among these is the ventilated adjustable wire-brimmed hood and “easy stow” face and nose guard. The former facilitates air passage in the face of wind or 60 mph boat speeds without turning the hood into a ship sail; the latter provides effective face protection with a unique and secure design that permits unobstructed vision.

During a storm years ago, the zipper failed on what was then the most stormproof jacket in my outdoor wardrobe. The storm exposed that otherwise faithful garment’s – excuse the metaphor – “Achilles heel,” the absence of a back-up means of closure. My single-handed grip on my jacket was not up to the task of keeping me dry against a blinding sideways rain and desperate boat run to shelter.

The 3-layer V-Tech™ H5 combination provides comfort and versatility as an effective shell layer in inclement cold and delivers free movement and breathability as temperatures rise

Hodgman heads off such crises by adding a critical redundancy. The YKK Aqua Guard center front zip has a double rain guard, a series of effective loop-and-hook fasteners.

What’s a YKK zipper?

YKK stands for the company founded by Tadao Yoshida, Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikikaisha. Yoshida earned his fame creating customized zipper machines. YKK reportedly manufactures in excess of 7 billion zippers each year.

Hodgman designed its new H5 Storm Jacket and matching H5 Storm Bib to team as needed with the new Hodgman Core INS Jacket and Hodgman Core INS Bib Liner Pants.

Other features include low chest-positioned tool accessory D-rings for forceps, pliers, line clippers, etc.; a soft low profile anchor point for kill switch or small tools; a pair of YKK zip hand pockets that offer easy access to underlayers; two YKK Aqua Guard vertical zip chest pockets; and an inner security pocket.

MSRP Hodgman H5 Storm Jacket: $299.95

Hodgman H5 Storm Bib Features

In its H5 Bib, Hodgman aimed to reduce or eliminate water seepage to inner clothing and the skin when sitting on a wet carpet or boat seat or kneeling on wet ice.  The bib incorporates a waterproof shell fabric with a 20k waterproof rating, selected to be effective in all-day rains. The 500 denier Cordura material used in the seat, knees and hem protects against leakage or absorption. The same hydrophilic laminate used for the jacket draws sweat away from the body.

What does a 20K waterproof rating mean?

In static-column waterproof testing, a one-inch tube filled with water stands vertically over the test material. The water’s height in millimeters when leakage begins determines the rating. A 20K rating indicates that the fabric can withstand a pressure of up to 20,000 mm before leaking.

I wear bibs most of the time in cold weather whether precipitation is in the forecast or not! (I’m a strong believer that keeping the lower back warm is critical to maintaining comfort when wind and a short column of mercury are in your forecast.) That’s why I place a premium on a bib that is easy to don, remove and wear all day.

I was impressed with the “articulated R.O.M. fit” that Hodgman boasts. In fact, I wore the bib at my desk and around home and office to test range of motion. I even did some high knee lifts and other calisthenics. Credit a tailored blend of breathable 3-layer waterproof/windproof V-Tech fabric and 500 denier Cordura material for seat, knees and hem for comfort and protection against the elements.

Two-way YKK leg zippers make access to pockets for phone, wallet, and car keys a breeze. These are particularly important features in this age of minute-by-minute photos, videos, text messages and business calls. The H-back elastic suspenders with Duraflex buckles are there for standard bib adjustment. But right and left draw-elastic waist adjustment straps secured by (“Super Grip”) hook-and-loop fasteners all but eliminate shoulder fatigue. Snap leg hems offer three adjustments.

A welcome feature in the Hodgman H5 Bib is its relief zipper. Ancient wisdom holds that when you’ve got to go, you gotta go! A bib that binds you like a straightjacket and takes more time than a mummy’s wrap to unpeel when the bladder is begging for mercy is hard to befriend. Thankfully, the way to relief is simple with the H5. No need to remove jacket, unhinge suspenders, and perform a balancing act on accordion legs when Nature calls. A series of quick zips and…hey, you’re good.

MSRP Hodgman H5 Storm Bib: $299.95

Both the H5 Jacket and Bibs are currently available in Digi Camo Charcoal color in six sizes ranging from Small to 3XL.

The latter Core INS jacket and bib combination comprises an extremely lightweight quilt style Thinsulate layer designed to zip and snap into the Storm Jacket and Bibs.

A note on Hodgman Core INS Jacket and Bib Liner Pant

The cold weather versatility of this outerwear combination comes to fruition with the addition of the Core INS Jacket and Bib Liner Pant to the basic H5 Storm Jacket and Bib combination. These lightweight quilted layers, which can also be worn separately, feature Thinsulate Platinum Insulation fibers that Hodgman claims “are up to 10x smaller than fibers of other synthetic insulations,” and deliver double the warmth. Tune in for a detailed review of these companion garments.

MSRP Hodgman Core INS Jacket: $129.99

MSRP Hodgman Core Bib Liner Pant ; $129.99           

In its H5 literature, Hodgman invokes its “Grit Gear Commitment” – “Gear with grit and an iron clad development process that yields performance day after day for years to come and adds “…we don’t sell our gear until we’ve field tested it and beat it up to the point we’re absolutely sure that you can’t find a better protective garment.”


Hodgman gear is now being shipped to retailers across the nation and is also available online for ordering.  To learn more about new Hodgman gear now available, please click to visit

Hunter Safety System Introduces the Lady Hybrid Harness

  • Lady Hunter’s Need to be Safe…and Looking Good!

DANVILLE, Ala. (April 23, 2018) – In recent years, the number of women spending time in tree stands and putting fresh meat on the table has continued to rise. In order to keep these women hunters safe, comfortable and looking their best, HSS now offers a Lady Hybrid Harness.

The Lady Hybrid’s streamlined cut is designed to be the most comfortable and most technologically advanced safety harness available. Built on the patented lightweight HSS harness system, which provides unparalleled strength and comfort when seated or standing, the Lady Hybrid upper features a lightweight, breathable mesh to keep the hunter cool during hot days. The lower features six pockets, including four storage pockets and two deep-well hand pockets. The Lady Hybrid also comes standard with an upper adjustable chest buckle for proper fitting.

Unique to new Hunter Safety System harnesses this year, the HSS Lady Hybrid features a convenient integrated USB port. Simply insert a compatible USB battery pack into the vest, and charge devices anywhere.

The new Lady Hybrid will include ElimiShield® Hunt Scent control technology. ElimiShield utilizes a proprietary nanotechnology that kills over 99.99% of odor-causing bacteria at the cellular level and forms a bond with the treated article that lasts for more than 50 commercial washes. By treating the harness with the ElimiShield in the manufacturing process, it will be protected from mildew and odors after being exposed to sweat and moisture while in use and then packed away in storage during the off-season.

Each Lady Hybrid comes with sound dampening buckles, deer drag, suspension relief strap and a Lineman’s Climbing Strap. This new lightweight ladies harness, weighing only 2.5lbs, will be available in limited quantities by mid-June. It is offered in S/M and M/L in Mossy Oak® Bottom Land® Classic and will retail for $119.95.

Founded in 2001 and headquartered in Danville, Ala., Hunter Safety System is a leading designer and manufacturer of innovative deer hunting gear and hunting equipment for the serious hunter. The company has exclusive rights for use of ElimiShield in the hunting industry. For additional information, write to: The Hunter Safety System, 8237 Danville Road, Danville, AL 35619; call toll-free 877-296-3528; or visit


Clam Pro Tackle – Offers New Open Water Tungsten Jigs

  • Heavier, Smaller, More Dense Jigs offer Increased Sensitivity and are Environmentally Safe

By Dan Stefanich

The secret to catching fish through the ice is out and being embraced by open water anglers. For many years, Clam Pro Tackle has been helping ice anglers achieve success from enjoying the benefits of tungsten jigs in a vertical presentation. With CPT365, Clam Tackle innovators are giving all open water anglers a new deadly weapon for their arsenal – the Drop Tg (tungsten jig).

The evolution of Clam Pro Tackle continues in the form of the Drop Tg. This industry-first multi-species jig brings the many advantages of tungsten to open water anglers. Bass, walleye, pike and panfish anglers that use vertical tactics will quickly see its benefits.

Heavier and More Dense:

  • Drop Tg is heavier than lead for the same size.
  • Smaller profile but heavier offers better jig control and sensitivity.
  • Punches faster through weeds and cover
  • Plummets fast to deep water schools of fish
  • 30% smaller in size than the same weight lead jig, offering a smaller profile for pressured or finicky fish
  • 1.7x heavier density than lead- Denser tungsten shows up better on graphs and sonar

Vertical Position Retention

In deep water and current, Drop Tg jigs keeps line vertical to help keep contact with the bottom and detect more bites. The heavier Drop Tg also keeps curls and kinks out of the line for better bite detection, hook sets and increased hook-up ratios.

Increased Sensitivity

Lead absorbs impact. The harder Tungsten does not, instead transferring the energy of impact with a rock, sand, mud, wood structure, log or a bite on through to the line and ultimately to the angler. The result is more “feel” of your jig as you work it through cover, thus improving the bait presentation, felt bites and a higher hookup rate.

Makes More Noise

Lead absorbs sound. Harder tungsten makes more noise to attract fish when coming in contact with rocks, boulders and other structure. Similar to crayfish crawling on rocks or schooling minnow noise.

Less Resistance

Tungsten is less resistant in the water, which is more efficient. Increased sensitivity is the primary benefit.

Environmentally Safe

As a non-toxic hard metal, the Drop Tg is an environmentally safe jig. Being great stewards of the outdoors is critical, and many states have already banned use of lead jigs. Some say “lead is dead”, and it is certainly losing traction with conservation-minded anglers. As an eco-friendly jig, The Drop Tg is the new alternative to lead.

Cleaner Water and Pressured Fish

All of the lakes, rivers and waterways across the United States are getting cleaner by increased water conservation efforts as well as the spreading of invasive species like zebra mussels and rusty crayfish that clean the water. The smaller Drop Tg’s are more compact in size and are perfect for finesse jigging tactics in clean water. Works with pressured fish and helps during cold fronts.

Drop Tg Tungsten Jig:

  • Made with environmentally safe 99.7% Pure Tungsten.
  • Mustad Ultra Point, 2x Strong 90 degree Long Shank hook
  • Same weight as lead but with a smaller profile and higher sensitivity
  • Welded keeper securely holds soft plastics and live bait
  • Available in 1/16 oz., 1/8 oz., 3/16 oz., ¼, and 3/8 oz. sizes

“Anglers used to have find fish by time-consuming casting, drifting or trolling tactics. Now with more advanced electronics, they can ‘hunt’ and find the fish first, THEN fish for them,” explains John Crane, Clam Pro Tackle Developer. “Tournaments are being won by an angler that finds that one giant fish, groups of fish or baitfish, then vertically targets them.  This ‘Vertical Drop System’ or VDS, is a new and evolving tactic — see ‘em, drop to ‘em, and catch ‘em, and Clam Pro Tackle is providing the tool to help it take off. Feel what you’ve been missing with the Drop Tg.”

For more information, visit or contact Dan Stefanich at



Plano, IL (April 10, 2018) – If fishing for a living is your dream, don’t let us or anyone else burst your bubble. But until that day rolls around, most of us need to work real jobs to pay for gas, groceries, gymnastics lessons…and our fishing gear. And because we just can’t fish whenever we want, the time we do get to spend on the water becomes that much more valuable.

That’s where Plano comes in; it’s the brand that’s helped anglers keep their valuable fishing tackle protected, organized and readily accessible for over 65 years. Plano protection means your gear lasts longer. Plano organization means you always know what you have and where to find it. Taken together, the result is maximum enjoyment extracted from each precious minute on the water.

For 2018, Plano’s popular Weekend Series includes three distinct, reimagined models that work as hard as you do. Weekend Series Tackle Cases, Weekend Series Softsider Tackle Bags and Weekend Series Speed Bags are each available in Plano’s popular 3500, 3600 and 3700 sizes to build or integrate seamlessly into any tackle management system. And they look better than ever in brand new, classy and clean tan or gray color schemes. In addition to standout new aesthetics, these bags feature upgraded, no-fail zipper pulls and tactical-inspired MOLLE exterior webbing for easy attachment of fishing tools or accessories. Best of all, these handsome and durable standout performers are available at great low prices that any working angler can afford.

Plano Weekend Series 3700 Tackle Case (Gray)

Plano Weekend Series Tackle Cases

The largest in Plano’s refreshed Weekend Series, Weekend Series Tackle Cases provide the greatest overall storage capacity and organizational capability. Available in staple 3500, 3600 and 3700 sizes, these soft tackle bags deliver maximum utility for any angler.

The Weekend Series Tackle Case’s spacious main compartment opens and closes securely via an easy-access zippered top. Inside, anglers will find ample room for up to four aptly sized Plano StowAway Utility Boxes – enough capacity for a load of favorite lures and terminal tackle. Two large, zippered side pockets and a generous front zippered pocket provide secure storage for bags of soft plastics, line spools and other essential gear, while an extra measure of welcomed storage for attractants, keys, maps, sunglasses and such comes courtesy of three mesh utility pockets – one on each end and one along the back. A built-in front tool holder and durable MOLLE webbing place pliers and other fishing tools within easy reach, while an adjustable, padded shoulder strap ensures easy transport to and from the truck, dock, garage or boat.

Plano Weekend Series 3700 Tackle Case (Tan)

Plano Weekend Series Tackle Cases

  • Durable construction
  • Top-access, zippered main compartment
  • Available in attractive tan or gray color schemes
  • Available in 3500, 3600 or 3700 sizes
  • Includes two StowAway Utility Boxes in corresponding size
  • Holds four StowAway Utility Boxes in corresponding size
  • Three exterior zippered pockets plus three mesh pockets
  • Failsafe zipper pulls
  • Exterior Modular Lightweight Load-carrying Equipment (MOLLE) webbing
  • Padded shoulder strap and reinforced top carry handle for easy and reliable transport

Model Numbers, Colors, Exterior Dimensions & MSRPs

  1. Model No. PLAB35111: 3500 / Tan (12.6”x7.87”x5.32”) / MSRP $29.99
  2. Model No. PLAB35110: 3500 / Gray
  3. Model No. PLAB36111: 3600 / Tan (16.14”x9.84”x7.87”) / MSRP $34.99
  4. Model No. PLAB36110: 3600 / Gray
  5. Model No. PLAB37111: 3700 / Tan (18.9”x10.24”x9.25”) / MSRP $39.99
  6. Model No. PLAN37110: 3700 / Gray

Plano Weekend Softsider 3600 Tackle Bag (Tan)

Plano Weekend Series Softsider Tackle Bags

Plano’s Weekend Series Softsider Tackle Bags retain familiar Plano Softsider architecture in fishing-friendly 3500, 3600 and 3700 sizes, but have been updated with exciting new cosmetic choices and features. Available in the new, ultra-sharp tan or gray Weekend Series color schemes, these Softsider Tackle Bags can be matched to any other tackle storage product in the refreshed Weekend Series, allowing anglers to build a complete and unified tackle management system that looks as good as it performs, without busting their budget.

Constructed of tough, 600D Polyester, Weekend Series Softsider Tackle Bags employ a top, camera-bag-inspired flap design that’s secured by straps and easy-opening buckles instead of a trouble-prone zipper. This ensures longevity, as well as quick and easy access to the main compartment, even with wet, cold, or slime-covered hands.

Each Softsider comes with two properly sized Plano StowAway Utility Boxes to hold enough lures for any Saturday or Sunday on the water. They’ll hold up to three StowAways inside the main compartment, but anglers can remove one to create extra space for gear or supplies. Additional pockets round out the Softsider’s hardworking exterior, with large slip pockets for tools, line spools, water bottles and more on either end, plus a large pocket system on the front.  MOLLE webbing along the Softsider’s face provides the perfect place to attach fishing tools, hand towels or other accessories. A reinforced top-carry handle and padded shoulder strap help the Softsider to easily go anywhere the fish are.

Plano Weekend Series Softsider Tackle Bags

  • Durable construction
  • Zipper-free trouble-free lid design for easy access
  • Easy-opening buckles for large hands
  • Available in attractive tan or gray color schemes
  • Available in 3500, 3600, or 3700 sizes
  • Includes two StowAway Utility Boxes in corresponding size
  • D-ring and multiple MOLLE attachment points for extra storage
  • Three exterior pockets
  • Reinforced top-carry handle and padded shoulder strap

Model Numbers, Colors, Exterior Dimensions & MSRPs

Plano Weekend Series Speed Bags

Throngs of anglers use venerable Plano StowAway Utility Boxes as the foundation for their tackle management systems, and some of them don’t always want or need to carry a full-featured tackle bag.

Enter the Plano Speed Bag: a no-nonsense nuts-and-bolts soft tackle case with the sole assignment of carrying and keeping three Plano StowAways, protected and at the ready.

Weekend Series Speed Bags are available in the familiar 3500, 3600 and 3700 sizes for easy integration to any tackle transport and storage system, and feature the attractive new tan or gray Weekend Series color schemes. Anglers can match them to their other Weekend Series bags and cases, or use the two available colors to code their Speed Bags by species or technique.


Constructed of durable 600D Polyester with a padded inner lining, lightweight Weekend Series Speed Bags open and close via a reinforced zipper with a new, failsafe and ergonomic loop pull. Up top, a strong, padded handle ensures comfortable and reliable carry. Empty Speed Bags can be folded down for easy storage in small spaces. Like the other bags and cases in Plano’s refreshed Weekend Series, Weekend Series Speed Bags feature MOLLE webbing along the front for quick and secure attachment of all manner of accessories.

Plano Weekend Series 3500 Speed Bag (Gray)

Plano Weekend Series Speed Bags

  • Patented fold-down easy-access bag
  • Tough, lightweight construction
  • D-ring and multiple MOLLE attachment points for extra storage
  • Available in attractive tan or gray color schemes
  • Available in 3500, 3600, or 3700 sizes
  • Includes two StowAway Utility Boxes in corresponding size
  • Holds three StowAway Utility Boxes in corresponding size
  • Reinforced and padded top-carry handle

Model Numbers, Colors, Exterior Dimensions & MSRPs

Anglers seeking affordable tackle storage solutions that look great and work as hard as they do can call off the search. Plano’s upgraded Weekend Series Tackle Bags, Softsiders and Speed Bags possess exceptional organizational abilities, and they certainly aren’t afraid of late hours, early hours or weekend work.

The only remaining question is: When can you start? We suggest today.

New Justin® Boots Snake Boot Features America’s No. 1 Camo Pattern, Mossy Oak® Break-Up Country®

WEST POINT, MS – Mossy Oak is excited to announce that Justin Boots is now offering America’s No. 1 Camo Pattern, Break-Up Country, on their newest boot made specifically for the hunter.

The 17-inch Shrublands Square Toe boot from the Justin Stampede™ Collection, designed for keeping your feet dry and protected in any conditions, is equipped with a full waterproof bootie construction and Justin’s Snake Guard technology. The Mossy Oak Break-Up Country Camo upper provides clever concealment. Inside, the Stampede Orthotic comfort insole delivers all-day comfort, while the Stampede Dual Density Rubber Outsole provides sure-footed traction in wet and muddy conditions. This boot is designed with a wide square toe and meets ASTM F2892-11 EH safety footwear standards.

“Justin Boots is excited to be launching our new Snake Boot with the Mossy Oak Team,” said Josh Lizotte, Vice President of Sales, Justin Work Boot Division.  “Mossy Oak has been a leader in camouflage innovation for many years and we know this pattern on our Shrublands Stampede Snake Boot will be a sought-after item within the hunting community.”

Now available at Cabela’s and with an MSRP of $194.95, this boot is just in time for turkey season.

“Justin Boots is a legendary brand we are proud to align ourselves with,” said Chris Paradise, Chief Sales Officer of Mossy Oak. “They are very well known in their category and rightfully so, given their ability to blend functionality, comfort and style in every product they offer.”

For more information on the Shrublands Square boot, visit

To learn more about Mossy Oak, or to enjoy free, timely and entertaining hunting and outdoors content, visit

Justin Boots is an officially licensed partner of Haas Outdoors Inc.  Haas Outdoors Inc. is headquartered in West Point, Miss., was established in 1986 and is home of Mossy Oak. For more than 30 years, Mossy Oak has been a leading outdoors lifestyle brand that specializes in developing and marketing modern camouflage designs for hunters and outdoors enthusiasts. The Mossy Oak Brand and patterns can be found on a multitude of products worldwide. Haas Outdoors Inc. is the parent company of Mossy Oak, BioLogic, Capture Productions, MOOSE Media, Nativ Nurseries, Nativ Living, GameKeepers, GameKeepers Kennels and Mossy Oak Properties. Mossy Oak is the official camouflage of the National Wild Turkey Federation, Ducks Unlimited, Quality Deer Management Association, and Mack’s Prairie Wings and the official pattern of B.A.S.S., MLF and Cabela’s Collegiate Bass Fishing Series.

Follow Mossy Oak on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google+, Pinterest and YouTube.

Spring Break on Sanibel and Captiva Island

  • Where Spring Breakers meet Wave Breakers with Sunrise, Sunshine, Sea Shells & a Sunset Cruise 


A spring break vacation doesn’t have to include spring breakers. If you’re looking for a getaway that’s more laid-back than party-central, there are plenty of beaches to consider – but there aren’t many as memorable as those found on Sanibel and Captiva Islands.

With miles of white sand and inviting lighthouses, there’s no shortage of peaceful beach escapes along these islands’ coastlines. Just because these secluded islands boast uncrowded beaches doesn’t mean they’re shy about events and activities. Read on to discover how to create timeless memories in these coastal communities. 

Make yourself at home

Forget all-night parties and opt in to warm, Gulf of Mexico waters, vivid wildlife and seaside charm. Quaint inns like the Beach Cottages of Sanibel offer cozy places to unwind, while properties like Captiva Island Inn offer stunning views of both Captiva Island beach and the bay, leaving you with plenty of options for beachfront dining, water sports, and more. 



Discover a shelling state of mind

Shell collectors travel from all over the world to explore the world-renowned beaches of Sanibel and Captiva Islands. Thanks to their gently sloping shores, the north-flowing Gulf Stream rolls hundreds of species of shells onto their beaches every day. There’s no family scavenger hunt like a shell-hunting contest. One that ends with finding natural keepsakes you’ll treasure for years to come. 



Let the water take you away

On Sanibel and Captiva Islands, the local marinas, resorts and outfitters offer a variety of cruises, kayaks, sailboats, paddleboats and more to get you safely on the water. Captiva Cruises shows you a Florida sunset the way it’s meant to be seen: On the water. If you’re looking to explore something more remote, book a day trip to Cabbage Key, Useppa Island, Boca Grande or Cayo Costa State Park.


Dive in to sea life

You will be amazed with the variety of wildlife surrounding these laid-back beaches. Cruise to an uninhabited island for a chance to see manatees, dolphins and other wildlife up close. Kayak through mangrove forests and find yourself immersed in the mangrove ecosystem. Let island time sink in as you surround yourself with wading birds, back bay waters, and a natural experience you are sure to remember.

The relaxed, quiet pace of life on Sanibel and Captiva Islands offers a unique charm. For more ways to experience Southwest Florida’s relaxed rhythms and beautiful shorelines, explore all our communities and find the getaway that’s right for your spring break vacation.

Click on picture to order your free guidebook.


Matt Lee joins Lure Lock Pro Team

  • New Tackle Box Design is Innovative in one area where it is Hard TO BE NEW
  • Keeps Lures Protected, Keeps Hooks & Weights from Bouncing Around
  • Multiple Sizes, Durable, Shock Resistant….MADE IN THE USA!
  • Matt Lee is Young Talent on Bassmaster Elite Series Excited to Use Innovative Cases

ETTRICK, Wisconsin – Lure Lock and Bassmaster Elite Series Angler, Matt Lee, have agreed to terms on a multi-year partnership.  Lee has been competing on the Bassmaster Elite Series for three years now, following his win at the 2012 Carhartt Bassmaster College Championship and competing in the 2013 Bassmaster Classic.

“The excitement in our office continues, with the addition of Matt Lee to our pro staff,” Jessica Kriesel, Lure Lock Marketing Coordinator. “Matt is one of the up and coming anglers on the Elite Series and is a genuine, hardworking individual, like all of us at Lure Lock and like the anglers we aim to do business with…the fit was a natural one.”

Matt will be relying on the full line of Lure Lock cases to keep his tackle organized and secured throughout his travels of the Bassmaster Elite Series, including the upcoming Bassmaster Classic.

HOW IT WORKS: The proprietary (non-toxic) gel holds and cradles fishing lures, hooks and terminal fishing tackle into a soft, safe environment, locking it into place while keeping the vibration and movement from dulling the hooks, barbs, paint, and even the overall effectiveness of the lure itself.

“Being a fishing tackle junkie, I’ve spent my fair share of time organizing tackle and looking for the best tackle storage solutions on the market,” stated Lee.  “The Lure Lock cases are truly unique in their design and I’m extremely honored to be representing their brand and will gladly demonstrate the cases effectiveness to anyone, so be sure to ask if you see me.”

Patented non-toxic gel keeps everything in place in tackle box. Expensive lures are protected just like new from the box.

Lure Lock boxes come in three sizes LL1, LL2 and LL3 and are available in Bass Pro Shops, Cabela’s, Academy, Sportsman’s Warehouse, Tackle Warehouse and key independent sporting goods dealers at $15.99, $17.99 and $19.99. Lure Lock gel kits (for retro-fitting other boxes) range from $6.99 to $9.99, depending upon size.

For more information about Lure Lock products please visit, or contact Glenn Walker at with media or marketing requests.

About Lure Lock: Lure Lock is owned by Tak Logic LLC, Ettrick, WI, 54627. Lure Lock tackle boxes feature a patented gel material all made in the USA. For more information, call 608-525-3636.  

The Mountains Shall Depart …saved by an Alaskan Shaman

By Dave Barus

Click on the book to buy from Amazon, PRIME members receive free shipping.

A new book about Adventure, Tragedy, Death, Life, Peace, Mystical Intervention, Joy, Leadership.   

I couldn’t put it down.  This book offers all that in just 122 pages!   It’s in the running for the Pulitzer Prize this year.

“The Mountains Shall Depart” by Robert E. Holzhei shares a secret tale about a young man named Luke, as he learns about the life and the outdoors on a farm in the 1940s. 

Luke’s journey from childhood provides an intriguing trail where he discovers hard work ethic and uncompromising risk that lead to burden, panic and tragedy.

A spellbinding journey emerges for Luke that becomes mystical, when an Alaskan shaman helps Luke shed a tragedy he cannot erase from childhood.  The new trail becomes a spiritual journey where Luke soon discovers new energy and a life-changing path that becomes a life-long journey to coach others in a new role.

Once you start reading the book, you realize that overcoming adversity, realizing new inspiration and linking to new goals is not about fiction.  A story where the end is a new beginning.

The well-written book, 122 pages, is hard to put down.  You can obtain a copy two ways:

Phantom Lures Applies Thru-Wire Technology to Bait Line Up

  • Phantom Lures Line Up of Baits Now Use Thru-Wire Technology

Ramsey, MN – Jan 17, 2018: Phantom Lures, widely known for its design and manufacture of high quality, proven baits will now be using Thru-Wire Technology in its lineup of baits. The strong, single wire design connects the tow point and hook hangers, making the Phantom Lures more durable and able to handle violent strikes.

The use of Thru-Wire construction will yield a more consistent build process and open doors to expanded fishing applications. By not relying on screw-in eyelets, the overall strength of the bait is increased, and the need to tune immediately after purchase is eliminated. This technology has proven to be very successful in the Phantom Lures’ Freak and HardHead baits, and will now be expanded into other popular baits.

“Adding thru-wire construction to several of our already effective muskie baits increases the strength and durability of the lure as a whole,” stated Product Manager Jeff Schulte. “In addition, it also provides anglers the added benefit of consistent performance by eliminating the need to further tune the bait. Our thru-wire design delivers superior cast after cast performance.”
The Thru-Wire Technology will be available in the following Phantom Lures:
• Softail
• Softail Live Series
• Standard
• Freak
• Hardhead
• Hardhead Live Series

Please note that Thru-Wire Technology will be immediately available in the 6” and 7.5” baits. The 4” models look to have a later release date. The Standard’s will be sold as a thru-wire bait once we sell out our current inventory of standards.

For more information about the full product lines from Phantom Lures, visit the Phantom Lures website or contact Jack Gavin at:

About Phantom Lures: Since 1996, Phantom Lures has built a strong and loyal reputation in the muskie fishing industry by making excellent, custom, quality baits that are used by first time fishermen, guides and tournament anglers. This reputation is now migrating to the walleye and bass world. Our tournament –winning baits produce actions that put trophy fish on your line, leaving you with great pictures and lifelong memories. For more information about Phantom Lures, visit or call 763.951.2902.

St. Croix Starts Spinning Glass

Park Falls, WI (March 1, 2018) — America’s most maniacal rod engineers have struck again, answering the call for a spinning version of the immensely popular Legend Glass.

St. Croix’s Legend Glass rod series took home top freshwater rod honors at ICAST 2016 for blending classic fiberglass feel to modern, IPC® tooling technology and a body made of 100-percent, linear S-Glass material. For nearly two years, anglers have raved about the lightweight, sensitive feel of Legend Glass while St. Croix’s Wisconsin manufacturing facility kicked into overdrive to supply a feverish demand.

Crankbait anglers from coast-to-coast are fawning over Legend Glass, and as the spring fishing season gets underway, the new 7’ 2” medium-power, moderate action spinning model (LGS72MM) enters the fray as the number one contender to take midsized and small baits deeper, keeping them in the strike zone longer. The newest Legend Glass model is the perfect partner for windy days, or to deliver small and midsize baits to fish in multiple depth ranges.

“When you grip a Legend Glass rod, you immediately note its weight — uncharacteristically light for a glass rod,” says St. Croix Rods Promotions Manager Rich Belanger. “And once you set the hook, the rod protects lighter lines from hard running bass. And what really strikes you is the rod’s balance, forgiveness, and that familiar St. Croix feel-factor.”

“Legend Glass spinning is going to be a game changer for folks that throw light crankbaits on light line, especially the thin profile baits that like to tumble when cast on rods that are too stiff,” says St. Croix’s Dan Johnston. “The blank bends down enough to protect very light fluorocarbon line with a light crankbait, which is something anglers have been looking for a while.”

“That linear S-Glass on the IPC mandrel made Legend Glass arguably the best fiberglass bass rod ever put on the market,” Johnston adds. “The fact that we just put it on a spinning rod is really exciting. It’s cool to be able to finally throw thin-profile lightweight cranks on light line.”

Click on Picture for the new Legend Glass Story.

Now featuring five situation-specific models, St. Croix Legend Glass rods employ Fuji® K Series Concept Tangle Free guides with Alconite rings and polished frames — ideal for all line types. Fuji® DPS reel seat with frosted silver hoods harmonize with super grade split-grip cork handles and Kigan hook-keepers. All Legend Glass rods boast 15-year transferable warranties backed by St. Croix Superstar Service. Retail for the new spinning version is $260.


  • Integrated Poly Curve® (IPC®) tooling technology
  • Super premium, 100% linear S-Glass
  • Fuji® K-Series tangle-free guides with Alconite® Rings and Corrosion Control™ (CC™) matte finish frames
  • Fuji® DPS reel seat with frosted silver hoods
  • Split-grip/super-grade cork handle
  • Kigan hook-keeper
  • Two coats of Flex-Coat slow cure finish
  • 15-year transferrable warranty backed by St. Croix Superstar Service
  • Designed and handcrafted in Park Falls, U.S.A.

About St. Croix Rod:  Now in its 70th year, Park Falls, Wisconsin based St. Croix Rod remains a family-owned and managed manufacturer of high-performance fishing rods with a heritage of USA manufacturing. Utilizing proprietary technologies, St. Croix controls every step of the rod-making process, from conception and design to manufacturing and inspection, in two company-owned facilities. The company offers a complete line of premium, American-made fly, spinning and casting rods under their Legend Elite®, Legend® Xtreme, Legend Tournament®, Avid Series®, Premier®, Wild River®, Tidemaster®, Imperial® and other trademarks through a global distribution network of full-service fishing tackle dealers. The company’s mid-priced Triumph®, Mojo Bass/Musky/Inshore/Surf, Eyecon® and Rio Santo series rods are designed and engineered in Park Falls, Wisconsin and built in a new, state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Fresnillo, Mexico. Founded in 1948 to manufacture jointed bamboo fishing poles for a Minneapolis hardware store chain, St. Croix has grown to become the largest manufacturer of fishing rods in North America.

SportDOG® Brand Unveils New Products During SHOT Show®

Knoxville, Tennessee (January 12, 2018) – SportDOG® Brand, an industry-leading manufacturer of electronic dog-training products and accessories, has expanded its line of e-collars with the unveiling of the new SportTrainer family. Designed with ease-of-use and durability in mind, the systems are DryTek® – waterproof and submersible to 25 feet and feature an easy-to-read OLED screen where you can view the selected dog, static stimulation level, and mode, as well as battery status, with just a glance. This, combined with large plus/minus buttons to quickly toggle between dogs and stim levels, makes them especially suited for multi-dog hunting situations.

The SportDOG Brand® SD-1275 ($239.95) gives you long-distance control of your dog – up to 3/4-mile range. With additional Add-A-Dog® Collar Receivers, the remote trainer can be expanded to control up to six dogs at once. Ten levels of static stimulation in low/medium/high stim ranges, as well as vibration and tone options in select modes, allow you to customize the remote trainer to fit any situation. The SD-1275’s Lithium-ion batteries charge in two hours and last 140-160 hours per charge. Also available in the SportTrainer family are the SD-575 ($189.95) featuring a 500-yard range and expandable to two dogs, and the SD-875 ($219.95) with a 1/2-mile range and expandable to three dogs.

The SportTrainer 875 and 1275 are currently available from select outdoor retailers and online. The SportTrainer 575 will be available in Q2 of 2018. The new SportTrainer family and current product offerings will be available to view during SHOT Show® in the SportDOG booth – #11349.

In addition, SportDOG will also showcase the below Solvit® by PetSafe® items:*
Pup Step Plus stairs ($59.99) weigh only 5 pounds, support more than 120 pounds, and fold down for easy under-bed storage. Also available in extra-large size ($89.99) that supports more than 200 pounds.

Deluxe Telescoping Ramp ($149.99) allows dogs to access vehicles without stressing their joints. It’s adjustable from 39 inches to 72 inches, and can be used fully-extended for SUVs and pickups.

Premium Vehicle Seat Covers ($94.99 – $114.99) are made from 100% cotton twill with quilting and genuine leather accents. A waterproof membrane prevents seat damage from water, mud, and spills, and waterproof zippers prevent dirt, hair, and liquids from passing through the seatbelt slits. Available in bench, hammock, and bucket style, grey or green color, and regular or extra wide sizes.

Waterproof Vehicle Seat Covers ($39.99 – $49.99) are made from durable, 600d polyester material with a fully waterproof backing and are machine washable. Available in hammock, bench, bench extra-wide, bucket, and cargo liner options.

The Pet Travel Organizer Kit ($59.99) is large enough to hold five days of dry food for a medium-size dog, a full day’s supply of water, hunting accessories, food and water bowl, first aid supplies, medications, and more.

About SportDOG® Brand
SportDOG® Brand is owned by Radio Systems Corporation, a manufacturer of electronic dog-training gear and accessories, based in Knoxville, Tennessee. SportDOG product lines include training e-collars, GPS tracking and training systems, bark control collars, containment systems, a launcher system, and other training aids.

*About Radio Systems Corporation & Solvit® by PetSafe®
Radio Systems Corporation, an industry leader in the development of innovative pet behavioral, containment, and lifestyle products through its PetSafe® Brand, Invisible Fence® Brand and SportDOG® Brand, acquired Solvit® Products in 2017. Solvit Products present a wide variety of travel and home items for your dog.

The Browning Refuge: Versatile New Sleeping Bag with Zippered Armhole

Browning Camping is proud to release the Refuge, a new sleeping bag that offers campsite comfort and versatility. The mummy-shaped bag, offers top-of-the-line features that Browning Camping’s customers expect. A center zipper can be zipped from the bottom for additional venting, and TechLoft Gold insulation ensures warmth (the Refuge comes in two temperature grades +15-degrees and -10-degrees). The durable separating zippers glide smoothly, and the outer fabric is nylon ripstop. What makes the Refuge stand out are the zippered armholes that allow venting, or the freedom to drink your warm beverage of choice without leaving the warmth of your sleeping bag.

For more information, visit:

Browning Camping takes the Browning motto of “The Best There Is” to heart, producing outdoor and camping gear of only the highest quality. This ensures that every item we manufacture is worthy of the world-famous and highly trusted Buckmark. Using only the highest quality fabrics, components and construction techniques, Browning Camping gear stands above the crowd in terms of quality outdoor products. You’ll be hard-pressed to find a better air pad, tent, sleeping bag or camp chair on the market today. Backed by an industry-leading lifetime guarantee, Browning Camping gear truly is “The Best There Is.”

ALPS Brands is a proud licensee and distributor of Browning Camping.

About ALPS OutdoorZ, an ALPS Brands Company: Beginning in 1993 with the establishment of ALPS Mountaineering, ALPS Brands is a continuously growing and expanding group of companies dedicated to developing and manufacturing high quality, performance-driven outdoor products. Currently making up the ALPS Brands family of companies are ALPS Mountaineering, ALPS OutdoorZ, Delta Waterfowl Gear, Browning Camping and Cedar Ridge. Using the experience and knowledge gained from manufacturing high quality camping and backpacking gear under ALPS Mountaineering, ALPS Brands established ALPS OutdoorZ in 2007 with the mission of developing affordable, performance-driven hunting gear. Ten years after releasing their first group of hunting products, ALPS OutdoorZ has grown to offer packs, furniture, gun cases, sleeping bags and ground blinds. Brought together by a shared passion for wildlife and conservation, ALPS OutdoorZ is a proud sponsor and licensee of Delta Waterfowl, RMEF and NWTF products.  ALPS OutdoorZ items are sold and distributed in the best camping, backpacking and outdoor dealers throughout the entire US and Canada.  For more information, please visit: www.ALPSOUTDOORZ.COM.



Kids Today – Not Wired for Nature, FIND HELP HERE

  • Are Your Kids Part of the Keypad Generation?
  • If So, Find Suggestions for a Remedy Here
Click on the book to order one!

By Forrest Fisher

Worried about your kids or grandkids and their continuous attention to some sort of keypad?  You know you are, so am I.  They are growing up with something missing, but none of us know what to do.

While in Alaska recently, I had the pleasure to meet Richard Louv, a journalist, book author, radio, TV interview guest and fun-related speaker with a focus on bringing more kids and adults into the wonderful world of the outdoors.

Widely accepted as an authority on the outdoors, Louv created the expression “Nature Deficit Disorder,” as data provides evidence that both kids and adults spend less time in the outdoors than at any other me in our American history.  Louv cited that this translates an increasing fear of the unknown in nature.  Louv is the author of the book, Last Child in the Woods.

In this influential work, Louv cites barriers that impede people from identifying a path into nature.  He told me one thing that I think all of us must not forget, “the more high-tech our lives become, the more nature we need in nature.”

Louv explain details about the staggering divide between children and the outdoors.  He directly links the lack of nature in the lives of today’s wired generation—he calls it nature-deficit—to some of the most disturbing childhood trends, such as the rises in obesity, attention disorders, and depression.

Last Child in the Woods is the first book to bring together a new and growing body of research indicating that direct exposure to nature is essential for healthy childhood development and for the physical and emotional health of children and adults. More than just raising an alarm, Louv offers practical solutions and simple ways to heal the broken bond—and many are right in our own backyard.

The latest edition reflects the enormous changes that have taken place since the book was originally published. It includes:

  • 100 actions you can take to create change in your community, school, and family.
  • 35 discussion points to inspire people of all ages to talk about the importance of nature in their lives.
  • A new progress report by the author about the growing Leave No Child Inside movement.
  • New and updated research confirming that direct exposure to nature is essential for the physical and emotional health of children and adults.

Last Child in the Woods: Saving our Children from Nature Deficit Disorder has spurred a national dialogue among educators, health professionals, parents, developers and conservationists. This is a book that will change the way you think about your future and the future of your children.

Learn more here:


Raymarine Can Make Your Boat a “Smart Boat”

WILSONVILLE, OR (January 31, 2018) – Anchor Lights, Aerators, Bilge Pumps, Blowers, Cabin Lights, Courtesy Lights…does this sequence sound familiar? It’s the switch panel on your helm, and it’s just part of the A to Z listing of your boat’s electrical equipment. In addition to switches and alarms, indicator lights and gauges cover many portions of a boat’s helm and interior.  Remembering what they all do, and making sure they are all in the correct positions can be challenging even for experienced captains.

Digital switching makes it easy and intuitive to control all of the interior and exterior lighting on this high-performance center console powerboat.

To solve this challenge Raymarine has partnered with Sweden-based Trigentic AB to bring their EmpirBus NXT Digital switching technology to the boating market.  Trigentic’s systems have been used in hundreds of marine, automotive and industrial applications for over 10 years.

Why should you consider employing digital switching on your next boat or yacht? Quite simply, it makes monitoring and controlling your boat’s systems easy, intuitive, and logical. The EmpirBus NXT system allows you to easily create highly customized power distribution, control, monitoring and alarm management systems for any sized vessel.


Dom Wiseman of recently looked at 2 different vessels equipped with Raymarine Digital Switching. Watch their video to see how this technology makes life onboard easier for owners of small and large boats alike.

Digitally-switched systems use logically presented soft switches, indicators and rich graphics to communicate vessel status.​

Using digital switching, data from different systems on a vessel can be integrated and centralized, increasing the availability of important information. Status indicators and alarms can be consolidated onto virtual panels that allow you to monitor the entire vessel at a glance.

Digital switching systems offer many ways to interact. Custom pages with soft-switches, readouts, and status indicators can be programmed onto multifunction displays. Short-range, self-powered, wireless switches can be installed at key locations to toggle frequently-used circuits like lighting from multiple locations. Traditional push-button switches can be added where needed for control of specific items. Dedicated, weatherproof keypads can be tied in using NMEA2000 or SeaTalkng networking for convenient control in remote locations. Even remote switching via wireless networks, the internet, and GSM text messaging* is possible.

This luxury powerboat has digitally-controlled lighting, HVAC, power distribution, sun shades, tank levels, lights and much more. ​

Raymarine’s Digital Switching system is scalable for any-sized vessel, with near limitless capacity and opportunity for customization. Raymarine boat building partners are increasingly adopting Digital Switching systems on new boat models, giving new boat buyers simplified vessel automation control right at their helm station.

If you are boat builder or marine electronic and electrical integrator contact us to learn more about Raymarine Digital Switching solutions.

*GSM text messaging capabilities vary by country. Consult with a Raymarine Digital Switching Specialist for details.

About Raymarine: Raymarine, a world leader in marine electronics, develops and manufactures the most comprehensive range of electronic equipment for the recreational boating and light commercial marine markets. Designed for high performance and ease of use, the award-winning products are available through a global network of dealers and distributors. The Raymarine product lines include radar, autopilots, GPS, instruments, fishfinders, communications, and integrated systems. Raymarine is a division of FLIR Systems, a world leader in thermal imaging. For more information about Raymarine please go to



Mepps Introduces New Additions to Spinner Lines

Cover water with the all-new Mepps® Aglia® Flashabou. The new Mepps® Aglia® Flashabou combines the vibration and flash of a classic Mepps Aglia blade with a highly reflective, hand-tied flashabou tail for attractive, shimmering action in the water.
Mepps® Aglia® Flashabou spinners beam prisms of light to attract fish and are available in single and double blade configurations. The Double Blade Aglia® Flashabou produces more flash and loft over weeds and structure than the Aglia® Flashabou.
No other Flashabou style spinner offers the fish catching power and dependability like the Mepps® Aglia® Flashabou. View the Mepps Aglia Flashabou at or the Mepps Master Catalog. To receive a current Mepps Master Catalog, call 715.623.7556.

The Mepps® Aglia® spinner is the original French spinner. It is the World’s #1 Lure. The Mepps® Aglia® is extremely popular with fishermen world-wide because it will catch just about any freshwater fish and many species of saltwater fish.

Sheldons’, Inc. • 626 Center St., Antigo, WI 54409 • Phone: 800-237-9877



Cimarron Firearms Company introduces the US MARSHAL 44 MAG CARBINE

Fredericksburg, Texas (January 2018) – Cimarron Firearms, recognized as the leader in quality and authenticity in Old West replica firearms, reveal their exclusive US Marshal 1873 Model carbine at the 2018 SHOT Show, in celebration of “The Gun that Won the West.”

Early in 2017, Cimarron received a request from an active US Marshal. He wanted a duty carbine that honored the US Marshal’s illustrious past but was also functional for today’s lawman. Over the past year, Cimarron worked tirelessly to develop a historic design on the Model 1873 carbine that was ready to serve in the name of law and order again.

Cimarron Firearms based the new 1873 US Marshal on an original 1873 Winchester presented to an active US Marshal in 1880 by his boss, Judge Isaac Parker, of the Indian Territory. The Cimarron is an accurate copy of the original Winchester 1873 carbine, with stock slightly shortened and the barrel cropped by two inches, making it easier for Marshals to carry in their vehicles. Built for the 44 Mag cartridge, the US Marshal 1873 carbine lever-action features the traditional saddle ring, ladder rear sight, sliding dust cover and the iconic semi-crescent steel carbine butt plate, all on a blue steel frame and barrel with US Marshal markings.  The US Marshal 1873 has an MSRP of $1,402.70 and will be available end of the first quarter of 2018.

“The 1873 carbine was a very popular firearm used by those men deputized to preserve law and order in what was truly the Wild, Wild West.” Jamie Wayt, vice president of media for Cimarron Firearms, remarked. “To receive this request from an active US Marshall for a firearm that represents their history and service and to make it to be fully functional for today’s Marshals, was not only a challenge, but truly an honor.”

The US Marshals and their deputies have been instrumental as a civil authority in most of America’s major historical episodes over the

Judge Isaac Parker, image courtesy of Wikipedia

past 200 years. The US Marshals, created by the first Congress in the Judiciary Act of 1789, fulfilled the function of authority under the Federal Government, and brought law and justice to an ever expanding western wilderness. As each territory was established, US Marshals were appointed as the voice of the law. Besides acting as lawmen, Marshals and their Deputies were also administrators, setting up courts, documenting cases and serving the communities in a civil capacity.

Judge Isaac Charles Parker, known as the “Hanging Judge” for trying more than 13,490 cases, and sentencing 160 people to death, of which 79 were eventually executed, respected the Marshal’s ability to track down fugitives and bring the lawless to justice. Between 1875 and 1889, Parker’s court held sway over the Indian Territory. Cimarron’s new 1873 US Marshal Model pays tribute to Parker’s action of ceremoniously giving a Model 1873 to a US Marshal for his service.

The original 1873 carbine was designed by Winchester® Repeating Arms Company and first offered in the powerful .44-40 cartridge. The gun became every deputy’s favorite side arm for its accuracy and its lever-action repeating assembly performance. Over 720,000 were produced, thus it became the most popular lever-action, long gun in America and was marketed by Winchester as “The Gun that Won the West.”

For more information on Cimarron Firearms and accessories, visit



New Jeep Lineup is Family Friendly with ALERT SYSTEM & JEEP SKILL DEVICES

All-new 2018 Jeep® Wrangler Rubicon
The 2018 Jeep vehicle lineup consists of the Cherokee, Compass, Grand Cherokee, Renegade and Wrangler. 
Family Alerts
From new teen drivers to an aging parent, the new Family Alerts feature provides peace of mind when they are out on the road. Vehicle owners can set boundary limits, monitor driving speed and pinpoint vehicle location at any time via the Uconnect Smartphone app:

  • Boundary Alert –  Vehicle owners can create up to five geo-fence boundaries and will be alerted the moment their vehicle is driven either out of or in to a pre-set geographic boundary
  • Curfew Alert – Family Alerts help to enforce set curfew times. An alert will instantly let owners know when their vehicle is being driven outside of the curfew time assigned
  • Speed Alerts – Healthy driving habits can be practiced with the Speed Alert. Vehicle owners can set speed parameters and will receive a notification whenever their vehicle exceeds a set limit
  • Valet Alert – With Valet Alert, vehicle owners can hand over their keys with peace of mind. Owners will receive an alert the moment their vehicle is driven outside a 0.25-mile radius of a drop-off zone

The Family Alerts service requires a subscription to SiriusXM Guardian connected services and is available on 2018 model-year vehicles equipped with a Uconnect 4C NAV system. A radius can be set between 0.25 and five miles and alerts are sent as a message option via email or phone text.

Drive ‘n Save
Drive ‘n Save is a new benefit of Uconnect that allows owners of FCA US connected vehicles to save on auto insurance based on good driving habits, such as following smooth acceleration, braking cautiously and even limiting late-night driving.
Launching in 2018 on vehicles equipped with Uconnect Access or SiriusXM Guardian connected services, all owners have to do is sign up, enroll and then drive – Uconnect will take care of the rest by collecting information about how their vehicle is driven. With that data, a personalized driving score is created, informing owners of how they are driving and can be viewed via a VIN-specific account on Drive ‘n Save will continually collect data for three months to ensure accuracy. The better the driving habits, the higher the driving score and based on the driving score alone, owners are able to receive discounts on auto insurance.
The score stays anonymous until drivers choose to start the conversation with insurance companies in their online account. Personal information recorded stays private and there is no risk of drivers’ rates going up. Drive ‘n Save has the ability to get drivers on the right track with friendly recommendations and helpful tips that can increase their driving score.

Online Search for Uconnect Navigation
Looking for a new restaurant that just opened? Online Search for Uconnect Navigation can help. Available for vehicles equipped with Uconnect navigation, Online Search goes beyond the built-in Point of Interest database and is enhanced with up-to-date search results pulled directly from the cloud using a built-in cellular connection.
Using the Point of Interest search box via the 8.4-inch touchscreen, Online Search helps consumers search for a larger variety of locations and helps navigate past destinations that may no longer be in operation.

Jeep Skill for Amazon Alexa and Amazon Echo Dot Devices
First launched on the 2018 Jeep Cherokee, Jeep vehicles continue to enhance the owner connection with the integration of the Jeep skill for Amazon Alexa. Alexa is Amazon’s voice service and is behind devices such as the Amazon Echo, Echo Dot and Echo Show. Alexa provides a set of capabilities referred to as skills, which enable customers to make voice-activated requests.

Jeep skill responds to a multitude of voice commands via Alexa. The menu of commands can start the vehicle’s engine, lock and unlock doors, send navigation instructions to the vehicle, plus check fuel and tire pressure levels.

To initiate the Jeep skill for Amazon Alexa, owners must register with SiriusXM Guardian connected services, then search for and enable the Jeep skill in the skills store in the Alexa app. Once the customer’s SiriusXM Guardian and Amazon accounts are linked, customers can ask any Alexa device to open the Jeep skill.

Jeep skill for Amazon Alexa in Amazon Echo devices will be made available for the all-new Jeep Wrangler mid-2018 for users to explore.

About Uconnect
Launched in 2003, Uconnect systems are FCA’s in-vehicle connectivity centers, designed to keep consumers connected, entertained and, most importantly, focused on the road. FCA vehicles offer Uconnect systems that provide drivers with a range of available communication, navigation, entertainment features and connected services. FCA continues to enrich the easy-to-use Uconnect systems’ features and services by delivering various vehicle enhancements via over-the-air software update capability. This over-the-air software update capability, deployed automatically via wireless cellular networks, enables product enhancements, security updates and improved compatibility with mobile devices to be applied at no cost to FCA US vehicle owners and without a service appointment.

An included trial of connected services also is available on properly equipped vehicles. These real-time services include a monthly vehicle health report; vehicle health alert; a smartphone app that enables owners to remotely lock, unlock or start their vehicle, locate their vehicle and more; and SOS Call and Assist Buttons on the rearview mirror that will connect vehicle owners to help at the push of a button.

Vehicle owners can access and control their Uconnect systems’ features and services by using advanced voice recognition technology, convenient steering wheel controls and intuitive touchscreens or traditional knobs and buttons, as well as by utilizing the Uconnect app and Vehicle Brand Owner Site to remotely deploy secure commands to the vehicle.

About Jeep Brand
Built on more than 75 years of legendary heritage, Jeep is the authentic SUV with class-leading capability, craftsmanship and versatility for people who seek extraordinary journeys. The Jeep brand delivers an open invitation to live life to the fullest by offering a full line of vehicles that continue to provide owners with a sense of security to handle any journey with confidence.

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Ice Fishing Goes Alternative – NEW GEAR

  • Five Top Hardwater Hacks, Off the Radar

By Ted Pilgrim, Traditions Media

Photo Courtesy of Aqua View

This isn’t one of those articles giving props to piles of mainstream, traditional ice fishing tackle. For that, you might simply step in to your local outdoor store and buy an ice auger, shelter or lure from any of the established brands. Or run a Google search on the aforementioned items; there’s no shortage of advice from which to form an opinion.

That said, try searching for alternative ice gear, or secret ice fishing tools or hardwater fishing hacks. Good luck.

Somewhat of a non-conformist himself, ice pro Brian “Bro” Brosdahl probably says it best: “Some of the most valuable ice gear I use every day sort of gets taken for granted,” asserts Bro, who routinely zigs when crowds zag.

“It’s like those key role players on a football team; the gear that really deserves credit for a great day on the ice mostly goes unacknowledged. Worse, some of these tools are totally ignored and unused by anglers. Truth is, there’s a whole bunch of pretty cool equipment you’ve probably never seen before that will absolutely enhance your time on hardwater. Some of it deserves the daily MVP award, though you might totally take it for granted.”

Wearable ice accessories greatly increase mobility, comfort and fishing efficiency.


Hidden among haystacks of traditional ice gear is an alternative trend toward wearable tackle and gear storage, as opposed to stuff you’re forced to drag around like a third wheel. “I wouldn’t call it a trend exactly,” Bro interjects. “I mean, it’s mostly the tournament anglers on national circuits like the NAIFC who are literally wearing their underwater cameras and their tackle around their torsos.”

Couple winter’s back, NAIFC National Champs and three-peat Team of the Year winners Brandon Newby and Ryan Wilson helped the underwater camera inventors at Aqua-Vu design a wearable case compatible with its Micro viewing systems. “The motivation for designing the Micro-Mobile Pro-Vu Case,” says Newby, “was one of necessity, and of our need to find untouched fish. For us, a portable Aqua-Vu Micro camera lies at the heart of finding fish and structure—whether we’re prefishing a tournament or hitting new water.”

Aqua-Vu Micro-Mobile Pro-Vu Case

Designed to fit any size angler, the Pro-Vu Case sports dual adjustable straps, positioning the camera screen across the angler’s upper torso. The softcase itself features a large zippered camera compartment with a built-in protective cover, plus extra storage for a cell phone, keys and small tackle necessities. “We can drill holes, jig or rig lines and always keep the camera at the ready. The hands-free design of the case even lets us fish and underwater view at the same time. For us, it’s an absolute must-have piece of equipment.”


Continuing the wearable tackle trend, Frabill offers a similar apparel accessory. “Don’t know about you, but I like to fish in stealth mode,” notes Bro. “Carrying a small, all-star selection of jigs, plastics and other necessities in a single wearable case is a luxury. The fact I can use it as a hand warmer—priceless. Probably not one in ten anglers knows what I’m talking about,” he laughs.

Frabill Tackle Pack/Hand Muff

Fitted to be worm around the waist, Frabill’s Tackle Pack / Hand Muff is the only wearable tackle bag doubling as an easy-access hand warmer. “Fact is, a lot of us fish without gloves—especially during a frenzied bite,” notes Bro. “The Tackle Pack fits right across my food shelf (Bro-speak for love handles). Not only can I quickly access a fresh jig or plastic tail without getting up and digging into a pile of gear, but I can also throw a couple hand warmers inside the insulated hand muff for an instant warm up. Eliminates downtime. Definitely puts a bunch more fish on the ice for me, every day.

“We’ve long said our ice suits serve as our wearable shelters. I just take it one step further.”

A Panfish Toothpick safely extracts hooks without harming fish or damaging jigs.


Technically, the next nouveau tool can also be worn, or just as easily tossed into one of the four-dozen pockets sewn into your ice suit. A Panfish Toothpick is pretty much what it sounds like: a slick little device that safely, easily extracts a fish’s last meal from betwixt its bony jaws. The Toothpick pops free even those troublesome hooks lodged way back in the larynx. The name of the game is preserving your expensive premium hooks, tungsten jigs and other valuable lures. Performing the procedure with minimal stress on fish is a beautiful benefit.

“Grabbing an impaled jig with a forceps or pliers scratches and flakes lure paint and can bend or break your fine wire FISKAS Wolfram Jigs,” notes Jamie Olson, ace angler and proprietor of Your Bobber’s Down, Inc., an online retailer of elite-grade fishing tackle and hard-to-find accessories.

Both the Panfish Toothpick and new larger, T2 Toothpick feature a specialized V-slot. Apply quick direct pressure on the hook bend, backing the barb out and cleanly removing the lure. A ton of top-level anglers now use the Toothpick, says Olson, many of them having now removed pliers and hemostats from their lanyards altogether.

St. Croix Legend Black ice rod


Despite the fact most ice fishers choose 25- to 30-inch ice sticks, huge advantages highlight both longer and much shorter rods. Case in point, St. Croix Rods’ 48-inch Legend Black ice rod, considered crazy tall for an ice wand. Among anglers who prefer to stand while fishing, to keep the rodtip close to the water surface for bite detection and to prevent line freeze, a longer rod can be an exceptionally valuable tool. Moreover, for flip-and-dip style shallow water fishing, an angler can simply keep a two- to four-foot length of line hanging from the rodtip, allowing for instant and rapid-fire fishing through multiple holes fast. Finally, a longer rod provides superior shock absorption, vital for battling large, fast-surging fish such as pike, lake trout and big walleyes.

Tournament ice anglers consider palm rods to be the single most sensitive ice tools in their arsenal.


Frabill Black Ops 18″ UL

At the other end of the spectrum are palm rods, curious 12- to 18-inch all-in-one rod/reel combos capable of fishing the tiniest lead or tungsten jigs with utmost finesse. Particularly for shallow water panfish, European-born palm rods serve as superior bite detectors, most of them, like the Jonttu Sport Special, armed with adjustable, super-responsive strike indicators. Top anglers consider a palm rod to be an extension of their fishing arm, spooled with wispy 1-, 2- and 3-pound test tied to jigs weighing under 1/64-ounce.

FISKAS “Tungsten Ball” Hole


Staying with the scaled-down panfish theme, one of the biggest off-the-radar movements waiting in the wings are so-called through-head tungsten jigs. Another Eastern European contrivance, many of these elite designs lack a true line tie. Instead, they feature a small hole bored through the metal itself. A specialized, though simple, knot known as a snell or Marka knot secures these amazing jigs to your line, maintaining a perpetual horizontal posture—no repositioning of the knot required. Note: You can also use this knot with standard line-tie jigs for the same horizontal benefits. Finally, because the knot itself is recessed onto the hook shank, retying isn’t required nearly so often—and the snelled line itself can be used to secure soft plastic baits in place.

Alternative ice angling is little more than rethinking convention, taking the next step beyond “normal.” Time to embrace new or off-the-radar tools and techniques . . . before they become yesterday’s news.



SO SMALL, SO BIG! New Cooking Gear for Smart Outdoor People

  • Compact, Durable, Affordable
  • Fits in Your Pockets
  • Great Holiday Gifts

By Forrest Fisher

New GSI Outdoor stoves can literally fit in your pocket and are good to go anywhere.

 Usually with unexpected gunboat diplomacy, winter delivers nasty weather.  Bone-chilling cold is predicted for the 2017 Christmas holiday period in many parts of the country, but don’t panic. 

For outdoor folks, heading out on a hunting trip or planning to fish from a blind on the ice, it could still be great fun with the right gear.  If you are a biker or hiker and live where the air is not so chilly, this outdoor gear story will also be helpful for you.

For indoor folks, it’s a good cost-effective time to shop for those you love that are outdoor folks.  Read on.

This is my personal choice for a field accessible stove.

I’m new to the modern sub-compact gear for cooking, warming, staying comfortable and surviving by any other term.  What I have recently discovered is that the new gear is startlingly small, surprisingly efficient and pleasingly affordable. 

In fact, I’m from a retired engineering career and I found the gear to be more than durable.  I’m not easy on gear, my grandkids are worse.  This gear has become my legitimate partner for just about everything in my outdoor life. AND, maybe best of all, it is so small. 

The stove will fit into your hiking, hunting or fishing jacket pocket, or your parka, or easily into a small backpack or fanny pack with room to spare.  The stove can go anywhere because it is so small and light. Made from stainless steel and aluminum, the GSI Outdoors Pinnacle 4-Season Stove (Item 56003) measures 2” x 1.8” x 3.2” in size! Imagine that. As I said, I’m startled by the small size and weight.  It weighs under 6 ounces. Purchase just one in your lifetime and keep it for your lifetime.

This 13.4 ounce isobutane canister is perfect for size and provides lots of energy for the stove.

The stove is powered by a small fuel source (isobutane) in canister form (Item 56022) that also fits into your pocket at a size of 4.3” x 4.3” x 3.7”.  So compact, yet so powerful, it will warm your chilled fingers or cook a mini-gourmet meal of your choice wherever you are. I carry two of these…just in case.  Just in case we need to cook fish, deer, alligator, elk, or the simple things like soup and hot dogs.  It’s good to be prepared!

Down south in the Florida warm weather of December through April, beachcombers and picnickers find good use for such compact gear, kayakers too, for an island picnic lunch.  For outdoor folks anywhere, this gear is just right.

With the compact source of heat and stove all set, the Glacier Stainless Camper Set (Item 68181) adds a 3-liter pot, 2-liter pot, strainer lid, 9” fry pan, four 14 ounce mugs, four 14 ounce bowls, four plates 7-1/2’ across, four sip-it tops, and a folding pot/pan gripper, and it all is nested within itself to form a rugged, compact stack that fits into a wash basin carrier.  All of that in a size of 8.3” x 8.3” x 5.3” if you can imagine that.  It weighs 4 lbs 9 oz.  Unbelievable.

This is a cooking set where everything is there and it all STILL FITS into such a small space. Truly an amazing feat for all to cheer.

If you are as demanding as I am on my gear, this system represents a unique solution of ingenious cookware and eating-ware designed to finally meet the needs for those of us that enjoy great outdoor meals without the baggage and volume of usual home style cookware.

Plus, the modular design can be configured for backpacking, camping or anything in-between, with the exact pieces required for 2-4 people to enjoy a gourmet meal on the go, or just to warm your buns, if you know what I mean.

I’m sure we agree that eating, drinking, keeping warm and staying comfortable are life necessities wherever you go in the outdoors.  With all the compact gear identified, what did we forget?  We need a table!

More exactly what is in the 68181 cooking set. It’s all there for 4.

There is a new small, ultralight table designed to keep food and drink off the ground. It is multi-purpose, can fit in your pocket, can be used for picnics, lawn concerts, on the beach, for backpacking, fishing, hiking, biking and kayaking anywhere that food and drink can be enjoyed. The 14-ounce table is an 8.5” x 12” folding platform that compacts to just 0.6” thick x 4” wide. So small. It’s strong too, constructed of sturdy, flame and heat resistant aluminum and

This tiny tidbit of a table is MOST USEFUL and is strong, will hold 20 lbs.

stainless, it will hold 20 lbs. Raised edges help keep items from sliding off. I carry two of these on my trips in search of crisp morning mist and the serenity of a beautiful orange sunset.  I carry it all, because it could just be me on a scouting adventure or could be me, my wife and all of our hungry grandkids tagging along on that next adventure.  But, it’s all so small and so big.

GSI Outdoors also offers a larger table too. Download the catalog and order a few new holiday gifts for your favorite people. Amazon carries most of the above with free shipping options.  For more details on the specific gear mentioned here, check it out online at  Download the “GSI 2018 Workbook.”

Transform your next adventure with this compact outdoor gear that allows you to be prepared to satisfy many needs, literally.


TILLY, TILLY – It’s a Thankful Season for Walleye Fishing

  • A Highly Versatile Walleye Bait that Produces in a Variety of Situations
                                                                                                 Tilly TL 5-7 , 1/4 oz, Bumble Bee

Ramsey, MN (Nov 13, 2017) – Phantom Lures, widely known for its design and manufacture of high-quality proven fishing baits is pleased to introduce the arrival of the Tilly, a new walleye catcher that has the versatility to tackle a wide variety of fishing situations.

“We are thrilled to bring our latest innovation, the Tilly, to market for the 2017-2018 Ice Fishing Season,” stated Operations Manager Jeff Schulte. “The entire Phantom Lures Team is passionate about fishing year-round, and with the close of the open water season, comes frozen lakes for those of us located in the Ice Belt. We feel the Tilly is a great entry point into the growing sport of ice fishing, and we expect that with the introduction of Tilly, our brand can bridge the gap between open and hard water seasons.”

The Phantom Tilly is a drop-the-gloves vertical jigging bait with an aggressive flutter on the fall that also incorporates a strong BB rattle for when it’s time to ring the dinner bell. The Tilly is 2.5 inches of individually hand-painted fury. From hardwater to open water this bait is no one trick pony, the Tilly puts Walleyes on the board in all situations, making it a multipurpose, battle-born product anywhere there’s a fight to be had.

The bait is available in two sizes, the Tilly TL5-7 at ¼ oz and the TL-9 at 5/16 oz, both are identical in length, but weighted differently to accommodate fishing in deeper or shallower water, weather conditions and presentations.

For more information about the full product lines from Phantom Lures, visit the Phantom Lures website or contact Jack Gavin at:

About Phantom Lures:Since 1996, Phantom Lures has built a strong and loyal reputation in the muskie fishing industry by making excellent, custom, quality baits that are used by first time fishermen, guides and tournament anglers. This reputation is now migrating to the walleye and bass world. Our tournament –winning baits produce actions that put trophy fish on your line, leaving you with great pictures and lifelong memories. For more information about Phantom Lures, visit or call 763.951.2902.

Personal Carry Live Bait Container, a BEST GIFT IDEA for your Fisherman

  • Personal CARRY-IN-YOUR-POCKET Live Bait Container…it’s called “BAIT-UP”
  • No Nets, No Wet Hands, No Lost Bait…GREAT FOR WADING ANGLERS
  • Innovative, Portable, Durable, Inexpensive….Convenient and Effective
  • WORKS GREAT for Kayakers, Ice Anglers, Shore Fishing Anglers that Wade, for Everyone Else
The Bait-Up bait product keeps live bait fresh in your pocket without batteries. Click the picture to see how it works.

By Forrest Fisher

Are you one of those anglers dedicated to simple fishing with live bait? If you wade a stream or walk the shoreline of a small pond or lake, fishing with live bait just become easier and more fun with this product.  This product is versatile enough to allow live bait angler to carry minnows, leeches, hellgrammites, shrimp, crayfish and baits, even sand fleas for coastal waters, and at the same time, this device eliminates the usual hassles that hinder keeping live bait functional and alive. No batteries are required!
CLICK ON THE PICTURE TO THE RIGHT to see a video on how it works.

“Bait Up” and its patent-pending Dual-Lid/Floating Basket design allows the angler to quickly choose live bait without searching through water, sometimes it can be icy cold! The design of Bait-Up also allows the angler to completely submerse the device to replenish stale, low-oxygenated water without the loss of any live bait. What does this mean for today’s active angler?

No more carrying those large, bulky and sometimes, battery-operated bait buckets, with you when you are wading or walking your favorite river, stream, or creek. The same thing goes with the limited space in a kayak or canoe, or while attending your ice fishing tip-ups.

No more reaching into a large bucket of icy cold water to search for your live bait and no more need to empty out the water each time to easily retrieve a bait fish.
No more losing bait fish each time you need to replace the water with fresh water.

Bait Up allows the live bait angler to conveniently keep, carry, view, and select live bait without any problems.

Lifts bait out of the water instead of the angler searching through the water for their live bait.
Select Lid allows for quick bait selection.
Fill Lid eliminates bait loss when the angler needs to refresh water.
Allows the angler to constantly monitor live bait activity to determine when water needs to be refreshed.
Perfect for the walking and wading angler. The included lanyard easily attaches to a fishing vest accessory loop, belt loop, or it can be worn by the angler.

There are two sizes:
Bait Up 20:
SIZE: 7″ tall x 3″ round
HOLDS: 20oz. of water and can carry smaller sizes or amounts of live bait.
Bait Up 35:
SIZE: 8.5″ tall x 3.625″ round
HOLDS: 35oz. of water and can carry larger sizes or amounts of live bait.
“Bait UpTM” allows the live bait angler to conveniently keep, carry, view, and select live bait without being bothered by the movements and demands essential to be successful while fishing with live bait.

Learn more at this link:


Muzzy Expands Trocar Hybrid Broadhead Line with New 125-Grain HBX

  • Crossbow Broadhead Blends Fixed and Mechanical Technology
SUPERIOR, Wis. (Oct. 3, 2017) — Due to customer demand, the popular Trocar HBX hybrid crossbow broadhead that blends the most lethal and accurate fixed-blade broadhead with a pair of center-pivot blades that deploy on contact for massive cuts on large animals is now available in a 125-grain.
Like the 100-grain, the new 125-grain Trocar HBX features 0.35-inch-thick surgically sharp stainless steel mechanical blades that remain tucked in tight to the solid-steel ferrule during flight, but they deploy on impact for a total cutting diameter of 2 5/8 inches on impact. For added accuracy and stability, the 0.35-inch thick fixed blades are slightly offset. The new heavier Trocar HBX also features the popular Muzzy bone-crushing chisel tip.
This new 125-grain hybrid broadhead is now available at retailers nationwide and conveniently online at Suggested retail price for a three-pack of either the new 125-grain or the 100-grain Muzzy Trocar HBX broadheads is $39.95.
Founded in 1984, Muzzy is the number-one name in fixed-blade broadheads, and it is a pioneer in the art of bowfishing. A division of FeraDyne Outdoors, Muzzy is headquartered in Superior, Wis. For more information on the full line of Muzzy’s fixed-blade broadheads and state-of-the-art bowfishing equipment, contact Muzzy Outdoors, LLC, 101 Main Street, Superior, WI 54880; call 866-387-9307; or visit