- Niagara Falls USA Fishing Report for Nov. 27, 2019
- From Destination Niagara USA
Happy Thanksgiving!

This is the calm before the storm.
A cold front is expected to blow in today with gusts up to 60 miles per hour. It could be a repeat performance from Halloween. No treats here.
Things were slowly starting to improve as the last round of winds last Friday in the Niagara River. The water was off-color over the weekend and into the beginning of the week. Tuesday it was near perfect and fishing was good. We will probably be back into the same muddy mess after this storm.

Mark Plennert of Niagara Falls had some success off the NYPA Fishing Platform in the gorge when waters finally cleared this week but take note the last day for the season that it could be open is Nov. 30. Call 286-6662 to check first. The stairs leading down to the shoreline is already closed due to erosion.
Tuesday of this week Capt. Frank Campbell of Lewiston and Gary Hall of Niagara Falls timed things just right to catch some nice steelhead to 12 pounds, using MagLips off three-way rigs. Egg sacs will also work. Mike Marisa of Johnstown, Pa. caught quite a few steelhead using a mix of beads and egg sacs in pink – along Artpark and up in the gorge around the whirlpool just prior to the last wind event. Things were a bit more difficult earlier this week due to turbid conditions. When the water starts to clear, the shore guys will start catching fish first.

For the Lake Ontario tributaries, Scott Feltrinelli of Ontario Fly Outfitters reported catching some brown trout and steelhead this past week. Water temperatures and conditions were very favorable and should stay nice through Christmas if Mother Nature cooperates. The water has been high and lightly stained due to snowmelt. This is perfect for big fish to move throughout the creek systems and feed in a post-spawn manner according to Feltrinelli. Bug streamers have been working well for fly fishermen targeting browns. Other baits that are working are beads, egg sacs, and jigs. Steelhead are moving into the creeks in better numbers as well. You still must move around to seek out active fish. Fishing pressure continues to be down due to hunting seasons.
Remember that November 30 is the final day for muskellunge in the upper Niagara River. However, the Lower Niagara River, Lake Ontario and the St. Lawrence River season is open through Dec. 15. This is one reason why the Niagara Musky Association holds its John Henning Memorial Musky Tournament in December, set for December 1 in the lower river only. You must be a member of NMA. Call Scott Kitchen at 939-0006 if you are interested.

Nov. 30 is the final day of the regular bass season in the state. For the most part, it turns into a catch and release season on Dec. 1 throughout most of the state. One exception is Lake Erie where a special season begins Dec. 1 allowing for 1 bass with a minimum size of 20 inches long. You can also fish with live bait. If you have any questions, consult the regulations at www.dec.ny.gov.
One final note is that lake trout season opens on Dec. 1 in the lower Niagara River on the Canadian side only. This was one of the reasons that an extended lake trout season was proposed in the lower river in NY. The comment period for that ends Dec. 14. Lake trout season opens Jan. 1 in New York waters of the lower Niagara and Lake Ontario. If you do catch a lake trout incidentally, please release it quickly and unharmed.

Bill Hilts, Jr. – Outdoor Promotions Director
Destination Niagara USA; 10 Rainbow Blvd.; Niagara Falls, NY 14303
p: 1-877 FALLS US | 716-282-8992 x. 303; f: 716-285-0809
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