Sunrises and Sunsets

By Larry Whiteley

Take time to watch the sky take on fiery reds and oranges as the sun sets. Larry Whiteley photo

There have been many sunrises and sunsets in my life.

When I was young, I didn’t pay much attention to them. I don’t think I ever got out of bed in time to see a sunrise when I was a kid. I don’t remember sunsets either.

As I got older, I spent many years watching sunrises and sunsets from deer stands, fishing boats, campsites, and hiking trails. I would look toward the sky and see them, but I don’t think I appreciated their beauty back then.

I am older now and have a stronger connection with sunrises and sunsets. To me, they are the best times of the whole day. I make an effort every day to be outdoors those few minutes when the sun is rising on the eastern horizon or setting on the western horizon. I take in their beauty with my eyes and with my camera.

I believe God created what I am seeing, the beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Larry Whiteley photo

Sometimes, while I am out there, I recall the time I was deer hunting and looking out over a frosted field. The sunrise shining on the field made it look like tiny diamonds. I also remember a morning when I was turkey hunting. A flock of turkeys stood on a hill silhouetted by the rising sun.

I have especially enjoyed the reflection sunrises and sunsets on the water while out fishing.  I can still see the majestic eagle one morning when I was out fishing. It was perched on a limb with the sunrise as a backdrop.

Sunrises and sunsets while out camping linger in the recesses of my mind. Sitting around my campfire watching them is something I will never forget. I am not sure how anyone can see that and not believe that God is watching over us.

Research shows that time in nature can boost mental health. New research suggests perhaps that looking at a sunset or sunrise can be an extra boost for your emotional state.

While I watch sunrises and sunsets, it is also my time to talk to God. I believe He created what I am seeing. I don’t care what scientific studies say about what causes beautiful sunrises and sunsets. I can read about it in my Bible. It talks of God’s creation in Genesis and says, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, Let there be Light, and there was light. God saw the light was good, and He separated the light from the darkness. God called the light day and the darkness He called night. And there was evening and morning—the first day.”

There is nothing like a glorious sunrise or sunset. Whether you are driving down the road, relaxing on vacation, or quickly glancing out the window. The vibrant reds, oranges, and yellows streaming from the sun grab your attention. Some, get you looking for your camera or smartphone to capture the beauty.

Drier or less humid environments can produce brilliant sunrises and sunsets. Forrest Fisher photo

Some people find sunrises and sunsets beautiful and awe-inspiring. According to a published report from a pair of British researchers, people liked sunrises and sunsets more than storms, rainbows, clear blue skies, or night skies.

Some say they were awed by their beauty. Feelings of awe can improve mood, increase positive emotions, and decrease stress. With this feeling of awe, your problems can feel diminished. You don’t worry so much about them.

Sunsets and sunrises are free for all of us to enjoy every day, in every season, unless some clouds get in the way. Clouds can also help enhance sunrises and sunsets by further reflecting sunlight to the ground. That can happen with high-altitude clouds, which capture light from the sun before it can hit the atmosphere. Brilliant red, orange, and scarlet sunsets often happen with higher clouds instead of low-level clouds.

The best time to view a sunrise or sunset is mid-fall when sunrises and sunsets shine through trees covered with autumn leaves. Late in fall and in winter when air is cleaner is also good. Drier or less humid environments can produce brilliant sunrises and sunsets due to lower water vapor. Snow cover on the ground in winter makes the sunrise and sunset moments even more beautiful.

Sunrises and sunsets help you appreciate nature more. They slow down time and inspire the inner artist, writer, and poet in you. Every morning and evening there is always a sunset or sunrise outside waiting for you to enjoy its beauty.

Every day, without fail, the sun rises and the sun sets. You can practically set your watch to it. And yet, people miss at least one, and sometimes both, of these solar events. Sunrise because they stayed in bed until the last possible moment before they had to get up and head off to work or school.

Sunrises and sunsets help you appreciate nature more. They slow down time. Larry Whiteley photo

They might have missed a sunset because they live in a city. Buildings were in the way. Maybe they were too tired to go out. Maybe they see the clouds change color but miss the sun setting until it finally sinks below the horizon and the stars are out.

Taking the time to sit and watch the day begin and end can be difficult for some people. There may be many reasons. If we take time to watch the sky take on fiery reds and oranges as the sun sets, we may also see those evenings when muted pinks give way to twilight.

Stars start to twinkle until, surprisingly, it is night.

We can watch it happen every day.

God is awesome.