Orleans County/Lake Ontario Fishing Report – Oct. 17, 2017

  • Trout/Salmon in the Trib’s Now, but Spotty
  • Lake Alice Bass Action Still Good in Upper Stretch
  • St. Mary’s Archers Club Tourney ON – Oct. 18-20th

Today is Tuesday October 17, 2017.

The cool down of last night brought frost to some areas, but not the nearby shoreline of Lake Ontario.  Temperatures will be back up into the 60s and 70s for the rest of the week with no rain in sight.

There are salmon all through the “Oak”, Johnson Creek, Marsh Creek and Sandy Creek, but they are spotty due to the fact that they are spread out so much.

Water conditions on all of the tributaries within Orleans County are slowing slightly and clearing, but still are very fishable.

Fishing has slowed on Lake Alice, except for bass fishing on the upper reaches of the lake.

Tomorrow is the start of the Archer’s Club Catch and Release Derby and it runs through Friday October 20th this year.

The weather should be perfect, the water flow is the best in years, the food is always tremendous, the prizes are great and the size of the winning fish is up to you so enter now for a great time.

From Point Breeze on Lake Ontario, the World Fishing Network’s Ultimate Fishing Town USA and the rest of Orleans County.  We try to make everyday a great fishing day in Orleans County.

Email: sportfishing@orleansny.com