By David Gray
I grew up in a place that had many heroes.
That place was the United States of America.
During the time that I grew up, we did not need the news channels to tell us who our heroes should be.
Though true heroes were pointed out to us so we would see them.
We learned about the actions that made them heroes.
Mom, dad, teachers, ministers and friends, all drew our attention to people who were heroes.
I learned that heroes are people who give of themselves when required.
I learned many live a very simple life, but often, their lives are a life of example and caring.
Heroes always give of themselves.
They serve others in whatever they do.
We have heroes today, but it seems we do not thank our heroes as much as we once did.
This writer citizen, and hundreds of Vietnam Veterans, want to thank Congresswomen Vicky Hartzler for organizing the 2022 Vietnam Veterans Recognition Event in Jefferson City, Missouri. A special thank you to those who served and are serving.
During the editing of this video, several veterans viewed it and many had tears in their eyes before it was over. One said the video was so patriotic and honest. I know, and you probably know, more Vets that would enjoy watching this video and would share and pass it along to other veterans. Please do.
From all of us, a hearty thank you to our many military veteran heroes, you’ll see many of them in this video.