- Learn HOW TO PROTECT YOUR FAMILY, the program is free with membership
- Membership is as little as $35/yr, right now; half-price Life Memberships right now too
By Forrest Fisher
Perhaps the NRA should be called the Empower Yourself Association. I’m one of those folks that are careful when I travel, cautious when I drive, lock my doors when I leave the house, I’m careful when cutting the turkey at holiday time, I have to cut corners to save money, and I love my family. I also like to hunt in the woods with a bow or a firearm, and I’m upset when I hear the everyday news and learn of so many folks harmed by violence because they could not protect themselves or did not know how to stay safe. We live in surprising times. So what can we do as ordinary people in America? What can we do to learn how to protect ourselves and teach our family how to protect each other?

Whether you’re a parent in search of firearm safety for your home, a first-time gun owner, or an old pro in the outdoors, we all need to know about firearm handling to stay safe. We need to understand and develop firearm handling skills. The NRA is here to keep you and your family safe and it is all part of the NRA membership. Explore how to safely store a gun with kids in the home. We all need this.
The Eddie Eagle GunSafe® program teaches young kids in pre-K through third grade the important steps to take IF THEY FIND A GUN. The friendly program cartoon mascot, Eddie Eagle, provides an easy-to-remember format that shares these simple rules: STOP! DON’T TOUCH. LEAVE THE AREA. TELL AN ADULT. Teach your kids to recite it. Save a life.
As kids get older, the NRA has resources, programs, and training to assist youth organizations such as the Boy Scouts, Royal Rangers, JROTC units, 4-H clubs, commercial summer camps, U.S. Jaycee chapters, and more. American Legion Posts too. The NRA can help with costs to support firearm safety and shooting sports programs where you live. Everyone needs to know more about firearm safety and share what they learn. We are all in this together.
The NRA Family of programs provides ideas for family adventures and tips for hunters and shooters of all skill levels. The offering of safety programs is VAST and the programs build upon skills learned in basic hunter education courses to encourage safer, lifelong hunting habits, wildlife identification, map reading, compass orienteering, and much more.
Every day, the NRA is working to help increase your safety and provide enjoyment of the shooting sports by offering educational shooting programs, providing member benefits, and defending our Second Amendment rights. By becoming an NRA member, you will take a solid step toward helping your family stay safe and send a strong message to those who threaten our American firearm ownership rights.
Today you can gain access to all these NRA Safety and Education Programs for a LIFETIME at half the normal cost. The normal cost is $1500, right now through this special offer, it is $750. Click here. Save $750! If you are a woman, you know it is time to step up to learn about the safe use of firearms. This offer is time-limited.