Shark Teeth, Fun in the Sun…Beach Treasure from Ancient times. Southwest Florida.

  • HOW and WHERE to find shark teeth on the beach – 5 Methods / 6 Hotspots
  • Shark Teeth found on the beach are fossilized – 10,000 to 15 million years old!
  • Back to the Future – It’s fun on the beaches at Manatee Key in Southwest Florida
Southwest Florida beach shark teeth are found in all colors and sizes, drawing the attention of beachgoers from near and far. Forrest Fisher Photo

By Forrest Fisher
There are shark teeth to be found all over the world.  If you are looking for a great place to spend the day frolicking in the Gulf of Mexico, lying in the sun, taking a long walk at the water’s edge and looking for the treasure of fossilized shark teeth, here are a few tips on what, where, and how.

Shark Teeth are a precious authentic treasure for locals and vacationing visitors to Southwest Florida.  You can find them on your own, it’s fun, and it’s the best excuse to RE-VISIT the beaches. It’s something about the word “TREASURE!” If you are new to shark tooth treasure hunting, never stop looking for advice on gear, methods to use, and places to go. There are always new things coming out, but what follows here is the simple, old fashioned way that most folks find shark teeth at the beach.

Gear: For first-timers who want to stay very affordable, visit a local store to buy a (noodle strainer) colander ($1-$3).  If you want to spend a bit more, visit a local beach store to purchase a “sand flea scooper” with ¼ inch mesh ($10-$20). Folks use the colander or sand flea scoopers to scoop the surf for shark teeth. Of course, you can also just pick up shark teeth when you see them at the top of the surf on the beach with your bare hands. Lastly, carry an empty resealable plastic bag or old prescription jar to store your shark teeth as you continue the hunt.  Sunglasses, beach shoes, swim trunks, sunscreen, and now you’re set.

Finding Shark Teeth – 5 Methods:

  • Method 1: The Surf Line. Keep it simple, put your sunscreen on, keep your head down, and just saunter along the surf line, where the waves hit the beach, being careful not to bump into any beachgoers doing the same thing going in the other direction. Remember, keep your head down! The best days for this include an east wind at low tide.
    Shark teeth, seashells, sunshine, and gentle surf offer appeal and fun for all age groups.

    The usually black-color shark teeth are easily and clearly visible as they sort of pop up in the firm sand. Each wave can bring more than one at a time. Just pick them up and continue.

  • Method 2: The Storm Line. If you look along the beach between the tall marsh grass to the water’s edge, you will note that there is a distinct line of demarcation where the sand sort of changes texture and composition. You will usually see a collection of millions of small shells here too, yes, right in the middle of the beach, parallel to the waterline. There are tons of shark teeth here. You might not be the first to search, so look around for a 10 by 10-foot area that appears to be untouched. Drop your picnic blanket down, open up your lawn chairs, put up your portable beach umbrella, and set your cooler down. Get started. Treasure awaits!
    Amidst the thousands of feet of shell lines on nearly every Manasota Key beach, look closely at this photo—there are treasured shark teeth waiting for you!

    The sound of the surf will put you to sleep as you sift the sand “down the line” of your intended search area. My family and I usually do this and find about 100 teeth per beach visit. As we talk about life, listen to the sea birds in constant chatter, enjoy a cool beverage and thank the good Lord for this blessing of a sunny day at the beach…with prehistoric shark teeth treasure.

  • Method 3: The Chair Line. My shark tooth collection expert friends, Tim and Jeanie Snyder, internationally infamous and brazenly simple in their shark tooth-finding process, are extremely efficient and prefer this method to find beach teeth by the hundreds. Bring your own or rent a shallow-height beach chair. Walk to the water’s edge, now look left and look right. Find a little feature point of sand that sort of juts out a bit along the usually long and straight beach line. Go there. Set your chair in the surf line on either side of this point and about 1-2 feet or so into the water. You’re about to get wet (feels so good). Use your hands, a small screen scooper, a colander, or a little minnow net with an extension handle. Put your sunglasses on, keep your eyes open and watch for the shark teeth with each wave. You might find many dozens per hour this way, fresh from the sea!
  • Method 4: The Snorkel/Mask Line. Don your snorkel and mask, walk out 20 to 40 feet from the beach sand, and you’ll note a sort of “deep spot” before it starts to get shallower as you continue to walk out. Go back to the trench, this is the “shark tooth trench!” If the water is clear and not too wavy, walk or swim-float and search the bottom. You’ll often see multiple sets of teeth lying right there for the picking. Shells too. This method can be very productive when the waves are soft and small.
  • Method 5: the EASY WAY – Shark Art Online. Even if you are happy with what you collected, or maybe your trip was canceled by weather or travel plans, if you want a perfect collection of shark teeth for vacation talking moments at your next family gathering, consider this: You can buy assorted shark teeth collections or buy shark tooth art, fully supplied in a small kit for very little money. Prices for simple shark teeth package assortments vary from $5 (for 30 teeth and a free shark tooth necklace) to about $20, based on the size and number of shark teeth. The shark art kits vary from $15 to $25 plus shipping – these are 5 x 7 and 8 x 10-inch art, respectively, and are awesome. Each of the art kits is all-inclusive with the shark teeth (about 200 per pack), an artboard (complete with the profile where you glue the teeth), and directions. These kits are inexpensive and make an awesome gift.
    Tim Snyder, the Shark Art Guy, in his favorite shark-tooth treasure hunting place, the Peace River, 25 to 50 miles from where it enters the Gulf of Mexico.

    Visit this link to order directly: or email If you become a repeat customer with three orders of $50 or more, Snyder will offer an invitation for a day of collecting teeth and fossils (get your Florida fossil permit, the cost is $5) on the Peace River (Tim reminds each guest that there are no guarantees on weather, water conditions, water level, how many teeth or fossils are collected and, of course, he is not responsible for any accidents or injuries. You are invited as a friend taking a friend to the river.) I did this trip! Under Tim’s direction of the process, Tim’s shovel and Tim’s sifter in hand, I collected 386 teeth in 5 hours! These are perfect teeth with no rounded edges from the surf. Unreal! It was such fun!

Where to find Shark Teeth – 1 Florida Key, 4 Beaches:

Shark tooth hunters of all sizes, young and old, head for the beach to find prehistoric treasure. Not everyone is successful, but study the methods outlined here to learn shark tooth-hunting options for your success. This photo is from Casperson Beach.

Manasota Key is a long island-like land mass between Venice and Englewood in Southwest Florida. The Key offers several (seven) popular shark tooth-hunting beach spots. All of them are favorites for locals and visitors alike and include (north to south) Venice Beach, Brohard Beach, Casperson Beach, Manasota Key Beach, Blind Pass Beach, Englewood Beach, and Stump Pass Beach State Park.

Large and small shark teeth are a common find on the beach. The lightly worn edges of the shark teeth found on the beach is common, this wear is from the rolling wave action. All shark teeth are a treasure.

There is no fee or toll to enter Manasota Key on the north bridge or the south bridge that crosses Lemon Bay. My personal favorites are these:

  • Manasota Key Beach, located on Manasota Key, offers easy access to the Gulf of Mexico and Lemon Bay (bay side), free parking (6 a.m. – midnight), is not usually overcrowded, and, like so many Florida Gulf beaches, offers that perfect orange-sky sunset. The facility building offers changing rooms and restrooms, multiple beach access points to the ocean, squeaky-clean sand, lots of shark teeth and even more tranquility here.
  • Blind Pass Beach, also known as Middle Beach, offers access to the Gulf and to Lemon Bay, more than ½ mile of beach frontage, a hiking trail through the mangrove forest on the bayside, and a boat launch and fishing dock on the bay side.
    A good day on the shark tooth treasure hunt! 

    We have never found less than 50 shark teeth here during a 3-hour day at this beach. It’s a great spot, relaxing, quiet, and wonderful. Changing and restroom facility here, too, and free parking (6 a.m. – midnight).

  • Englewood Beach, with Chadwick Park, is a favorite for residents and visitors. Clear water and frequent blue skies bring kids of all ages here to go shelling and shark tooth hunting for hours on end. Life is all about “beach therapy” when visiting Florida. If you are thirsty, there is a little Volkswagen Bus business stand near the changing facility that offers tasty smoothies – they’re delicious! If you need food, walk across the street and choose from several walk-in restaurants. Eat, drink, and go back to the beach. Parking at Englewood is by parking pay stations (very reasonable/hr), open 6 a.m. – 9 p.m., they accept credit cards. There is a large changing and restroom facility here.
  • Stump Pass Beach State Park is our personal favorite shark tooth place. Open 8 a.m. – sundown, it’s located at the southernmost end of Manasota Key. Visitors will find one mile of Gulf beach where seashells and shark teeth are washed ashore.
    If you have trouble finding shark teeth, there is one easy cure.  Try one of these Shark art kits. They include the shark teeth, artboard, and directions, are inexpensive, and make an awesome gift. Visit

    Anglers can fish the surf too and there are lots of shark teeth here for everyone. It’s not a bad idea to arrive early and get one of the 60 or so parking spots. The cost is $3 for the day; bring the exact change. Any Park Rangers on site are not allowed to make change, or you can leave the money in the park envelope and keep a receipt (self-service) for your dashboard. At least there is a fair system in place to wait for a spot to open. They have two lines, one to exit and one to wait for a spot to open up. We have never waited more than 20 minutes. The really good part about this beach is that the water is very close to the parking lot. Visitors come to this semi-secluded beach to enjoy the year-round swimming and sun-soaking. Shelling and finding shark teeth in the wave wash is excellent during the winter months. A hiking trail with Lemon Bay on one side and the Gulf on the other passes through five distinct natural eco-communities that provide a home for many species of wildlife; covered picnic tables are located along the trail. Visitors can launch a kayak and paddle around the two islands just east of the park land base. While at the park, watch dolphins, manatees, gopher tortoises, snowy egrets, terns, and many species of sea birds. Ranger-led nature hikes are on the calendar during winter months. There are stand-up paddleboard and kayak rentals, lessons, and guided boat tours here too.

At all of these beaches, the intracoastal waterway side of the parks offers a diverse network of mangroves, marsh grass, many species of birds (more than 150), and many species of fish (more than 200). It’s perfect for fishing, kayaking, birding, and wading. The Gulf side of the parks offers sand, surf, sunshine, seashells, and lots of shark teeth.

Affordable Offshore Charter Fishing near Englewood Beach, Florida

  • 5 hour Offshore Fishing Trip, we caught more than 50 fish!
  • Cost was so affordable, all gear and bait was provided
  • Enjoyable day, the captain cleaned all the fish!

By Bob Holzhei

Dave Barus with one of the many fish we hooked up with and released. we caught so many hard-fighting fish in such a short time. Was such fun! Bob Holzhei Photo

The fishing action in the Gulf of Mexico was like playing pinball. It was non-stop action baiting the hook and dropping the baited hook down to bottom, then reeling the line in three full turns. Bang! Boom! Hang on to the rod!

Live shrimp were among the baits we used to fool so many fish in such a short time. These were hooked up with a size 3 hook below a 2-ounce slide sinker using 40-pound mono tied to 40-pound braid. Forrest Fisher Photo

Dave Barus, an outdoor writer from western New York and I booked a charter with Captain Terry Heller.  The boat was launched out of Placida, FL and we fished about 8-1/2 miles off shore, far beyond the sight of land.  There were no other boats in sight as three-foot waves grew in intensity to about five feet.  We were alone in the Gulf of Mexico and became part of the natural world that day, bobbing and bouncing around like a little cork for a few hours. The chop didn’t hurt the fishing.

A Lowrance GPS guided us to Heller’s many hotspots where he has been successful before.  In each, a small buoy was dropped to mark the area and the anchor was released to hold the boat where fish showed up on the fish finder.

Captain Terry Heller drops a special buoy that allows him to mobilize his boat position in relation to this known marker spot and navigate his fishing clients over tiny rock beds that hold giant and plentiful fish on the bottom. Forrest Fisher Photo

The bait was dropped in 50-57 feet of water, then pulled up from the bottom three full turns on the reel.

“Fish-on!” I yelled as the hook was set.

“Fish-On!” Yelled Barus.

After my first Key West Grunt was boated, Heller hurried to the other side of the boat to assist Barus with battling the fish.  Ocean fish fight much harder than expected and a couple of times Captain Heller had to hold onto the rod as I lifted the rod up and reeled line in on the down stroke.  “I gotta start a harder workout each day (note to myself).” The rod tip jumped again and again, and setting the hook hard was advised by Heller because the various saltwater fish out there have such tough mouths.

Captain Terry Heller baited the Eagle Claw size 3 hook with a variety of baits including shrimp, cut squid and sardines.  A 7-1/2 foot Sussex rod with a 300-400 series Penn Reel had 20-pound braid line on it.

The fishing reels were 300-400 series saltwater models with tough, durable braided line. Forrest Fisher Photo

Heller started fishing with his father at 65 years ago when he was 5 years old and has been a full-time professional fishing guide for 5 years in Florida.

The center console walk-around 24-foot Polar boat was equipped with a 225 horsepower Yamaha four-stroke outboard and also had an 80-pound torque Minn Kota trolling motor on the bow.

Red and Gag Grouper were caught, Snapper, Sea Bass, Trigger fish, Tom Toms and Key West Grunts. Wow! Many fish were released back in the water because the season had not opened yet, but we caught more than 50 fish in 3 short hours of bottom dipping with bait in the right places. Caption Heller cleaned, filleted and bagged the fish for us, all part of the trip cost.

“When you like to do something you love, it’s not hard.  I like taking 10-year old’s fishing, especially my grandkids.  No only do they learn fast, but they also have patience.  They really like catching big Groupers,” concluded Heller.

We fished for $165 apiece. A great value and a fun trip. For additional information, Captain Heller says you can call him at 941-587-4460.

The 24′ boat was so tough out there, very durable, I felt safe the entire trip. Forrest Fisher Photo