This report is by Ron Bierstine from Oak Orchard Tackle & Lodge on Monday, November 5, 2019:

There are some showers and gloom today with temps in the 40’s °F. Clear weather in the forecast this afternoon and tomorrow and then unsettled weather or Lake Effect Snow (LES) with colder temps forecast through the end of the week and weekend. No serious accumulations are expected and any LES is so far forecast mostly south and west of the area.
All the waterways are still on a retreat from precipitation and higher flows toward the end of the week and weekend. Flows in the Oak are near slightly high and about 1 – 2 feet of visibility. There are real nice drifting conditions up and down the waterway, although the higher flows may be a little more than the average fall angler expected. Look for continued dropping flows more toward medium. Flows consist of turbine water although with heavy leaf fall occurring now, expect daily water level fluctuations with resultant overflow water. No doubt some fish have made it up that overflow channel.
Fishing pressure remains high and action is reported tougher over the past couple days. Anglers are into a few good browns though, still, the bright spot Atlantics (pictured above) and the tardy Kings remain in pretty good shape. No reason to believe that brown trout and steelhead migrations won’t proceed on the same slightly late and drawn out runs like the Kings, and I do believe that the overall numbers should be good.
The other area smaller tributaries have medium flows and stained water. Most guys are reporting good action west on Johnson Creek and more on/off action on tributaries to the east. Hopefully, with all the waterways coming back now in good fishable shape this week, some of the angling pressure can spread back out.
Notes from the OC Tourism Team:
- The St. Mary’s Archer’s Club is now open to the public until Nov. 11th. Breakfast is served 6 AM to 10 AM, the cost is $7; Lunch is 11:30 AM to 2 PM, $10. Parking is $10.
- The DEC is proposing Great Lakes sportfishing regulation changes. The public comment period ends on December 14, 2019. Read more at
- From Point Breeze on Lake Ontario, the World Fishing Network’s Ultimate Fishing Town USA and the rest of Orleans County, let’s make every day a great fishing day right here in Orleans County!
The Team at Orleans County Tourism, 14016 Route 31 W • Albion, NY 14411; 585-589-3103 (Office)