Western New York Fishing Forecast – Thursday, December 1, 2016

Kyle Kraft of Akron, Ohio, caught a 44-inch musky earlier in the week on a MagLip while trout fishing in the Lower Niagara River.

Lake Ontario, Niagara River

Kyle Kraft of Akron, Ohio, caught a 44-inch musky earlier in the week on a MagLip while trout fishing in the Lower Niagara River.
Kyle Kraft of Akron, Ohio, caught a 44-inch musky earlier in the week on a MagLip while trout fishing in the Lower Niagara River.

Lower Niagara River  

More steelhead are starting to show up every day!  Devil’s Hole is the best spot for your best chance at a steelie, but Artpark is producing a few, too. Eggs or egg imitations in yellow, pink or chartreuse are all good colors to try. Kwikfish and MagLip wobbling baits will also catch you trout. Remember that lake trout season is closed in New York until the end of the year, but if you venture over into Canadian waters, laker season opened on Dec. 1.

The lower river is the only body of water (along with Lake Ontario) that still has musky season open. That season is open until Dec. 15. This Sunday, Dec. 4, is the John Henning Memorial Musky Tournament from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. For more information contact Adam at (623) 205-9939.

Kyle Kraft of Akron, Ohio caught a 44 inch musky earlier in the week on a MagLip while trout fishing. He also caught some nice bass over 5 pounds in the river using tubes and minnows. The minnows were fished off three-way rigs.

Shore fishermen continue to do well on trout and if the winds stain the water up at all, it should help the shore guys out. Spoons, spinners, egg sacs or egg imitations such as beads  – both hard and soft – are working well. In fact, both shore and boat guys are using beads to catch trout. You can keep posted on things that are happening in the Niagara USA area by signing up on Facebook for Niagara USA Fishing and Outdoors.

Kyle Kraft of Akron, Ohio, also caught some nice bass over 5 pounds in the river using tubes and minnows. The minnows were fished off three-way rigs.
Kyle Kraft of Akron, Ohio, also caught some nice bass over 5 pounds in the river using tubes and minnows. The minnows were fished off three-way rigs.

Upper Niagara River 

With the closing of the musky season, anglers still have the option to catch other species like the catch-and-release bass season, walleye or trout that might be starting to find their way into the upper river.  Make sure you mark your calendar for the 4th Annual Greater Niagara Fishing and Outdoor Report set for Jan. 20-22, 2017 at the Conference and Event Center Niagara Falls. A huge ice fishing section is included in a packed house of vendors and education. Check out www.niagarafishingexpo.com. More information is going on the site every day. We will keep you posted!

Lake Ontario and Trib’s

Lake Ontario and tributaries – Nearly an inch of rain fell on Nov. 30 and into Dec. 1, helping along some of the tributaries. The best spot to be is still 18 Mile Creek and Burt Dam for trout and, believe it or not, there was a fresh run of salmon that arrived this week.  Browns, steelhead and salmon are still available, but water was low and clear for the most part before the rain. Downsize your baits to single eggs, small sacs or smaller streamers and wooly buggers in more natural colors if the water is still clear. However, with the recent rains, it could stain the water up a bit and it will give you some more options.  

Bill Hilts, Jr., Director, Outdoor Promotions

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